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Darryl Shannon's +/-

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Posts posted by Darryl Shannon's +/-

  1. I dunno, but I think there's a certain level of craftiness at work here. Perhaps I'm idealizing what I see from Murray; but the persona he projects isn't for us, it's for the other GMs. He creates this perception of being shockingly direct and upfront, and uses that as a way to manipulate his transactions. I make no judgment, now, as to whether its a successful approach in hockey, but it can be effective in business.


    The problem I have with it is, what good comes from publicly devaluing your own assets? Not only from a trade value point of view, but more so from the angle that you aren't able to move that player. People don't like working in environments where they are publicly shamed.


    We saw this earlier when he was dismissive of our UFA's this year. Are those players trash? Absolutely. But a little bit of finesse is a good thing if you are a boss, at least in my opiniion.


    I think all this does is give Murray very little leash if things start to go poorly. This act only works if you get results. Otherwise, it gets stale quickly.

  2. I guess he didn't get the memo from the marketing team pimping how valuable all those 2nd round picks were....yikes!


    For as much as a weasel Darcy was, Murray is TOO honest!


    If he was dangling 3 2nds for a late first in this years draft, he should be taken to task. And I personally don't need to know what he's offering. Part of me is concerned that too much transparency is a bad thing.

  3. Season ticket holder here. I've said this before but I'll say it again. No way we are finishing last in the second year under Nolan.

    With some interesting moves we could seriously improve. While I would like to win the prize at the end of next season by winning draft lotto, this past season was simply to much to endure as a season ticket holder. So I renewed my tickets! The arena experience was worse than stepping in steaming hot dog ###### with no shoes on.


    If we do finish last I expect to see far more entertaining hockey next season and think it will be a goalies fault if we end up dead last. I would be quite happy with a season like that. If we end up with another first for this draft tank nation is over.


    I have seasons and would much rather have a tear down like this than the mediocrity we've seen from the Bills over the past 15 years. I respect this organizational approach because it maximizes our chances of being good again. In my opinion it's bold to take the path we're taking. You can lose your entire fan base, especially if the Bills become a good team.


    I only ask that when I show up that I'm entertained and don't openly see players phoning it in. Watching Vanek at the beginning of last year bothered me a lot more than seeing John Scott actually attempt to skate a semi normal shift. I fear that unless Ehrhoff is moved that we will see the same thing out of him next year.


    The very end of the Rolston occupation was the worst that I have ever seen. It felt like work to drag myself to the arena and watch a team go through the motions for 60 minutes.

  4. I think they are structured properly (or at least acceptably), they've just made very poor choices with the rest of their cap space. Orpik/Scuderi/Fleury are all overpaid at this point in their careers. They could also have use their two 2ndd to acquire somebody much better than Douglas Murray a year ago, and so on.


    Maybe that's a better way to frame it. If you have two contracts that eat up that much space, your margin for error greatly decreases in my opinion. This has relevance to where the Sabres will be in the next few years. If we hit big on this draft and next years, we should have two top line players who will grow to UFA together. When they hit that point, are we better off trading one and restocking with younger talent?


    If Chicago traded either of Kane or Toews, what would the haul coming back look like?

  5. I'd be surprised if it ended up that high, but in a world where Phaneuf and Callahan (maybe) command $7x7 contracts, it's not completely insane. Malkin is making nearly $10MM, so I'd imagine the next round of franchise player contracts is in the $10-11 million range.


    I wonder if teams just aren't structured to handle two big contracts like this, and if the blackhawks (and Pens at the time) would have been better choosing one and trading the other for a gigantic haul. If this is true, this would be about 1/3 of their entire cap devoted to two players.

  6. Chalk the buyout as another mark of Pegula doing the right thing. He and Darcy made the mistake of signing him, but he easily could have argued to keep Leino around to eat cap space. Instead, he takes a hit financially in a planned dead end season if only to protect us 2-3 years from now if we are making a run. It's really nice to have an owner willing to take these risks.

