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Posts posted by Jsixspd

  1. Yep 36 tickets at $23 a pop available right now.


    I'm sure glad I didn't waste a dime on that garbage. I saw the game on TV... those first 2 periods were some of the worst I've ever seen them play. And while they played better in the first 17 minutes of the 3rd, or at least, it looked like they were playing better - maybe just because Colorado wasn't trying? At any rate, any of those good and positive feelings were negated by the last 3 minutes with an empty net and a 2 man advantage - the Avalanche apparently started trying again, and kept repeatedly clearing the puck out of their zone - Buffalo couldn't even keep it in!

  2. Firing Darcy now would make TPegs look foolish ? He might as well double down on that because he's looking like a fool already. Get someone capable in here to dig us out of this mess and repair your reputation if it worries you that much Terry.


    Like I said in another topic, Pegula's ego is on the line here. From his radio and TV interviews, he strikes me as not the sort of guy to admit he's wrong about anything. I suffered thru the "What did he do WRONG?" broadcast on WGR earlier this year. He owns the team, and he intends to run it as he sees fit, that was the attitude he conveyed. And to aide and assist him in running it 'his way', he's got a couple "Yes" men/puppets in place - Regier and Ruffton, who won't make waves.

  3. would be idiotic for people to pay any amt in taxes to subsidize billionaires in a multi-billion dollar sport


    Agree wholeheartedly. We've given more than enough public largess to Ralph Wilson Jr, which he's used to line his pockets with. Don't give them a dime more - the Bills run a profit of 40 MILLION dollars a year - that's enough for them to take of their facility on their own.

  4. Sabres are on solid ground, financially. I think it highly unlikely that they ever move from Buffalo.


    Bills, OTOH..... although its a bit more in flux due to Wilson's advancing years and the fact that no succession plan has yet been outlined, my gut feeling is that they'll stay here... because as wretched as this team's performance and management has been over the last 15 years, it's still one of the top ten franchises in the NFL for profitability. And the reason it's profitable is the market and the fans. Moving the team would be a huge risk - which could tank the team's income.



  5. Has anyone been watching Fitzpatrick playing for the Tennessee Titans while Jake Locker is sidelined with an injury? I have friends with a relative playing for the Titans, and they have Direct TV Sunday Ticket. So I've been watching both the Bills games and the Titans games at their home.


    The Titans looked very impressive for the first 4 games with Jake Locker, and were 3-1 with only an OT loss against Houston. But they've stank with Fitzpatrick in the pocket - in his two games, the Titans have managed only a putrid 23 points of total offense. His passer rating - 57 in the first game, and a squalid 46 in the 2nd game. I thought perhaps Fitzpatrick would look better playing behind a superior offensive line, but it's the same old same old with him - bad throws, stupid interceptions, etc. The Titans offense has nose-dived with him running the offense.


    Fitzpatrick STILL had his backers when the BIlls finally got rid of him - but I would think his reeking performance with the Titans would finally end those delusions once and for all.


    What's astonishing to me - how did or could anyone sane have ever thought this guy was gonna be the "Franchise QB" for Buffalo?? - particularly guys like Buddy Nix and Chan Gailey, who were supposedly professional "Football guys" who are compensated HANDSOMELY to know more about football then some guy like me?


    Why couldn't they see what anyone else could see? I looked at Fitzpatrick's record when the Bills first signed him and I was like "You gotta be kidding me???" Even the squalid RAMS didn't want him - for cryin out loud! But at that time he was just a backup which was bad enough- then the Bills "annointed" him as the starter, because he was a warm body and they needed somebody and Ralph Wilson is cheap and that's basically it. He's second-string backup caliber at best. He's the kind of guy you bring in when your team has a big lead late in the game, and you want to protect your good starting QB - he can come in, throw some check downs, hand off for the run, and move the chains a few times and eat up some clock.


