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Posts posted by dudacek

  1. I don't know if it's a good thing or not that Drane can't post right now. On the one hand, he'd probably be entitled to the biggest "I told you so" since I've been a member of this board with respect to Myers being traded. On the other hand, he'd have to reconcile one of his favorite building teams (Winnipeg) acquiring one of his least favorite pieces (Myers) in a blockbuster trade. On second thought, watching Drane self-combust might be pretty entertaining.


    I think the most exciting part of this is we're starting to see Murray's vision for the Sabres come into focus. He wants big guys who play the body but can skate and have skill. This is of course what many around here have wanted for ages, but I've always feared adding size and grit and ending up big and slow without enough offense. Luckily, that doesn't appear to be happening right now. Kane can skate like the wind and obviously has offensive ability, and Bogosian may not bring offense but he's not exactly an anchor like Regehr out there. Just trying to piece next year's roster together with what we have:



    Moulson-McEichel-Hodgson (sorry haters, I don't think he's getting bought out)








    That's not terrible. Too many LWs and could use some right-side help, but that is not a 50 point team. I'm excited.


    Not really directed at you in particular, but I see goal stats used in Kane (Patrick) comparisons a lot and I really don't like it. He's more playmaker than goal scorer and a huge amount of his value is going to reside in assists.

    Good post.


    And I think Drane would love this deal. Got two physical, type A personalities, while giving up one, and that one is only 18.

  2. And, it's a go for setting expectations higher than reasonable. Apparently the radio folks were talking about 40 goals today.  (not picking on you, dudacek, just trying to head this off at the pass)


    I'll put this in bold. And caps: PATRICK Kane didn't score 30 last year. We should be hoping that he'll be top-10 in goals for LW (#9 last year scored 30 exactly), but if he doesn't net 30 he's not a bust. K? #28-30 at LW scored 19 goals each. 40 goals puts him ahead of everyone not named Ovechkin. Let's not go crazy when he puts up 25 on a mediocre team.

    I hear you, but I don't think it's unreasonable to expect 25 to 35 goals for Kane as an all-situations guy on the first line with Reinhart or McEichel. Murray didn't pay that price for him to be a 20/20 Drew Stafford who can hit.


    Just tuned into Winnipeg radio to get their perspective. Sounds like they are happy with the return.

  3. Now that this is settling in, I think the Sabres gave up one too many assets.

    Either Lemieux, Armia or the first should have been held back.


    Given the cautious nature of Chevy, Murray may have needed to overpay to make the deal.

    Time will tell if he took advantage of Murray being overbold.


    But I am happy to see progress and will forgive an overpayment if Kane can put up 30-plus a year here.

  4. From an NHL perspective, Kane and Bogosian clearly beats Stafford and Myers, the question is, did we give up too much potential to make that upgrade? I think we may have.

    That said, Kane Reinhart Ennis might be fun to watch.


    Biggest trade since Mogilny, maybe even since Turgeon/Lafontaine.


    The culture change from Regier is complete.

    GMTM just put his stamp on the team. Ennis is the only player of any significance left that you'll call Darcy's

  5. on the Dreger front, There needs to be something significant coming back form Jets.

    Burmistrov or a Jets first to make it more palatable.

    My high-level thought:  We're one of the worst teams in the history of hockey.  Yet, people are still wanting to cling to our current guys?  Shake this ###### up!


    And , I've got work to do.

  6. someone on hockeybuzz throwing this around, i think we overpay if this happens.   armia  + lemieux is nuts.


    Deals that large almost never happen.

    That said, Bogosian fills Myers spot in the lineup.

    After that, it's essentially Kane and a mid-first for four late firsts/early seconds

  7. I heard the same thing about Paille while he was in Buffalo, he was one of those kids who continued with hockey because he was talented as a kid with it, but his heart want always into it and he continued just because it was expected of him. There are many in the league who go through this.

    I have wondered if Hodgson is going through this. He's been Canada's golden boy his entire hockey life, with the textbook bad hockey dad.



    I'm not sure if its been discussed previously and I apologize if it has but apparently a Dallas radio show had seguin and Benn on yesterday and they were asked about the Sedins. Showing their maturity both waxed poetic about the twins rooming together on the road and they joked about the top bunk bottom bunk sleeping arrangement. They then got into some homophobic suggestions of what might be going on between the brothers. You would think the league would have a better handle on this stuff since they espouse an anti bullying stance for public consumption and for the little kids etc. that follow the league and look up to their star players. Vancouver sports talk 1040 went on about it today interviewing people in the game from around the league who all disagreed with the content of the discussion and the lack of good sense by the Dallas players.

    This is why Tyler Seguin is not a Boston Bruin

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