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Posts posted by Thwomp!

  1. In that case, I'd like to submit Odin and Thor as official Gods of America.




    He carries a hammer while the Christian God was nailed to a cross. That's a checkmate if I ever saw one.


    I chuckled.  You've been doing a great job representing us heathens in this thread! :thumbsup:

  2. This team has talent.  We are beginning what I think will be an exciting journey.  I think the biggest question is, are we going to have a year of so-so improvement or will we be able to compete for the playoffs?  What I do feel confident in is that Murray will be constantly evaluating and looking for upgrades anywhere he can, so even if this is another down year, we'll still be moving in a positive direction overall.  If nothing else, the young guys will get a season of experience and working together and we'll see who will stick around.  That's another exciting aspect for me, with Murray you never know when he'll make a move.

  3. Johnson

    Weber Colo (I am NOT learning to spell this name.  He's a short timer)

    Reinhart, Deslaurier, McCormick, Legwand

    There is your 23.  Not a long shot in the bunch,.


    These were my choices as well.  Thanks We've for typing it out for me! :P

  4. Was it this forum where we had the contest to see who had the best W/L predictions of every game every week over the whole season? Anyone remember that or no?


    I'm up for one.  I'll kick it off:


    Indianapolis                W

    New England              W

    @ Miami                     L

    NY  Giants                 W

    @ Tennessee              W

    Cincinnati                   W

    Jacksonville (London)   W

    Miami                         W

    @NY Jets                   W

    @ New England           L

    @Kansas City             L

    Houston                     W

    @ Philadelphia            L

    @ Washington            W

    Dallas                         L

    NY Jets                      W


    As I said, I'm very optimistic about this team.  I see 11-5, and I had to force a couple of those losses.  I could see our record even better than that, but trying not to be too optimistic

  5. Can't wait for Sunday! Put me down in the "we're gonna surprise alot of people" column.  I'm predicting a very successful year.  For some reason I feel good about Sunday.  Probably the fact that we should be able to run the ball easily.

  6. Falling Skies was a decent show but it was a turd of a finale. The final battle was about as anti-climatic as it gets.


    I agree with the point that most shows tend to screw up their finales though. The only ones I can think of that I actually liked were Six Feet Under and Breaking Bad. Even the Dexter finale was a bit of a let down.


    Dexter a "bit of a let down"?  I think most agree that was the worst finale ever, especially for such a great show overall.


    Six Feet Under and Breaking Bad are two of my favorite series of all time and part of that is definitely the fact that they concluded well.


    Some of those flaws for me were:

    1) Did not enjoy the whole Lexi storyline. Glad when that was over.

    2) The Masons were untouchable. You knew they wouldn't die, even Ann. My wife's and I joke phrase was "Superhero Tom". I also sympathized somewhat with Pope on that aspect.

    3) The last episode was rushed and the last "battle" was eerily reminiscent of Frodo vs. Shelob in LOTR. I also thought the aliens popping like popcorn at the end was lame.

    I thought the show in its entirety was good.  There were some flaws, but I can't think of any show I've watched that doesn't have some.  It was a sci-fi genre show afterall.



  8. I don't think the Rangers are underdogs, despite how bad they were. Their roster is loaded.

    The Astros are still the underdogs in that division.


    I and many other predictions I saw pegged the Rangers as a cellar dweller.  They made some good moves (Hamilton, Hamels, etc), Holland came back strong from injury.  They haven't even had Darvish all year.  They were way out of it until recently and are coming on strong.  Underdog in my opinion.  Astros started as underdogs as well, but they have some pretty darn good pitching (Mets had McHugh and gave up on him :( ), and have been leading, sometimes by a large margin, all season.

  9. I gave up on this season months ago.  Then all of a sudden.... they started to come together.  They've been a work in progress all season long, and several players have been moved or out.  This seems like one of the busiest transaction years I can remember with the Rangers.  I think the new manager knew what he wanted and got the general manager to find those players and bring them in.


