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dEnnis the Menace

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Posts posted by dEnnis the Menace

  1. Had to help with taking my mother to the ER last night. We get there a little after 8:30pm, leave just after 12:30am. It was just an infection in her foot, but she was in pretty bad pain trying to walk. At least that should be resolved, but I didn't get to bed until almost 2:00am, which might be causing this headache.

    I'm also waiting for a call about a job I interviewed at last week. I was told I'd hear something early this week, but I haven't heard anything yet. Thus...anxiousness abounds.


    Good luck!!!


    Also I'm sad the TP thread got deleted.


    I was wondering what happened... :(


    Also, if my boss tells me I'm moving to slowly one more time, I might just snap. He has me working on RFQs, as well as three other projects. on one of those projects, my time is dictated by someone who works at another company...I can't help it if that person has other projects to work on, and ours is back burner to them... :death: :wallbash: :wallbash:

  2. On Monday, I stayed home because I had a pretty bad head cold, and I didn't want to spread it around the office. Not quite feeling like utter hell, I tried doing some cleaning upstairs.


    Our city has a dumpster program: A resident stops by the facilities management office, signs up for a 15-foot long, 7-foot tall dumpster to be brought to your house; you load it up with whatever you want (minus what's on the "no-no" list [e.g. paints, chemicals, old car batteries, etc]); they haul it away. All of this is for free.


    My wife asked me to take an old vacuum cleaner out to the dumpster. "Sure." Lugged it out, stepped up into the dumpster, tossed it to the back, turned around to head out, and I stepped right on this relatively small tree branch with the inside of my right heel. My ankle rolled really severely, I crumpled to the ground, and screamed out in agony. Wife and 5 year old daughter come tearing out, and help get me to my feet. Well, okay ... foot. I couldn't put ANY weight on my right foot without feeling like someone was taking a sledge hammer to my right ankle.


    Short story long (yes, I wrote that exactly as I meant it), I'm off until Monday with a severe sprain. Don't qualify for short-term disability because I was only off 4 days. Friday is a normal day off and doesn't count towards STD. I'm burning my last few days of PTO for the year on this dumb sprain. Awesome.


    Also, the tramadol the doc prescribed helps precisely none. Lovely.


    wow man that sucks! When I severely sprained my ankle a few years back I got good pain killers from the doctor...and I remember needing them.


    Good luck getting that healed up!

  3. President of the company asked me to do something. Took 3 weeks to compile the photographs and data for the project, and put everything together in the format that he wanted.


    Now he goes to one of the people helping me and tells them that we shouldn't bother with it because the old version of this project is fine (looks like crap, and has many errors).


    I think he needs to take another vacation!

  4. I gave up my BU season tickets this year but I'm still going to the home opener tomorrow. The girlfriend went to UNH and was a fan so we pretty much have to go to this one.


    edit: And on that note, how awesome will tomorrow be? Watching the Sabres during the day and then heading out for a college game? I just have to find time somewhere in there to get an oil change.


    Ha, I've gotta do the same! I think I'm going to the Cornell v Harvard football game tomorrow (free tickets :thumbsup: )



    I'm so pumped for the season to start, and the fact that my boss and my other colleague in my department are not here today, so I should be able to listen to most of the game uninterrupted :clapping:


    Also, RIT plays Niagara tomorrow...can't wait for that season to officially start as well!

  6. I'm pretty confident mine have actually gotten worse.


    I've known you for 6+ years now...you had morals to begin with?


    Mine disappear when I'm with you or Mr Choose Death Flag waver himself...


    Damn kids, get off my lawn!


    Now, don't go getting all Clint Eastwood on me...

  7. Is the whole "don't pass a school bus while its red lights are blinking" thing not a law in certain states? I watched car after car pass a bus that was picking up a student this morning. The drivers around here are really living up to that masshole label.


    No...it's definitely a law everywhere...


    On another note, do people realize that driving thru fog or inclement weather with headlights on isnt for their benefit, but the benefit of other drivers being able to see them? Driving thru the thick fog on my way to work today, almost got to bear witness to nasty accident. Car went to pass another slow moving car, and never saw the car coming from the other direction thru the fog (I know that passing in thick fog is not recommended, but I don't think this guy does/did). Doubt he'll try that maneuver again!

  8. We got a cat this week...she's an older girl, a long-haired tortoise shell colored cat. We got an older one because my 3 year old son doesn't do really well with very fast moving animals, but he loves this girl.


    We decided to re-name her, and told him that he could pick any name he wanted to name her. His choice:


    Stevie Johnson.


    F'n Fantastic.


    :lol: :lol: Nice!

  9. Marlin 39A


    A lever action .22, and the oldest long gun still in production. A plinker, trainer for the kids, and squirrel and rabbit hunter.


    Can't wait to rub some blood on it this weekend!


    HAHA nice. Have fun with that! just do Chz a favor, and stay away from the ducks. :bag:

  10. Bump.


    I have nothing fantastic to report.


