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dEnnis the Menace

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Posts posted by dEnnis the Menace

  1. My thoughts after this weekend:

    1) Cam Newton deserves the MVP hands down.  Brady with comparable targets to what Cam has had all season didn't do anything against the Eagles, really.


    2) I am conceding playoff spot #5 to KC right now.  I think at most they lose one more game this year.


    3) Pitt will lose at least 2 more games.


    4) Go to ESPN.com, and mess around with the NFL Playoff Machine.  There are several ways for the Bills to make the postseason.  The easiest path for them is obviously one where they win out, Pitt loses to Cinnci (can win out after that), and Jets end with same record as us or worse (w. us beating them in week 17).  


    5) Houston and Indy are irrelevant, if Buffalo wins out, as we hold the tie breaker over both, and only one can get to 10-6 (they play each other week 15).  If Buffalo can't win out, our best bet is just for both teams to lose.


    To simplify: next week, root for a Bills win, Cinnci win, and Tenessee win. 


    6) Tyrod is a lot better than a lot here give him credit for.  He has great vision, and his running ability has given us another dimension to this offense.


    7) Carpenter is just having a down year


    8) Sammy and Shaddy need to be the focal points of every offensive gameplan we have going forward.  


    9) The reffing in the NFL is so inconsistent and terrible, it makes some football games hard to watch.  The push off by Hopkins and the illegal motion on the quick snap were only 2 instances this weekend of bad calling.  There were also quite a few botched calls in the NO/Car game and the Jets/Giants game (I'm talking blatant holds and interference).  The NFL needs to address this in some way other than Goodell issuing a memo saying that the 'Refs are fine' ( copywrite LGR).

  2. If you all could help me with something.... I am curious to get opinions from people that 1.don't know me and are giving honest thoughts, not what they think I want to hear, and 2. people not associated with law enforcement in any way.


    I know what goes through my mind when I approach a car on a traffic stop, or a couple that is arguing/fighting and neighbors have called and reported a "domestic", etc.... I am curious as to what the other side is thinking. Even what the caller is expecting. When/If you have been pulled over, and you know that you were speeding/ran a sign,whatever, what are you expecting from the officer? Do you think he is going to give you a ticket no matter the circumstances? Do you expect him to just give a warning? Do you consider that he may not have a choice?


    If you have ever been involved in a domestic, either an involved party or a reporting person (neighbor/witness/etc...) what have you expected?


    As I have gotten older, and have seen new and young officers (we recently hired one who views the world much differently than I) it has hit me that we teach fully from our POV as opposed to the publics. We certainly need to be taught to see things from a safety way (that quick movement to your jacket pocket because you just now realized that is where you left your wallet does send signals to us that you do not intend) but I think it would be helpful to have input from "the other side". 


    Mods - feel free to get rid of this if you feel it is not appropriate, I don't intend for it to cause fighting or bad feelings and I know it is no way Sabre related, I just thought it was a good source of "unknown" friends that could help.  Thanks, Dan


    Work is actually slow today, so I'll respond!


    I've been pulled over a couple times.  I'm a firm believer in treating authority with respect.  I've always been respectful of the officer pulling me over.  honest with them, and up front.  I've gotten both speeding tickets reduced on the spot.  I don't go into it expecting to get out of the ticket.  In my opinion, I was in the wrong, I expect to face the consequences.  Then again, my parents pounded that into my head growing up that when you're wrong, you own it. I've known several officers over the years, and I try to make sure that i don't make any sudden movements or anything that may be misconstrued.  I want the police to help me if the time comes, and am a believer in karma in a way.   

  3. Mrs Menace and I are paying PMI because we couldn't save the full 20%.  Also think about if this is gonig to be a long term house or a starter house.  For me and the mrs, our sorta long term house turned into starter house because of the two new ones on the way.


    Check all of your financing options.  We went through a local credit union, where if we put all of our direct deposit into the checking account, and used them as our primary checking bank, they paid us for the closing costs (i.e. the deed filing, and all of the other added costs).  Saved us around $7K.  We also went full price on the house for our offer, and then asked the seller for $4k in concessions.  So that took another $4k off the closing costs.  So again, look at ALL of your options with the lenders.  


    We love our little home.  There isn't many repairs needed, but there is general upkeep, and the little changes that 1. make it ours, and 2. increase resale value.


