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It Figures

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Everything posted by It Figures

  1. It's not just that he's smallish. It really isn't. My kids and I have met him several times -- a couple of times at signings, twice at rinks in the area during the lockout, and another time at a dog park of all places. My kids are ga-ga for him (and that may owe to how small he is, I grant you), and he's just been so kind and genuine with them. Just a really, honestly, truly nice guy. Add to that the profile that the team did in the Beyond Blue and Gold, and it's more than enough to make a Mom want to cry. http://video.sabres.nhl.com/videocenter/console?id=201570
  2. It makes me sad to read, and yes even think, the same thing. I so want him to succeed. I just do. :wub: Anyway, I thought I noticed him with a bit more jump in his skates over the weekend. And he did pick up an assist in each game (and not the kind of assists where you would forget that he was directly involved in setting up the goal).
  3. Honest to God, this board is such a funny place. :lol:
  4. For as much as I adore Gerbe, and I do ... it just can't be helped -- he is just so stinkin' nice, especially to the kids ... I am really concerned with how he has played this year. I think he is still injured. He must be. I think back to those games from 2010 and 2011 -- a goal scored/assisted on a rush against the B's, the Flyers spinorama -- he had an explosiveness to his game that is not there this year.
  5. Twitter really is a great service. I almost never tweet anything. Every now and then I will reply to something, but that almost never gets a response, since I am usually replying to someone who has a bunch of followers. But I do follow a lot of people. My Twitter feed breaks down roughly like this - 1. hobby stuff (well, mostly gardening), 2. sports (but yeah -- mostly sabres), 3. comedy (lots of great comics are on twitter), 4. news sources.
  6. I thought Fake Darcy's tweet was the best of the bunch so far! We've had more stability than the Vatican. Pope changes since Lindy hired: 2 #Sabres
  7. Well, after some lurking, I figure I'll just post, since my favorite Sabre since Black Sunday (well, he was on the team then too, I guess) put the team on his back last night AGAIN. The team may not be very good (they aren't), but it is very gratifying to see Vanek playing the way he is -- especially after all the stick slamming and funny faces we've seen over the years (the faces only endear him to me more, truth be told). I had mostly given up on the game last night, had it on low volume while I did some work -- it was an entertaining finish, at least -- even if the team doesn't look like they'll crack the top 10 in the east. I've frequented a few message boards in my days -- this is one of the nicest ones I've come across. p.s. What exactly did Pominville say about Lindy's mean words?
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