    Nothing? ummm...it IS Friday...that's fantastic all in itself.


    In other news, I just sent in my receipts from prescriptions and allergy meds for the last 9 months for my flex spending, and I will be receiving a $250 check in the next week. I love getting money back :D

  11. I am at work today, fighting the cold that everyone else had last week :censored:


    On another work note: there is almost no one doing work currently (including myself at the moment while I type here). There are like 7 people attending a webinar thing in our conference room,my sales manager among like 2 other people are on vacation for the week, and the president and owner of the company is literally on an African safari for the week. This is a small company (talking 27 people, including the machine shop and assembly). I need assistance on a few things, including an HR question, and I have no one to get said help from, nor have I had the opportunity since I arrived at 7:50 this morning. :doh: There's not a while lot that I can/could do without said answers.


    such a waste of 3+ hours. :death:

  12. Couple good things.


    -Just bought the car of my dreams (an immaculate Hemi Orange Challenger SRT8 six speed). Best anything ever.

    -Sold old car private party for twice what dealer offered on trade in.

    -Girlfriend comes home tomorrow from a three week trip:

    ---Told me to get plenty of rest and not make any plans for Saturday night or all day Sunday. Giggity.

    ---She doesn't know I bought the car- I've been keeping it as a surprise for when I pick her up at the airport.

    -I have today off because I work a 9/80- meaning I can watch tonight's game live (here on west coast).


    1) AWESOME car choice! :thumbsup: :thumbsup:

    2) All I can say is have a F'N Fantastic weekend! :clapping: :thumbsup:


    For me...only 3 more hours here at work! oh yeah!

  13. I went to Yo Gabba Gabba Live: Time to Dance with my 3-year-old on Tuesday, and it was awesome. During one of the intermissions, a band called I Fight Dragons played. They play all the standard pop-rock instruments (Bass, Guitar, Drums) but their keyboard player also plays a Guitar Hero Guitar hooked up to a computer made of old Nintendo sound cards set up like a synthesizer. On top of that awesomeness, the lead guitar player also did a solo completely on a vintage Super Nintendo controller hooked up to a similar box.




    When I was at RIT I worked for Tech Crew (student run production company) and they were the opener for 3oh3! and Cobra starship (a few years back). I thought it was pretty nifty, something you don't see a whole lot of with many other bands. I talked to them when one of the other bands were playing and they were/are pretty chill.

  14. i can understand needing to go in to work when you're sick. i've done it. hell, we probably all have. if it's bad enough to where i can't function or i know i'm going to have to interact with anyone for any lenght of time, i'll take the day off. however, where i absolutely will not go in is when when it's beyond the common cold. everyone's going to get the cold. that's a given. bronchitis (korab, i feel your pain man ...), strep, pneumonia ... this kinds of illness automatically keep me home 2-3 days. thankfully, my company has a really generous sick/leave time policy. it's pretty helpful.


    That's the thing. Our company is extremely generous in regards to sick time. and being a small company, everyone interacts frequently...I do not want to be sick right now...in a few weeks I could care less but with the stuff I'm doing, I need to be healthy a little longer...

  15. I'm happy to report that my mom's interview last week went well and she actually just started working again this past Tuesday in her field of expertise, which is a huge relief. (What a difference a week makes!) The lack of programming jobs is crazy... the guy who hired her said that they'd received 1000 applications from all over the country with people willing to relocate if hired because those jobs are so scarce. Thank goodness things are looking up for her, and I wish the same for your mom, CSB. At least if she does move in with you, maybe she can help care for your son?


    Hey congrats to your mom! good to hear something F'N Fantastic on a Thursday :thumbsup:


    For me, I went on a business trip for the beginning of the week, driving from Elmira, to Erie, PA, to Akron and Warren OH, to Pittsburgh, and then home. All of that in two days. We (my boss and I) were supposed to meet with 7 companies (6 customers, 1 Material Source). 1 of our customers cancelled as we walked into their office, another cancelled en route to their office, and many others never responded, so we ended up visiting 3 companies, and cutting our trip to just Monday and Tuesday (was supposed to go into Wed).


    Now today, I'm still sore from sitting in the car so much (after getting back to Elmira, it's still an hour drive back to my house), and I think I'm getting sick. I was hoping to avoid the office as much as possible because there are 3 people that are sick that are in today and were yesterday too <_<

  16. It's like you can taste the hockey season in the air.


    I was just talking to a customer up in Canada, and he asked me if I was excited that football started, being American. And I said yes, but only because it's a stopgap between the summer months and Hockey to start. He laughed and agreed.


    *SIGH* only 21 more days... :beer:

  17. F'N Fantastic:


    1. Tyler Myers extension


    2. Sabres Rookie Champs


    3. Got my Sabres and Amerks tix


    4. Season inching closer


    5. PAYDAY!!!


    Now that's F'N fantastic :thumbsup: LOL


    I'm heading out to Buffalo to see my sister's soccer games this weekend, I got my Sabres tickets, and I get to leave work early.

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