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dEnnis the Menace

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Posts posted by dEnnis the Menace

  1. Never seen an advertisement for them - I drive right by that address probably 50-75 times a year - its right on the route I take to avoid the worst of Ithaca traffic, and I have never even seen it. I will have to stop in the next time I am going through - I will report back on the selection and the beer! :thumbsup:


    Yeah, definitely report back!

  2. *facepalm*


    I forget that you are in the Finger Lakes. Beers of the World would be closer for you but they are notorious for having old product on the shelves. Isn't there a really good beer store in Ithaca? I seem to recall one but don't remember the name.


    If there is...I need a name and address lol

  3. NHL Gamecenter LIVE is still charging me, even though I was told at the end of the playoffs, they would stop. yeah it's only $20, but it's the principle...


    I signed up for the wrong package, they wouldn't change it, and most of the playoff games were blacked out on my laptop when I was on business trips anyways, so I no longer wanted to pay for it...and now it's the end of JULY...UGH! :cry: :censored: :wallbash:

  4. It's an absolute must. You need to make sure you stay on the same time frame for the next raise that rolls around. If you keep letting them push it back on you by a month or two, sooner or later they'll push it back a year.


    Yeah and that is what I don't want to happen. Thanks for the advice!

  5. Just when I start to get my groove on and am enjoying the US Women's World Cup team, (++Hope Solo, Alex Morgan), the cameras have to kill it and pan over to the coach who I swear is Temple Grandin.


    :lol: :lol:


    Amen...amen. :beer: :wub:

  6. Your poor mom! I'm sorry to hear about that man.


    It's gonna cost me about 5-6k just to fix the downstairs bedroom/office. Pulled some paneling off the wall a few months ago to start looking at redoing the room. HELLO termite and water damage. I mean all the way down to the studs. The main water shut-off valve is in the closet, and apparently it caused a ton of damage to the frame. Thankfully, the foundation is intact, but I'm still going to have to rip that room down to the studs and redo the whole thing. IF I do everything myself, it'll be about 6k. If I contract it out, it's gonna be closer to 13-14k.


    Home inspection. Can't beat it.


    Yeah that's rough! If you have the time and know all to do it yourself, I would highly recommend it. This way you know there are no shortcuts being taken etc. After having worked with a contractor for 3 years, I don't trust too many of them.


    Good luck with that!



    I know that sounds like common sense, but I didn't, and if I had, I would have never bought the house I did. 7 years later, and I'm *still* finding ###### that the previous owner jerry-rigged. My favorites so far is claiming secondary water when in reality he siphoned it off our neighbors for his sprinkling system. That set me back about $1800 to get my own secondary line run to my yard. The other is how our ceiling fan receives its electricity: it's hooked to an extension cord that runs into the carport shed and gets plugged in to a regular outlet. Fan-effing-tastic.


    Bottom line: home inspection. Best $300-400 you can spend on buying a house.


    I'd have to agree. If my mom had done that, we wouldn't have had to spend the $2000+ that we've spent re doing our downstairs because of water damage. All of the exterior insulation was molded and rotten, and the drywall was molded, and the foundation was'nt finished properly, so it sweats through the floor. A lot of things that could've been found and would've saved time and money.

  8. I was due a performance review and raise after 3 - 6 months of employment at this company. The raise was anywhere from 6% - 10%, promised to be dealt out within that timeframe. well, this is month 7, and after reminding my boss a half dozen times, I got my review at the beginning of last week, and got excellent marks (this isn't the complaint part).


    (the complaint part): My boss isn't authorized to give me a raise, it has to come from the President of the company. President of the company has to sit down and go through everything with me. one problem: he's been out of town since last week, and planned another trip for this week and another for next week. He won't be back until Thursday of next week, when I HAVE to leave to go to a wedding up in Maine. The earliest I can meet with him is at the 7.5/7.75 month timeframe IF he doesn't go out of town again, which it is a good possibility that he may! :censored: :wallbash: :wallbash: :wallbash:


    My loans don't pay for themselves!!! :censored:

  9. Tomorrow is my work from home day, so I'll have to have NHL network on all day to listen to trade news. :-( Wait, wrong thread.


    Got a bit drunk last night, at home, by myself, on my birthday. It didn't seem sad at the time...