    Sounds like the Mets who were around .500 all summer after a great April.  They made some moves in July and Cespedes has been the best player in the NL since joining the Mets.  There's also luck involved. If the Nationals were as good as they were supposed to be (Hi Eleven!) the Mets would have been buried and may have not made any moves and Mets fans would be waiting for next year again.

  10. The ubiquitous popularity of the monopolistic NFL, which grants their monstrous profitability from advertising and television rights, is provided by an edifice of integrity and righteousness that is advertised and sold, unchallenged.  When the situation finally arises that erodes the shroud of these falsehoods, be it cheating, concussion-related wrongful death, economic scandal, Patriot whathaveyou, the popularity and profitability will fall accordingly.  However, the NFL PR department will do everything within their enormous power to maintain the pristine image and minimize brand damage of the league.


    Examine deflategate.  It's a violation of the fundamental integrity of the game, and the violation is unable to be kept secret.  How does the league look afterwards?  "Hey, we did everything we could to punish the offenders, but that was rejected in the court of law. Not really our fault."  How do the Patriots/Brady look?  "Hey, we didn't do anything wrong, and when we thought we were wrongfully punished, we were vindicated in the court of law."  It's a show.  It's an episode of Sports Center Law & Order (doink doink).


    But getting pissed off at this result is rooted in the belief of the advertised, pristine image of integrity in the NFL game to begin with.  The NFL advertised and sold that image, and those that are angry, are angry with the actual quality of the product they've been sold.  The outrage is the buyer's remorse of a product that the buyer wanted to pedestal as an institutionalized past time that is impervious to fault because, god dammit, 'Murica.  But what they bought was the sales campaign by a PR team for a mass media cash cow that is managed by a highly polished team of buffoons and has successfully codified eleven minutes of game action per three hours and twelve minutes of advertising telecast into Americana.


    If you refuse to buy the infallibility that the NFL self-installs, you don't feel so bad when they spoil it.  And that's a perfectly blissful result.  Know the league will be shitheads, but don't let it stop you from enjoying a good game.  Just hope that most of the games are indeed good.  FOOTBAW!



    If you read the espn article you read multiple accounts of the Pats having an uncanny knack of knowing what plays were coming in big games. Sure every team tries to walk that line to gain whatever advantage possible, to believe otherwise is naive. However, IMO its just as naive to think the Pats don't walk that line more often in ways unique only to them and that they dont cross it more often than every other team in the league.


    Both great points.  It's big business and anything goes in order to perpetuate the cash flow.  Think of all the BS calls that happen multiple times every weekend that end up determining the outcome of games.  I don't think the NFL has been legit for a long time, but I still can't stop watching and hoping this is the year that the Bills are the "chosen" winners. 

  11. Meanwhile in the AL.... The Texas Rangers have climbed from the very worst team in baseball to within a game of the division lead.  Last night, everyone around the Rangers in the standings lost, except the Rangers themselves.  And that team ahead of them in the division, the Houston Astros?  They play a four-game series against the 'Stros starting Monday.  This is definitely NOT where I thought the Rangers would be when after their Awful April.


    I generally root for the underdogs in all sports!  Rangers definitely qualify as underdogs.  No one saw them coming.


    Oh I'm not really mad at you!  It's just schtick.


    :thumbsup:  :beer:  I still loathe the Nationals however!

  12. Pardon me*, but ###### off.





    *No, really, don't.  Just ###### off.



    Yeah you have it so tough. The Mets have only gone 15-41 vs the nats the 3 years previous to this one. Many of those losses in heartbreaking fashion. I have the same feelings as you but towards the nationals.


    And the Mets are 9-6 against the nats this year. Hardly dominating. Come back when the nats win 4 total games against the Mets in a season. The Mets have won 4 total against the nats 2 of the 3 past years.


    Sorry your team is severely underachieving but you're mad at the wrong person.

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