    And Buddy Nix... for some inexplicable reason he finally realized after years of this guy as QB that they needed to draft a QB - one would have thought he'd realize that after watching Fitzpatrick play one or two games - but then because he'd delayed, he missed some good QB classes and ended up drafting from a so-so QB class.


    The stupidity of the Bills management and coaching is showcased by the inept performance of Ryan Fitzpatrick playing behind a much better Titans offensive line.


    You just can't say, if they would of kicked the FG, they would of won, because if they kicked that FG, they wouldn't of went on 4th and 8 from the Bengals 22 with 10:30 left (Chandler TD), down by 11, more than likely they would of kicked a FG to bring them within 8. It's no "butterfly effect." The play call down there on 4th down, might have not been the right call, but the decision to go for it was IMO.


    To go along with all the injuries the Bills have suffered, all the defenses they have faced have been ranked in the top half of the league, including the 2nd, 3rd and 4th ranked defenses. This is a very young team and have been in the position to win every game this season, they are growing and will get much better.


    Yeah, and lemme guess - they provide some "exciting games" to watch. Well, they did for years with J.P. Loseman, and then Spent Deadwards, and then Ryan Blitzpatrick. There were entertaining games to watch in that mix..... but they were still solid sub-500 records. And that's what this year's Bills are working on right now.

  6. Keep looking Saturday. My guess is at worst you can get in for $18. Lower level for $35.


    In every game except the opener, you could get in for $12. Club seats $29 and lower $24 for majority.


    If this gets disgustingly bad, I may pull off a Drane Campaign at the arena. I'd pay $20 a game in the clubs just for the train wreck.


    How the heck you get seats that cheap? I checked the Sabres website this AM, and the nosebleed seats were still $53

  7. I think it's far too early in the season to declare they're the worst Sabres team of all. They're down there though.... and if they lose tonight against the Islanders I think it might officially be their worst start in franchise history. They'll probably win, and thus remain mired in mediocrity - not even able to excel at being bad.

  8. So you're choosing to ignore the actual statistics in favor of your own made up ones? Got it.





    The actual statistics are the Bills lost in overtime. Had the Bills converted the 3 points in the first half, the game would not have gone to overtime as the Bills would have had the lead at the end of regulation. That's the only statistics that are truly relevant.


    What are the "made up statistics" exactly? The Marrone defenders seem to want to hang their hats on the fact that those 3 points might have caused both the Bills and the Bengals to play differently somehow, and some strange "Butterfly Effect" would have resulted from history being changed.


    The next assumption is that "playing differently" would have been automatically to the benefit of the Bengals. I pointed out that quite the opposite might have been the case - the Bengals having a successful 4-down goalline stand might have invigorated and motivated the Bengals.


    It's also possible had the Bills tied the game at that juncture, the Bengals would have lacked the momentum and fire to drive for a touchdown on their next possession. Perhaps the Bills win by 10 points at the end of regulation?

  9. You didn't answer DeLuca's question. It's also funny you mention sportsclubstats in another post. Did you know the win probability increased more for making the TD than it decreased for going for it but coming up empty? It was the right call.


    I like to apply Occam's Razor - i,e, the simplest explanation is the best. The Bills had an opportunity, with likely a 95% probability of success, of converting their position at the 1 yd line into a field goal and 3 points. 3 more points and the Bills would have won the game. The logic is inescapable, except to possibly Marrone fan-boyz.


    It was especially stupid, given the fact the Bills had tried the same last week and failed in a similar fashion


    Compounding the stupidity, was the blind devotion to running the ball up the middle, not even mixing in a pass play in the first 3 downs.



    Do we really think the Bengals would have played better or differently in the 2nd half had the teams been tied at the half, vs the Bengals protecting a meager 3 point lead??? If anything, the Bills allowing the Bengals a successful goal line stand, holding the Bills to ZERO points, helped the morale of the Bengals appreciably.

  10. Bills are now 2-4. Sportsclubstats now has their chance of making the playoffs this season as only 4.2%. How many years would that make since the Buffalo Bills have had a post-season appearance? 14 years?




