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Posts posted by SABRES 0311

  1. The worst thing about the coach challenge to me is that it rips away some of the pure organic moments that makes sports such a huge part of our lives. It's hard to put into words. I understand that it's horrifying when Briere is 4feet offsides on a game winning goal in the playoffs. But they could review and call back goalie interference before this rule. I've never felt so cheated as I do when a goal gets taken away like this. Not just from my team winning a game, but my enjoyment for the rest of the game. It gets tainted somehow. My head and heart aren't into this, when I was just ecstatic about seeing some on-ice wizardry ten minutes ago.


    Agreed. Hockey is meant to be a fast, reaction based game. It's not as situationally based as baseball or football and slowing the game down to review a 50/50 call takes away from the fluidity.
  2. Wasn't he benching something like 225 prior to being drafted? Jack is a strong mofo.

    Physical strength has a role in fighting but I would think technique and balance would be more important. I think Eichel's balance on his skates would help in a hockey fight but benching 225 may not be as big a factor against an experienced fighter who knows how to protect himself and counter attack.


    If Eich gets into a fight, it won't be a case of dropping the gloves and skating around awhile while the combatants decide who throws the first punch.  It'll be coming to the aid of a teammate that's been cheap-shotted and retribution needs to be immediate (see also:  Drew Stafford after the hit on Drury against Ottawa ten years ago).  And it won't matter if it's Laine or Lucic; Jack's fury will be invincible.

    I think it would matter if it was a guy like Lucic as opposed to a guy like Laine. When Drury got hit Stafford didn't really fight. He tried but the more experienced fighter took him down. That situation is different if It was Peters instead of Stafford. Bottom line is if Eichel fights a goon out of rage it won't end well. Regardless of how much he benches off the ice or what lead to the fight.

  3. I think his first fight comes when we lose the last game of the season and finish 29th. Eichel then b$&ch slaps DD.


    But seriously I think it depends on who his line mates are next season. I could see Kane stepping in to take a fight to try and protect him. But if his line mates are say Samson and Nylander then I think Eichel busts his cherry by Christmas

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