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Everything posted by Stads

  1. Holy crap, that would send such a strange message if it got announced tomorrow!
  2. Got to kill this off and score the next goal to quiet this home crowd down
  3. "They fell behind quickly after going up 1-0 and then it gets worse from there throughout. You still have to like that they came back in the 3rd with two goals. Showed a high compete level by not giving up 10 tonight. I talked to Matty Ellis during a pillow talk session and he said, "The power play scored so everyone should be not mad at me."
  4. For reference, Paul Hamilton interviewed Cozens during the intermission and Dylan said, "We can easily beat this team"
  5. Listening to this game on the radio coming home from work. No idea what's happening with Dan's call
  6. "I talked to Matty Ellis this morning. He said I should get out of his hotel room because it's 3:30am. I went to his room to get in the corners and play a hard game. He put up a strong defensive effort and stopped me at the point of attack. Just like the powerplay he runs, I was unable to score."
  7. I think I know a fair way to create a contest. Your username starts with an S and ends with an S. You narrow it down to other users with the same pattern (such as Stads). In all seriousness, that's a really cool and generous proposal
  8. I'm ready for young Johnson to take all the minutes of big Johnson. Erik should go back to Colorado. His heart is obviously still there
  9. I made some pretty disparaging comments before the Boston game and that turned out okay. I have the same feeling with this game. Come out like you did against Colorado and it could be worse. Get your house in order Meatballs!
  10. Then it's your fault Don. If you anticipate that happening, you drill it into their thick skulls to take nothing for granted and constantly put in the goddamn work!
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