    What's astonishing - Darcy Regier was into, what, his THIRD season when the Bills lost their Music City Miracle playoff game? Astonishing how inept Buffalo sports are - a losing hockey GM retained for 17 seasons and counting in the same city where the football franchise is setting records for futility.

  11. Is the assumption then that somehow everything else plays out exactly the same?


    The Bills could have tied the game with a chip shot field goal at that point. It was a horrendous decision to give away points. That's 6 points in the last two games the Bills have basically given away.


    Additionally, the play calls for that entire series of downs were horrendous. Ball at 1 yd line and goal, and keep running up the middle for 3 downs in a row without mixing it up? Just stupid!

  12. Marrone = MORON! Bills would have won had they kicked the field goal in the first half instead of going for it on 4th and goal.


    He did the same last week and the Bills came away with no points on a 4th down in FG range! Media and fans need to get in that guy's grill and hold him fully accountable and responsible for his game losing coaching error.

  13. Per Marrone, thad lewis to start, not bringing in a QB unless it's to the practice squad... So in thaddeus we trust I guess


    Maybe Bills could get Fitzpatrick back from the Tennessee Titans? :lol: One game with him starting for the injured Jake Locker, and I think they've already had their fill of him. Guy is dependable - you can trust Blitzpatrick to cough up the ball when it counts - he threw two picks in the 4th quarter and ended up with a 57 passer rating.

  14. Fitzpatrick played today EXACTLY consistently with how he played for 3 1/2 years as the Bills starter. Terrible. A 57.7 rating. His throws are inaccurate - even many of his completed passes, they were thrown low or behind the receiver. And not much point in having him launch it downfield - I noticed today the Titan receiver had to slow down appreciably to allow the ball to reach him on a deep pass. That allowed the pass coverage to break it up.


    Astonishing the Titans paid as much as they did to pick him up - he's not 2nd string - he's 3rd string caliber. Hell, even the RAMS cut him loose before the Bills picked him up.


    And amazingly, it took Bumbling ole' Buddy Nix an extra year or two longer than it did sports writers and Bills fans to come to the realization that Fitzpatrick was not the Bills franchise QB. And that extra delay resulted in the Bills passing up some far superior QB drafting opportunities, and then finally drafting during a poor QB class, instead of either drafting BEFORE 2013, or waiting until 2014.

  15. That's brutal news for Bills fans. Unfortunately the bye week isn't until Thanksgiving. And the schedule is tough - Cincy, Miami, New Orleans and KC are the next 4 games. Those wouldn't have been any duckwalk with Manuel in the pocket. Although I question if Manuel is *the* franchise QB, and these frequent knee-injuries make that even more a question, it's undeniable that Manuel is significantly better than Tuel. If Manuel misses those 4 games, it could be 4 straight losses with someone else stepping in as QB. What was Bills management thinking, not having any decent backup QB on the roster?


    I would have taken those odds before the season started. I thought there chances of making playoffs were about 1%. So they are looking pretty good right now.


    Unfortunately, I think the odds just plummeted with Manuel missing 2-4 games.

  16. The NFL Network announcers talked about this stat last night - teams that start 2-3 only reach the playoffs 21% of the time. So already the Bills have only a 1 in 5 chance of actually making the playoffs, after an ongoing record playoff drought.

  17. Thank you! I called it the day we drafted him. No QB with 8 letters in his name is every going to amount to anything in this league! Unless you count Tom Brady....



    Manuel had a huge improvement over his last game until he took himself out of the game by trying to dazzle us with his Emmitt Smith imitation - up to a mediocre 74 from a pitiful 48

  18. I hate Thursday games so much. Since they started has there been more than like 2 of them? 4 days just isn't enough time to game plan and for players to recover. Win or lose I expect a pretty awful game.




    What rookie has looked consistently better?


    Mis-wrote - I meant within the last year - which would have included Luck, RG3, Wilson, and even Tannehill.

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