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Captain Caveman

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Posts posted by Captain Caveman

  1. If you think they will make the playoffs, parlaying the over for wins plus having them make the playoffs results in a very nice payoff.  Which is stupid, because if they make the playoffs they will definitely have the over for wins.


    Betting the over for 5000 and the parlay for 3300 comes out even as long as they win 29 games and pays 17000+ if they make the playoffs.

  2. Things you'll want to consider: traditionally, alarms send signals via the phone lines to the monitoring service. If you don't have a traditional POTS phone (cable, FIOS, VOIP do not count), you'll need a unit that talks to cell towers. This will cost more money. The alarm person will talk about criminals cutting the phone line before breaking in. I'm not sure how much scare-tactic that is vs. reality. My guess is criminals will move on to your neighbor who doesn't have an alarm before going that route.


    Next, ask about how the triggers work. In my house, the front and garage doors trigger a 45-second "beep, beep" where you can walk over to the pad and punch in your code to avert the alarm. The windows on the first floor and sliding doors trigger the alarm immediately which is really annoying. The alarm is annoying in itself, but it's more annoying to have to answer the phone and admit that you're a dumbass and set it off again. This happens in my house 2 times a month on average; I really need to talk to my alarm company to see if they can change that. Other other "more cost" option you can do now is have your alarm linked to an app on your cell phone. That'd be cool, but it wasn't worth it to me.


    My house had the alarm when I bought it, so I figured I might as well use it. Even then, I didn't set the alarm much until my wife started living here. Even then, I probably wouldn't bother with it (I live in a pretty safe neighborhood) but it makes her happy so I roll with it.


    Good advice. We have a wireless system, I think we pay around ~6$ extra per month for it (we don't have a land line.) We use Frontpoint and have been very happy with it, the customer service has been excellent any time we've needed it.


    PLF's wife says OK, but then another week at home with crazy kids has her in tears and/or threatening divorce and castration. PLF tells TP he has to go home. TP says OK, we'll just say you resigned to return to NYC. TB is annoyed because he knows this makes the Sabres look bad, so he admits to being surprised, doesn't really hide his dissatisfaction with PLF but insists, truthfully, that there was no discord in management.


    Is this what happened? Of course I have no idea.


    But it is quite plausible, and it is a scenario in which the Sabres haven't done anything dumb or wrong.


    He could have taken a quiet leave and they could have waited to announce the resignation. The fact that they couldn't keep this quiet for another week seems to indicate that someone who knows what happened is pissed.

  4. For everyone who is saying this was the plan all along: http://www.wgrz.com/story/news/local/2014/02/27/pat-lafontaine-sabres-charity-buffalo-hospitals/5836819/


    Now as LaFontaine writes the next chapter in his life's story, he believes the time and the place are right.

    Pat LaFontaine: "There's a sense of destiny, this is something that everything in my life has prepared me for an opportunity."


    This really doesn't sound like a guy who expected to be leaving this week.

  5. Here's the real important thing to note on Nolan. The Sabres let him go in 1997. He didn't land another real coaching gig until Moncton of the Q hired him in 2005. Now there are stories that he had random offers here and there, but what exactly happens to keep a guy away from coaching for 8 years? This guy was poison, there's no doubt in my mind. Hopefully he has straightened that out.


    He was outspoken, which definitely scared some teams away. There were rumors that he had an affair with Hasek's wife, which also might have scared some teams away. If i"m not mistaken, I believe he also made some comment on racism being a reason he wasn't hired again. I don't know if there's any truth to that, but it definitely reinforces my first point about him being outspoken.



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