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dEnnis the Menace

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Posts posted by dEnnis the Menace

  1. 1. I am thankful that I live in an area not flooded.


    2. The Sabres finally processed my mini-pack order!


    3. Hockey season is finally starting to rapidly approach!!


    2 and 3 are in fact amazing...I'm personally not in a flooded area, but some friends and their families are.


    on another note, it's F'N Fantastic that I am leaving work in an hour! :thumbsup:

  2. suicide.


    now ... before everyone goes bat#### psycho on me for "complaining" about it, let me explain.


    our good friend and neighbor across the street lost her daughter yesterday to suicide. she--the daughter--was in her late teens, done with high school, and from all accounts getting ready to go to college. all of a sudden, she decided not to go. a week later, she killed herself. no indicators, no signs. generally happy go-lucky outward appearance.


    the more i thought about it, the more depressed and overwhelmingly sad i became at not understanding why. she left no note. she exhibited no signs. her mom and dad had no idea. and these are not inattentive parents; they're on top of things. they keep tabs on their kids pretty closely. not to the point of hovering over their shoulders, but enough to know be able to recognize any signs of suicidal tendencies, were any to have been exhibited. but that's the problem--she exhibited precisely none.


    i guess this isn't really a complaint so much as it is a vent. our whole neighborhood is reeling.


    That's really sad and my condolences to the family and to the neighborhood. It's a difficult thing to deal with. My close friends father committed suicide my senior year of HS (her sophomore year). He was a police officer, and showed no signs. I actually had conversation with him two days before hand and he was talking about how excited he was to go to my friends sporting event and what not. caught A LOT of people of guard. It's tough when it's someone you know, and tougher if it's someone close. Good luck with everything.

  3. If I remember right, the flood wall on the south side of the Susquehanna in Apalachin is a foot or two lower than the Endicott side. If the water makes it over the wall that far, they're all hosed since the wall is at least a story high and there's nothing to stop the water from pouring in. A buddy in Johnson City has already been flooded out, the water was coming into the first floor of the house when he left.


    The Susquehanna River flooding in Owego in '06 crested at 35.9'


    They're saying that this time around, it could crest soon at 40+' I guess. I didn't read it, but my buddy sent me the Press and Sun Article He's from Endicott

  4. you wouldn't believe some of the flooding down this way - Look for some news reports out of Binghamton - the weather channel has been there since yesterday.


    Yeah, it's kind of crazy. Broome and Tioga Counties got the worst of it, but Tompkins still got a good amount of rain. call me selfish, but I'm super happy I'm on a hill.

  5. It took me an hour and a half for a regularly 50 minute commute today because EVERY car is being routed AROUND Ithaca. I am not looking forward to my drive home tonight, as the one street was bumper to bumper from one end to the next, and it's a pretty long road in the grand scheme of things (Route 13A).


    Also, me not trying to drive through the flooded streets and what not in Dryden/Freeville/Ithaca to get to work angered my boss, so he is giving me the silent treatment, after explaining to me that the girl and her boyfriend (who live on the far side of Ithaca (as in the heading to Elmira side) got to work just fine this morning. I tried explaining that I talked to her and it took her a long time just to get out of Ithaca, and that she doesn't drive across the county to get to work...he just doesn't feel like listening. UGH@! 5pm please hurry.

  6. Here, I'll join the club. Mine is monday, the last one I'll celebrate for 10 years. And yes, you can leave.

    the last one you'll celebrate for 10 years? better make it a fun day/night :thumbsup:



    This reminded me of two people here. The woman in the office next to me has some sort of machine that plays the noise of crickets all day. Other than making me want to fall asleep, it's just more strange than anything. There's also this one guy who walks up and down the hallway all day whistling constantly. That's one sound that cuts through my ears so badly. I can't stand it, so damn high pitched. Anyway, one day the merry whistler walks by my office, stops, turns back, then says "hey, do you every want to go over there and hunt down those things?". My response was something to the effect of "you have no idea".


    There's one thing that drives me nuts and it's people whistling. I don't know why, I just hate it. Add that on top of crickets chirping all day, and I'm pretty sure I would tweak. props to you for not...