    Also, do your research on your inspector.  We were saved by an inspector and how thorough him and his associate were.  What the seller advertised as a small problem in the basement was closely examined and deemed to be a larger fix.  Our realtor suggested we pass on that house after that visit, not to mention the sellers wouldn't budge on any concessions.  Which brings me to one more point.  Don't be afraid to walk away from the table if you don't get a fair deal.  The house may seem perfect, but you can't get hosed either.  If you ever have any questions on the process, shoot me a text.  

  4. 1) I've finally been able to catch up on at least a couple threads here.  Definitely not visiting as much lately though  :(

    2) Found out we are having two boys!!  Very excited!!!

    3) doing some nursery preperations lately at the house.  Got one crib rebuilt.  my mother in law bought us a crib for cheap at a garage or estate sale.  They refused to sell it with the drop down bar since apparently it is illegal in NYS now?!  So we had to patch the holes, and do some wood repair and shimming to close the gap, but my stepdad and I have gotten it put back together nicely.  $60 for that crib.  Now to buy one more for the other boy lol.

    4) Partially tore my rotator cuff on thanksgiving...however, I probably won't need surgery (the awesome part).  


    I think that's all for now lol.  

  5. God bless him and strengthen him and his family.

    whatever Ryan is doing its not working out. All the teams march up the field against us fairly easily.


    not exactly.  Check the yards/play allowed.  We are still in the top 10.  

  6. I didn't know what they were reviewing at the time. In fact, I think the Rayzer/RJ team were thinking that the Stars were calling a timeout to attempt to slow our momentum.


    Did you see how after that call, a large majority of the fans at FNC just left? They knew it was over cause the Sabres momentum was killed.


    I didn't either, because I saw no reason to review in real time.

  7. Listened to Jeremy White this morning on GR and thought he nailed (similar to what D4rk has been saying).  Challenging the offsides from zone entry is like waiting until a 3-2 pitch is hit out of the park, and going back and challenging a 2-2 pitch in baseball to argue that the batter should've been out before he slapped a HR.  Where does it end? They also made a good point, that if we had taken a different shot, turned it over, and then Dallas has a breakaway and scores, we are not allowed to challenge that we were offsides on the other end.  So everything else that happens from that linesman's missed call is allowed to stand (i.e. a dirty hit, a penalty, a breakaway in the other direction, etc), but that goal is the only thing not allowed to stand. 


    What's the point of the challenge again? because two or three teams got hosed on a breakaway/odd man rush last year?  Make it so it is only reviewable on the odd-man rushes or breakaways then!  once a team has established possession in the other zone, that offsides is a moot point. 


    Also, Ennis was maybe 2 inches offsides, maybe.  I don't think it is necessary to throw the tomatoes at him.  In real time on TV, he looked onside to me.  They had to slow it down to see it.  

  8. Just don't get it, there should be a time limit on the challenge.    They were in the dallas zone for 25 seconds after it.


    Thats the problem i have with the challenge.  They cycle it around, and get set and what not.  If it was a rush, then the challenge is fine imo.  but if they cycle for more than 20 seconds, I think it's a moot point

  9. Can you imagine, the #1 wild card will only have to beat the South winner and the bengals to get to the AFC championship game


    that's crazy, and not that difficult of a road, as Dalton can't hack it in prime time big time games.  

  10. The Chiefs beat Denver (albeit with Manning huring) and now the Bengals just got beat by the Texans..... I don't think we can assume any future games are going to be walk away victories, especially after losing to Jacksonville (with ej) so many variables week to week make it interesting.


    I do believe that we absolutley have to be a wild card team this year or else it is an utter failure. Considering our schedule and the AFC in general, things don't typically line up like this, add in out talent and it should equal at least a first round exit. Which is a huge win for buffalo, sadly


    If we get the AFC South winner, or even the Broncos, I would not assume a first round exit.  Just saying.  

  11. Glenns zombie voice ? I jest. First thing my co-pilot said from her seat on the couch was that sounded like Glenn. 


    That was the first thing my wife said too.  except she didn't say it.  She stood up and proclaimed it for the neighbors to hear that "THAT WAS GLENN!".


    I don't argue with the pregnant Mrs Menace.

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