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I am Defecting

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Posts posted by I am Defecting

  1. Are you me? Are we the same person? 

    We are like top two forwards on Power Play Unit of Team Victory.  Such excellent Chemistry.


    It looks like some of these other so-called fans are too conceited in their corrupt mindsets to lick a simple emoticon.




    So be it.  Not every fan can be a superfan.  If every fan were a superfan, we would not be very super anymore.  High Five!

  2. Lick the emoticon, 3putt.   :P


    Leave mediocrity behind.  


    If you strive for the best in the present, for all eternity, you'll do no wrong.


    Repeat after me:  I honor, respect, and emulate those who try their best now and forever.


    And if the devil doesn't like it, he can sit on a tack, sit on a tack.


    And if the devil doesn't like it, he can sit on a tack.  Sit on a tack today.

  3. I am tempted to lean down, 3putt, kiss you on the forehead, and perform some sort of miracle.


    Will you allow me to kiss you on the forehead, and change your life forever?


    Shall I enjoin you to the aristocracy?  I would like to very much.


    :P Lick the tongue of that emoticon to be transformed forever.

  4. Why? Because a bunch of journeyman like Ellis, Dalpe and Mezzaros are playing for their next meal? If they played like this when it mattered I would agree. This is white noise.

    When did it matter more than now?


    Do points count double now.


    No, it matters the same as it always has, you drama queen.

  5. Under what pretext?

    Nolan gains more points with less talent.  Analytics.  Compare points.  Compare what Nolan gained with last years team compared to Rolston.  Disregard what Schopp says.  He'd say anything.  Compare the same team, two coaches.


    Compare this years team with last years team.  You see improvement despite the talent purge.


    You feel it too.   

  6. If we pick first, and Arizona picks third, I would switch places for OEL and Domi.  I'd consider it a fleecing.  Would you?

    I didn't realize that the Coyotes also have Cristian Dvorak.  Could we get an entire line, best line in OHL, this draft by switching a measly two spots?  

  7. Dear Sabres,


    Thank you for winning recent games.  Mitch Marner is my favorite player ever.  He is best player ever and a big cutie.  If you don't win out the rest of your games, I am certain that our stupid rookie GM will make mistake of picking McDavid or Eichel instead of Marner.  I will hate you, and boo you, and never forgive you if you lose.  You will like Mitch.  He is a good boy, still growing.  Marner is an good name, and 93 is very good number.  


    -Sincerely, Anna

  8. At 18 I weighed 130 pounds. By 20 I was 180 without doing much differently. Similar height as well

    Has nobody mentioned fact that Mitch Marner has 12 points in 3 playoff games?  SEVEN goals in 3 games.  Legend growing.   :worthy:  


    That is 4 points per game.  That is 2.3 goals per game when it counts most.


    Connor McDavid has 6 points in 4 playoff games.  Two goals in 4 games.  Shrinking violet.  Very bad omen.  Remember when he tried to punch and broke own hand.   :w00t:


    1st pick isn't the money spot.  Only a fool would pick McDavid, and we prey on fools.


    Switch for Mitch!  They give us the farm for McDavid, and we still will get best player, Marner!

  9. Yuri: Why not make the non-playoff teams play actual hockey for the draft prize.


    Are you talking about some sort of draft tournament?


    Yuri: yes, the should have to earn it.


    Hockey pucks, rather than pingpong balls?


    Yuri: Yup, Last placed teams, single elimination, actually playing hockey, for the penultimate prize:


    A Tournament for a Prize?! 


    Yuri: seems impossible for you?..

  10. Yuri:  Lots of folks aren't into your Marner-at-all-costs Agenda.


    They'll come around to my way of thinking once they see him playing professionally.  These are the same folks that wanted Leino gone.  Now, they waive the flag of long term vision.  One thing is for sure:  Tonight, tonight.  Marner, Mariner - Ladies, Lake Erie.

  11. I'm calling it. 1,258 douchebag fans cost the Sabres a generational player.

    Yuri:  Don't blame the fans.  I would have kept Leino for another season.  I don't mean to say that our party leaders made a mistake.  Unfortunate victory was product of insurmountable pressure upon GM from NHL.


    I never said a bad word about Leino.  Just goes to show you how fickle fashion can be.

  12. Tee, the Fashion of our Times, Yuri.  It is just the fashion of our times, and in a timeline lasting as long as mine own and yours, I would hate for us to be following every fad.  Could you imagine, Yuri, if you live-published your masterwork, Envy, and absorbed every criticism?  Do you respect yourself so little, Yuri, that you are willing to absorb each and every quibble with your jealous critics to appease them?


    Yuri: I don't make myself out to be more than I am, just one voice.  I don't compromise that, and never have, no matter the "fad."  I mean to say, that if we're not in fashion now, Anna, it doesn't mean that I have to wear pants that cling to my ass in order to print a sentence. 

  13. Yuri:  I believe in the future, Anna.


    It's a future that you will take no part in, Yuri, but again as a sideshow entertainer.  As capable as you are, Yuri, you are so scared to offend that you would rather appear ridiculous than satirize the party leaders.  At the same time, you are unique.  But for all your uniqueness, you are useless to the party, and you blunt your own strength, for fear of the very power that you granted your own oppressors.


    Yuri:  My style, Anna, is not in fashion.  It's nothing more than that.  

  14. Yuri:  I was able to publish, Anna.  A novella, a childrens story, a play.  Those works were written in my own name, forever.  Here, on this message board that  we share I own zero creative titles. This is the way that we had imagined it throughout the Revolution.  I take no pride in Warning Points.  Therefore, I contribute more and more to the Conversation at Large.  Our political leaders are in the right in what they choose to publish.


    I don't think that the ostentatious-ness of starting your own political party is merited, Yuri, but the guys who supressed you, Yuri, did start their own political party, and they did effectively suppress you. 

  15. This is where I do not agree with you at all Yuri, on the value of our current situation.  You remember the very best ideals, and yet the majority of your life, you couldn't publish a word - you weren't favored.  Even if you wanted to, you couldn't have done a Soviet Realist portrait is you had tried your best.  You became marginalized, Yuri, and it hurt you so much that you refuse to remember it.


    Yuri:  No, Anna.  We all sacrificed, yourself included.  If it had been about personal glory, we had all have abdicated from our homeland.  We didn't because of our faith.  It was our religion. as I shouldn't have to tell you now.

  16. Yuri:  Yes, a great deal of blood was let in those days, as was necessary, for the boyars and tsars had leeched our ancestors of their working lives.  We expected freedom in our own generation, Anna, on a colossal scale.


    You know I do not blame us, for it was not in our control.  We scribbled articles, and wrote poems, Yuri.  We did our very best and sacrificed what was dearest.  In the end, it was you and I at the end of the revolver, for we could never meet the quotas of those killers that ruled us.


    Yuri:  Well, we wrote our best work in the meantime - things the world had never seen.  Ideas that were entirely unique to our homeland.  In the end... yes we were unlucky.  We tried, Anna.  We tried something never been done before.

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