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Posts posted by Jsixspd

  1. There is no room for negativity any longer. I am here for my team that has finally been freed from 2 decades of oppression.


    GO SABRES!!!


    That's pretty much how I feel too! I'm really excited to be a fan again - and I wasn't even gonna watch the Maple Leafs games, but that's no longer the case!

  2. Because "suffering" in the abstract is a whole different animal than staring it in the face each and every night.


    I'm fine with temporary suffering or deprivation, , if the end result will be reaching one's goal - in this case a high quality competitive NHL team. But suffering and suffering and more suffering, with no end in sight.....and no confidence the aforementioned goal would EVER be reached under the previous management.... no one wanted that.

  3. And actually Manuel's passer rating was inflated somewhat by that garbage time TD that the Steeler's allowed via 'prevent'. Same deal when Blitzpatrick was QB - his stats were actually a bit better than his actual play when it mattered.

  4. I still cannot fathom how the coach that was hired by the GM gets fired, the coach goes to another team and enjoys a winning record, the GM's hand-picked replacement coach leads a team setting records for futility and failure, and yet the GM still has a job?


    That is managerial incompetence, or nothing is.


    The media needs to take the kid gloves off the next time Terry Pegula steps to the mic and start asking hardball type questions, instead of the usual softballs. They also need to convey to Terry Pegula that the Sabres fans are fed up with the excuses being made for Darcy Regier year after year.


    We all had such high hopes when Terry Pegula bought the team, but Pegula is rapidly morphing into a Ralph Wilson Jr Jr., surrounding himself with yes men and sycophants, ie, an "inner circle", meddling in the player and personnel decisions by his own admission, rather than entrusting it to the best GM that he can hire for that role, and unable to see the forest from the trees.

  5. I heard last week a number of local sports commentators tout that the Bills have looked better than their 3-6 record suggests. I wonder if these same commentators will still think they look better than a 3-7 team should look?


    And EJ Manuel's passer rating was a squalid 63.5. Not very impressive.

  6. That's a TERRIBLE attitude to instill any team with. Aren't there a lot of quality rookies the Sabres want to retain into this hypothetical 'rebuild'? A year or two of being immersed in that kind of corrosive atmosphere will ruin them. They'll be poisoned by it, at least that would be my fear.

  7. What is more amazing is Matt Moulson is already tied for 3rd on the team in points with 4... in only 3 games. That's more point than Stafford and Ennis who have each played 16 games. Ouch.


    And equal to Tyler Myer's 4 points after 16 games (who is already minus 8 for the season!)


    Speaking of minuses, Stafford's is creeping up there too - minus 5 already after only 1/5th of the season. And as you say, only 3 points after 16 games played, and 16 minutes of ice time per game on average. And yet he's still on the roster. Guess they need him to train the new rookies on the apathetic, lazy Buffalo system.

  8. Well, now they're 3-6. I've often heard, over the years, emphasis placed on the fact the Bills played a 'good game' or 'a competitive game' or similar.


    Heck, they've had a lot of "good competitive games" over the last decade - and they're still unmatched for futility and the sheer number of consecutive losing seasons. I'm very skeptical of this team ever amounting to anything while Ralph Wilson Jr. owns them.

  9. So let's see, rebuilding means getting rid of all the good players and keeping the stiffs like Stafford on the roster to 'train' the rookies?


    Anyone notice that national sports writers mention that no other modern NHL team has ever approached rebuilding like the Buffalo Sabres currently are? Probably because they think it's ridiculous, and more likely to fail than succeed?


    The Sabres are becoming an example of yet another Buffalo team with leadership that somehow thinks that the proven formulas that other teams have employed to achieve success aren't necessary, and that they have a new or better approach. The Buffalo Bills have tried to do things "their way" with bargain basement coaching/GMs and annointing backup QBs as the starter, and it's got them setting records for futility and missing playoffs.

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