  7. Pretty subtle with the birthday dropping so far. :thumbsup:

    I've always thought that September brought us nothing but the finest people, but you've officially challenged that belief. ;)


    Sorry...I honestly forgot that I said something in my first post...re-read it and was like wow! I look like I'm trying to get birthday wishes (not my intention).


    can I go home from work now?

  8. Friend zone. :censored: And I'm comically inept at social things.


    Wow that sucks man! In all honesty, I just got placed in the friend zone yesterday as well (the day before my birthday Thursday :thumbsup: ...awesome sauce). I was told that she doesn't see us being more than friends because her life is an emotional roller coaster right now, and she "doesn't want another thing to worry about." What can you do...back to fishing in the sea.

  9. I think the problem with S'alright Saturday is that it was on a Saturday. It's easier to post in these threads when we're all at work.


    Very true. I try to avoid my computer on the weekends, especially since I'm in front of one 85% of the day at work. <_<

  10. #### you, you hoser!


    WOAH WOAH WOAH!...Woah!


    anyways...nobody played that Rebecca Black song today at work...which means this is one of the only few Fridays that it hasn't been played since it came out...then again, it is only 1pm. :unsure:



  11. I swear to God...either every state's DMV is becoming less restrictive with their road tests or people get their license from a box of Apple Jacks.


    My complaint: nitpicky-ness, arrogance, ignorance, and stubbornness aren't exactly great attributes to be combined in a single person, especially if that person works with you.


    I'm dealing with the same thing today. makes for a great day...doesn't it? <_<

  12. Woke up with borderline migraine...waited two hours and drove to work...bad choice. Missed like 3 shifts (yay manual transmissions when you're sick), and now I'm ready to leave already. Will probably call it a day sooner rather than later... :(

  13. Have you fought for that review that they kept pushing back yet? (apologies if I have you mixed up with someone else)



    One day left of my week without cable or internet. It's been rough. Thank god for DVDs. Seinfeld has kept me going.


    I did. I finally got that review, and I was supposed to see a raise of 6% to 10% based on performance (only raise for a long while). I ended up getting an offer for a raise of 2% (and little feedback on my performance). I'm currently in the process of asking for more money in the most professional way, or an explanation of why I wasn't even considered for 6% - 10%...I just want to be able to pay my student loans, car loan, and still be able to take the girl out to a nice dinner...


    Going without cable and internet for a week at home is rough...I can deal with going camping for a week without it, but when you're home, it sucks. Seinfeld is a good choice.

  14. welcome back my friends to the show that never ends...


    is it Friday yet? I've already spent almost 40 hours at work this week...and i'm salary so there is no compensation for the ridiculous amount of extra time I put in :thumbdown: :thumbdown:

  15. I blame this fully on the Prius. Because if you buy a Prius, you obviously don't care about driving at all and it's just something you have to do every day. And if you don't care about something, then you don't put any effort into doing it well.


    true story!


    My only complaint today? My iTunes wasn't working for the first hour i was at work. i hate working in silence! :thumbdown:


    otherwise, nothing to really complain about yet today!

  16. Finally got my "raise" (3 months later), and after factoring in my new student loan payments I am effectively making less money than I was two years ago. :(


    I think it's time to start job-hunting.


    well...congrats on finally getting that raise...I'm still waiting on mine...the one that we talked about a month ago. It seems like I'm heading for a 3 month wait like you <_<


    I hate student loans btw

  17. Just got out of a meeting at work.


    worst part is the fact that even with sticking to the agenda, I have more action items coming out of the meeting than I had going in...I'm supposed to be taking an order for this product this week or beginning of next, and it's not looking great :wallbash: :wallbash: :wallbash: :wallbash: :wallbash: :wallbash:


    I wish the design engineers would stop playing with themselves and do their jobs...UGH!

  18. It's great that they are advertising up your way, but they may want to concentrate their efforts in their own backyard. Two people in their vicinity have never heard of it, and they have no street presence at all.


    And their website is absolute garbage.


    This is why beer guys should hire marketing guys to do their marketing.


    If they really have 500 beers in their store I will forgive them, though.


    I'm not in Ithaca - that place is strange.


    same and I agree


    I'm actually on the far side of Dryden

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