  7. I'm sorry, if you think Scott and Thornton are similar players you're not paying attention. A contending team (or a team that believes they can contend) looking to add a little grit to their fourth line will pick Thornton up.


    I think a contending team is more likely to follow the model the Kings set and have four lines that they can actually play, not giving time to a liability. Scott and Thornton are both liabilities. Scott is a better fighter.


    If the young group next year needs protection, I'd much rather have #32 than #22 doing the protecting. Scott is not half the player Thornton is, but both of them don't belong in the league.


    I'd rather sign someone to a one year deal, promise 1st or 2nd line minutes and try to trade them at the deadline to a contender. The Isles years ago had Doug Weight in this role. I don't know who is out there right now in that type of situation, but think Murray should be looking at getting real 2 way players to set an example instead of refuse.

  8. Throw out Lieno and he blows away the other 3 the past 3 years.....


    He's not a goon. He's a guy who played more playoff games the past 4 years THAN THE ENTIRE SABRES ROSTER!!!!!


    5,3, and 5 goals in the past 3 years. And he was a passenger on a good team. Would you have made the same argument for Rob Ray in the late 90's? And he was suspended for slewfooting and knocking out a legit NHL player who wouldn't fight him after a clean hit. If that doesn't define a goon, I don't know what does.


    If we are going to add anyone.....add a legit NHL player who is towards the very end of their career to impart wisdom. Bringing on a sideshow is counterproductive. Think like a 35 year old Doug Weight.

  9. Wow! Who needs a character guy with a Stanley Cup who averaged more goals than Scott/Kaleta/McCormick/Lieno combined?


    Let's not get ahead of ourselves. Thornton had one year where he had 10 goals, which matches Kaleta's career year. And McCormick had 8 as his high. It's a contest of which plug had the most puck luck in their very best year. And Leino was actually an NHL player at one point. Apples and oranges.

  10. I'm with you up until this. Thornton has been a marked man ever since the suspension you mentioned (while he previously enjoyed the Boston Lenience). John Scott gets a penalty for looking at guys too hard.


    My point is only that if interference and clutching and grabbing were actually called, slow footed guys like Scott and Thornton wouldn't see the light of day.

  11. On the Sabres Thornton would be about as useful as a ###### flavored lolly pop.


    I'll give $0.05 towards his bus fare to the ECHL. If we determine that we need a goon next year, I'd rather have Scott around the impressionable young minds, not a guy who committed assault on a top 2 dman trying to pretend that the "code" meant he had to drop the gloves with him.


    If penalties were actually called in this league guys like Thornton and Scott wouldn't ever see a shift.

  12. So PA has thought this through? Why are you speaking for him? :huh:


    How do you come to $5 million?


    You can't imagine a few players removing Buffalo from their NTC list?

    Perhaps a free agent being okay with taking equal money in Buffalo?


    These things may have a tipping point. Anyway, why would more money sully the infrastructure?


    I don't think a combine will do anything to change minds, but I do believe that upgrading the hotels players stay in and making sure they can see the good parts of the city do matter. Considering UFA's are usually in their late 20's, or early 30's, I think the Buffalo community offers quite a bit to that demographic. Throw in the proximity to Ontario and that's something.


    Last point....I think the word of players who have played and lived here mean way more than experiencing a city for 3-4 days when you are 18.

  13. Good point.


    I don't care what they say about Patty behind closed doors, he is universally respected and is so cool in public. I am still convinced he never told Murray that Patrick was going to be here until the day of the press conference.


    Speaking of Patrick, are he and Ken Sawyer playing Internet Canasta? I am not sure he's set foot in Buffalo since that presser....


    I have heard everything reported the way you say it, but in the back of my mind I still think it's almost impossible to be fired in the time he was unless you are a gigantic problem. It was so early that it's almost impressive in a way.

  14. If anyone thinks having a scouting combine here is going to matter when it comes to players....that's crazy. These will be 17 year old kids locked in a hotel for 3 days, and then getting poked and prodded by everyone, asked the same questions about growing up in a 1 parent home and alcoholic father and if that effects their play, biked until they puke......and then, maybe in 8 years when their entry deals and RFA time expires, they are going to look back and say..."That was one hell of a time in a great city!!!"???


