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Posts posted by Rasmus_

  1. I think Jhonas has been playing ok, barring the past two games, but Miller has sucked recently as well, so at least they seem to mirror each other there.


    Now, I realise it's nowhere near the cup-team you're demanding be in place like two weeks ago but just to spell it out : Miller has won 11 more games than Enroth this season. That's actually quite a lot better.


    It pretty much means if Enroth starts the next 12 games, he needs to go 11-1 to match Miller's record.


    Completely agree with you. He's been alright given his chances. He has a chance to be a middle of the pack goal tender I think.

  2. A question for those who closely follow the Amerks: Is Armia looking any better lately?


    The skill is there, he's just not finishing it. The last game I went to before January 1st, he played the wall very well and transitioned with his speed pretty well...but there were times he looked lost on the ice. Given time he can easily come around.

  3. Bobby Ryan cost a first, Noesen and Silfverberg. I think Eberle is a better player, but they are of the same tier, so that is a good reference point.

    I think you would need to add Pysyk or Foligno to our package to make it happen. The Oilers would ask for both.

    The thing is, there are elements in place for a deal. If they decide to move Eberle, we need to be players.

    I drool at the thought of Hodgson and Eberle together.


    It would place my two favorite players from Junior on the same line. I have loved Hodgson since Brampton. It would be a phenominal pairing of talent. One can dream.


    Sam Gagner is nothing to write home about. Stafford almost certainly wouldn't be enough, but trading for Gagner isn't exactly trying to get Eberle.


    That is true, but Stafford is a bum.

  4. I want stafford to play out his deal sign a long term team friendly deal as a 3rd line scorer.


    Ugh, no thanks. He needs to go. Before he signed his cash in deal I wanted him gone. He is such an underacheiving waste of roster space. Give me Brian Gionta on a two year deal. I would take 5 cents on the Canadian dollar to get him out of Buffalo. Great person, good locker room guy, completely inconsistent. He also lacks a consistent motor. He's 50/50 at best in and out each game.

  5. Two thoughts for your entertainment with the Oil getting antsy to make a move:

    1) A deal centred around Stafford for Gagner.

    2) Something based around Ehrhoff for Eberle


    (This comes from a Mckenzie report they will try to dump Gagner by the deadline for someone bigger and harder, but still skilled enough to play on the second or third line; and that Eberle is now finally available in a bigger deal, but probably one that they will wait until the draft to pull the trigger on.)


    If they can get something like Gagner for Stafford, I laugh as it happens. Gagner, is so obvious a case of "needing a change of scenary", I doubt he would even hate the ideal of coming to Buffalo. While he's not an obvious fit for the Sabres, getting rid of Stafford would be a resounding, "###### yes, please", by me. Eberle coming to Buffalo in a deal centering around Ehrhoff would be a joke on their ownership group, MacTavish, and anyone else still there in charge. Eberle is quietly having a productive season. Not to the tune of his break out campaign, but he's a sneaky good almost All-Star type. He's my second favorite player in the league.


    Ehrhoff would definitely be a good starting point to land Eberle. If we made that move I would likely be pulling for us to take Ekblad.


    Ehrhoff, one of McNabb/Ruhwedel and a 2nd.


    I would highly doubt Eberle can be moved for this, but you never know. MacT, doesn't seem to have a competent bone in his body. He may be the next evolution of FeasterFamine. If I can get Eberle on that type of a term, I'm doing it with all the gusto I can. However, there is the limited NTC/NMC that Ehrhoff has. I'm not sure whether he'd welcome the change or not to go back to Western Canada. However, I'm not a source or a confidant :P

  6. I'm pretty much over the Sekera trade. Our D is going to be great without him and now we actually have scoring talent in the pipe.


    I completely agree. While he'd be an upgrade over Weber, that's not saying much. I am completely confident in the group of: Ristolainen, Zadorov, McCabe, Pysyk, and McNabb. :) Even if they add another horse like Ekblad, this defense has all the pieces to be elite level home grown. To include Ehrhoff and Myers.

  7. Honestly, it has to be Reinhart, who sees the ice better than most of the other forward high end draft picks. I love Ekblad and watched as much of the World Juniors to see him and Reinhart together. Reinharts play would definitely fit in the Blue and Gold. Here's hoping that while Nolan is doing a good job competing that we can fail enough to keep it where it needs to be. Also if Edmonton wins another f***ing draft lottery, I might as well pull out my hair. While they should take Ekblad, you never know. Their GM MacTavish is quite a bafoon.


    Hmm, I personally like Ristolainen more than Zadarov. Why? He scored the tournament title clinching goal at the WJC.


    THIS shows true potential. Hopefully he scores the SC clinching goal for us too.


    Regarding the draft I have not decided yet who we should draft, but I hope we can get Dreisaitl with the Islanders pick.


    Ristolainen in terms of his offense is much more polished at this stage of the game than Zadorov. Both have their upsides in different aptitudes. Zadorov in my opinion has more of a shot from the point on the PP and is more physical. Whereas Ristolainen is more smooth in his ability when in his own zone. Just as much of a matchup nightmare, he hits his spots more clearly. Ristolainen is much further a long in the process than Zaddy is. It's so great to have both in the system. It at least fluidly injects some life into the back end for years to come. Combine that with Jake McCabe at Wisconsin and this team is going to be special infront of the net. If this is the Tyler Myers we have for the forseeable future, we're going to be good there. Peppering in more options to strengthen it out is always an option but the forward group is just a mess at the moment. I like Compher, Hurley and Armia a bit, but there are still major question marks. They SHOULD trade Moulson and Miller.

  8. I went, Blues, Senators, Kings, Oilers for choice one, and Blues also for choice 2. My reasoning for the Blues mainly is because if management truly believes they are on the precipice of a Stanley Cup, I believe they will do everything to ascertain it. Ryan Miller makes too much sense for them. Between the likes of Ty Rattie, Dmitraj Jaskin, and other options they make sense for a potential fit. The second most likely fit is Edmonton, but that depends on the development of the Scrivens trade. All in all like most I would say that the more right on answer is St. Louis. LA has the outside chance in the Moulson market with forwards like Toffoli, Zykov, Pearson, Vey and secondary guys like Shore. I'm more in the liking to trading Ryan Miller now while he's of value and giving the shot to Enroth. He's been solid when Miller has been injured and is still in his later 20's (goalie prime). Ottawa has a few options, but what's likely there outside of the connection with the Murray family. Anaheim, again great group, but do they really need Miller? I would likely say they'd be more interested in defense if that.


    As far as Toffoli for a rental forward in Matt Moulson: LA fans would riot. He's still a very highly regarded prospect who hasn't broken through just yet. We'd be more likely to target the next crop of forwards they have behind Pearson and Toffoli. If we could get Linden Vey that would be awesome.


    Yes many of the posts on another board, to not be named stated that Toffoli in a deal for a rental player is not only unacceptable, but down right unnecessary. I'm personally okay with Vey, Pearson and Zykov (also a guy LA fans would not be a fan of moving.). If the right incentive came back, thank you for your time Mr. Moulson, I still love your game.


    I'm also definitely all about showing Stafford the door. He's the classic, shows up when it's money time and disappear otherwise at all times. I've never been convinced of him being anything but inconsistent.

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