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I am Defecting

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Posts posted by I am Defecting

  1. There was a segment of fans that didn't Stafford, Myers, a segment that didn't like Kane, Bogosian in Winnepeg.  It was good to shuffle the deck.  


    If we must pick winners and losers, then I am winner and tank is loser, teehee!



  2. I think it should get him a promotion.


    Fail to see why anyone would think he is a fool for be excited about player who is as talented and unique as McDavid.


    Only a fool thinks we shouldn't be excited about the chance at landing this player

    Master Sun Tzu says, "Let your plans be dark and impenetrable as night, and when you move, fall like thunderbolt!"  -The Art of War


    If you are weak, pretend you are strong.  If you are strong, pretend to be crippled.  If you are man, pretend to be woman.  If you are American man, pretend to be Russian woman.  That, is the Art of War... or so I am told by persons that know such things.


    Ouch!  My arm holes!

  3. Here is a thought.  I wonder if the fans who are making the most of a bad situation, for rooting for the opposite team, will experience the rebound associated with hitting rock bottom, or if they will just continue to go down on whatever team comes to town.  I mean, they have got priors.  They never really hit rock bottom.  They found a way to appreciate the situation.  They might actually like it.


    I don't judge them for being bi-curious.  I'll find a way to live with them peacefully, while maintaining my own traditional values.

  4. No we don't. :P


    (Let's just keep this going for the rest of the night)

    Yes we do root for the Sabres to win.


    No we don't claim feeble victories when we lose, like, its for the best.


    Yes we do wish for the team to win miraculously.


    No we don't have delusions of grandeur of what great things might happen if we only lose every game.


    Yes we do feel for the players and coaches.


    No we don't treat them like rats in an experiment...


    We could go all night! 

  5. check the goal totals. We have the same guy but younger. Z hasnt played in a month

    I am a little conflicted when it comes to Z's handling.


    I've had hard teachers who have at the same time been supportive.  They don't give things for free and make you work, but do not demean you.  They stay in your head for ever, pushing you to do better.


    I've also had hard teachers who, if you don't toe the line, try to destroy you, and I don't think that Ted Nolan is this type, but they aren't good.

  6. Wait a second, buster. 


    Are we manipulating the roster to accommodate a certain Matt Hackett?


    I smell controversy.


    How are we going to fit a two bit hack like him onto a playoff team?


    That right there will be the reason we don't win the Cup next year and end up floundering near the bottom.


    Dang it Nolan!  I was a big fan or yours before this little shenanigan, but now you've gone too fart.


    And I thought he was a good coach.  Stupid Anna!

    I am kidding, teehee teehee.

  7. I remember Butch Deadmarsh grabbing a Bruin during the Cashman Melee clean offnthe ice while never leaving the bench. He pulled I think Hodge off the ice over the boards into the Sabrez bench opened up a can of wuup ass and tossed him back on the ice. He nevernreceived a penalty during the game.

    Tears of joy  :(

  8. Bravo Dmitri!  Encore!  More please!   :worthy:

    The energy in the Aud was palpable. They used to allow smoking along the rails of the oranges and it was packed with people with seats chaining. Surreal. And Perreault was a magician. Tikonov was once asked if Wayne Gretzky was the greatest player he ever seen and he said no. Gilbert Perreault. God gave him things he didn't know he could.

    I got to watch some games and once played soccer in the Aud during the Buffalo Blizzard days.  What I was most impressed with was the spit trough in front of the benches.  I thought, is it possible that anyone could spit so much that they need something just shy of a urinal to receive it?

  9. Well done not answering the question posed.  Right now, today, March 28, 2015 who does winning a game benefit? It certainly doesn't benefit the club in any tangible way.

    I think if you WERE to see a psychiatrist, she/he would tell you to make the most of what you can affect in the here and the now.  The here and now.  The here and now.


    Take stock.  Look around at the here and the now.  


    You were on to a very good thing by making us laugh.


    Do you know any more jokes?

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