    I think the reason you see extra scrutiny about some of these things from some posters is because we are led to believe Pegula could take a dump and you could sell it on Ebay for 100K.


    The combine is a nice excuse to use the facility for a week if they get it. The teams are going to HATE it. 70% of the scouts and administration are just going to fly into Toronto anyway and take a 3 hour ride and bridge wait on a Blue Bus. Either that or have a 13 hour flight from Calgary through Detroit on a puddle jumper. Then instead of having the choice of 30, 4 and 5 star hotels within 3 miles....you have a Marriott, Hampton Inn, and Adam's Mark.


    The league will save money and the Sabres will make money. That's the only reason to be happy.


    I have a funny feeling the combine being as rigorous as it is will be drastically changed in the next 5-10 years. If you are pushing almost every single kid to puke riding the bike, some day there will be a heart issue that pops. And truthfully....I'm not sure how much any of it matters.

  15. Again, speak for yourself. If I were an owner, I wouldn't Jerry Jones it up. However, you better believe I'd be involved to the extent I'd want to know what the plan is, and have it explained how each individual move helps execute that plan (for the significant moves, anyway). I wouldn't just hire an executive and proceed to pretend he's infallible. Under your criteria, I'd be meddling, even if I don't override him a single time.


    Agree with this 100%. The last owner was accused of being absentee and (I think rightly) hurting a team by allowing key components to reach UFA and/or arbitration. Now we are complaining because the owner is investing 100+ million into an area that was ignored for the better part of 25 years and may have pushed to sign Ehrhoff, Leino and trade for Regehr when it appeared the team needed a little push to make noise in the playoffs? Hindsight is always 20/20. I'll continue to preach that I'll always support the owner who appears to be trying to the best of their abilities to help the community and build a winner. The same could not be said about the Bills for the past 15 years.

  16. Oh, I just learned something disturbing.


    When was the last time the Sabres had a player with 10 playoff goals (in the same playoff season)?


    Not, not good. This shocked me.


    Briere would have gotten there in 05/06 had our d not been decimated by staph, and broken limbs and heart issues.

  17. I find that the best thing to do is practice repeatedly until you know what you are going to present stone cold. and keep your hands in front of you and moving. goes back to the nervous energy you mentioned.


    For me, I've found that asking people you trust to give honest feedback afterwards helps. I was told that I talked way too fast, and in thinking about fixing one small thing during a presentation, it's helped me forget that I'm in front of x number of people. I think it's kind of like a golf swing in that focusing on one little piece helps the entire thing?


    Every presentation can't be geared like this, but I've also found that starting out by saying you are happy to do Q&A during the talk helps make it flow better and feel more informal. Lastly....before you speak ask yourself the main points you're trying to get across and make sure you reinforce them.


    Keep getting your reps and you'll feel better up there. It's rare for people to like public speaking, but I respect people even more when I know they're conquering a fear to do so.

  18. Properly applied, I like the idea. And by properly applied, I don't want it to slow down the game to see if a faceoff should be inside or outside the blue line. I'd want it to be able to negate goals that shouldn't stand or call or reverse black and white penalty calls. Another fun application would be too many men on the ice as well.


    As for the penalty idea, I think it would only work to be able to call or nullify delay of game or point out a gross misconduct type of play. Lucic spearing Dekeyser should be the type of thing that can be reviewed....if missed by the ref behind the play, they can consult the tape and give that 5 and a game. But I think roughing, tripping, diving etc is impossible to properly call with this type of system.

  19. Sign Matt Ellis' lunchpail to a decent one year contract to help reach the cap floor. And Hank and John Scott. The goal is to be really, really bad for one more year while putting players around the young kids who will either protect them from severe harm or show them how to play the game the right way. Callahan would be a gigantic mistake.


    When it's time to play for keeps, we can deal prospects/picks for the veteran help we need. UFA is not the way to get better.

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