    Happy Birthday...Belated...but it;s the thought that counts :thumbsup:

  10. Stems.


    Sliced banana peppers, cherry peppers, jalapenos - no matter the brand. It seems like 50% of the slices have either a little piece of the stem or sometimes a giant honking whole stem. How hard would it be to cut that end off and discard it before sending them through the slicer?


    Seriously!! I hate that!



    On a side note: my performance review was moved to tomorrow...The outcome of my weekend has now been left to a coin toss at work. It can either go really well and I get a large raise, or it could go really poor, and I'll be looking for another job because i don't get a raise... :bag:

  11. I have no complaints today...I went on a date last night, only to come home and find that we traded Monty's rights and for Ehrhoffs...it's a good night/day...woo


    On second thought...I do have a performance review at work in a few hours...hmmm

  12. Be sure to ask how many games he watched any time he mentions them. My roommate is a Senators fan but he was celebrating this one yesterday. He had mentioned to me earlier this year how he used to like the Bruins but really hates the way they play now. So yeah, now you're suddenly happy when they win? Explain that one to me. I hate sports whores, constantly jumping from team to team.



    oohh good idea!! I agree, I hate them too. I have stuck by my teams, thick and realllllyyy thin (thank you Bills).

  13. I haven't heard a word from anyone here at the office yet. I like it. My supervisor just stopped by and asked if I enjoyed the game. She's not a hockey fan though and once I told her I don't like the Bruins, she was completely fine with it. Maybe I do like this place after all.


    lucky! haha. My boss enjoys watching hockey, but he doesn't follow it like he follows the other two Boston teams. it's just so annoying, and I get to travel with him tomorrow :doh:

  14. My boss is a Boston Red Sox and NE Patriots fan all around, but a fairweather Bruins fan...GIVE IT A REST ALREADY, YOU'RE A FAIRWEATHER FAN! if I have to listen to "how bad the Sabres and Bills are compared to Boston teams" anymore...I might just snap...

  15. oh, and I do have 1 complaint. to the @$$hole that passed me as I pulled off to the side of the road this morning for emergency vehicles to pass, a big FUUUUUUU. 1) it's a dick move 2) it's illegal in some sense and 3) you didn't even drive the speed limit after you passed me! (43 in a 55 is unacceptable!!!!!!!!!)

  16. I thought it was, now idk. Shes not willing to compromise at all on the issue of seeing my parents. It so awkward going to family events and she stays home. She's gotta meet me halfway or at least some part of the way. Right now she is "I will not meet your parents or discuss this with them and you abandoned me and didnt stand up for me enough."


    1) In some good news and as a follow up to last week's complaints, the doctors found that my little sister has/had a potassium deficiency, which caused her body to some crazy things (black out, heart palpitations, etc.), but the reason why is still unknown...at least she is doing better (two heart monitors and 3 DR trips later...)


    2) to KTN: that's a tough situation. One of my good friends went through this a couple years back. He ended up choosing her over his parents, and hasn't regretted it. I don't know your situation, but honestly, I think he made the right choice. His parents finally started talking to him again, and have even tried making amends with his now wife (I have no idea if his parents went to the wedding, I assume they did).

  17. Thanks for all the kind words. Sorry to fill your thoughts with my families problems but sometimes its good to get it out. The boy is doing good considering and they give him a 70% chance of survival which leaves about 30% of which we don't even let cross our minds. He'll be infertile due to the radiation so we had a biopsy done and banked his sperm. Seemed like the right thing to do and one day him and his potential wife will thank us. Again, thanks for your thoughts and prayers. Sabrespace is filled with the best people and I've come to admire many of you. Cheers.


    Definitely good people here. Thanks to everyone for the thoughts and prayers. Hopefully we'll be able to get a good diagnosis (positive too) on my sister as to why her heart is doing what it's doing. she got into the cardiologist up in Syracuse, so we're headin up tomorrow morning.

  18. How young? I wouldn't screw around. Get her to see a pediatric cardiologist ASAP. Don't wait.


    Dr. Finnerty in Elmira is an excellent pediatric cardiologist.


    965 West Church Street

    Elmira, NY 14905-2049

    ph.(607) 737-0200



    She's 17. Every medical professional says she needs to see a pediatric cardiologist until she is 21. Just looked the place up, that's only 10 minutes from where I work.



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