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Posts posted by gomper

  1. Are you kidding? Hamilton is a giant douche of the strawberry fields order. Honestly, he is the most annoying media never in buffalo. The guy is so pompous and full of himself. His references to his club hockey days in the Midwest 30 years ago as if that guves him some kind of hockey cred are gag- inducing. I cant' stand his smug fat voice and face.

    Couldn't agree more. His call is almost Sylvester like. Does he still brag about trying out for the 1980 Olympic team? Hey Paul, so did about 10,000 other guys.

  2. Derek Plante Game 7 OT winner against Ottawa in 1997, also because Dad and I were at the game 20 rows behind the opposite goal. What a great scene is was after the game. Felt like we won the Cup.


    Also, Dave Hannan in 4OT against the Devils at 2AM EST was a classic that I will never forget


    I was also behind the opposite goal for the Plante shot about 30 rows up.


    He took the shot and then the glass behind the net lit up like the sun in bright red. Awesome moment!

  3. My summation:



    We didn't perform our best individually

    We didn't prepare our best individually

    Came back to early from injury

    Sabres need more "bite and grit" in their game



    Need to be more consistently doing things the right way

    We need to grow up a little bit

    Coach and system is not an issue

    If you're gonna be in the NHL you better be able to understand the system or you shouldn't be here.

    You shouldn't need a boost to play the game

    Trade? meh, I'm not quitting


    Lehner (pissed as per usual)

    Need string of wins, play 60 minutes

    The open, back and forth game didn't work, keep it simple like other winning teams

    We gave away wins, they weren't taken from us



    Not enough win streaks, many ups and downs

    D? - too many shots on our net

    Fine with ice time, wants more



    Not satisfied with his numbers

    Team: Not consistent intensity

    We could learn a lot from the PP for 5-5 play



    Team: Better mindset needed

    Need more maturity and fall back on foundation, never established "foundation" style

    All on players! Need to perfect all the little habits so that it's second nature



    A lot needs to change with each guy, accountability

    Personally, be better leader, more vocal, consistent

    Ice time not an issue, wants to play all 60

    On maturity: tough to say "how to play the right way", finding the way to "play with success"

    Coach is fine, changed a bit more aggressive towards the end

    Gionta is awesome



    Thought he was consistent

    Needs to play at the level of his linemates, whether 3rd or top line, change his play accordingly

    They never jumped on the opportunity to move up in the standings



    Paraphrase "players need to look in the mirror"

    Inconsistency is on players and coaches, whole organization

    Need better mindset "what it takes to be a champ"


    Eichel (in a "I'm just here so I won't get fined" attitude)

    Ups and downs

    Not happy being under a point/game

    They didn't execute the coaches plan

    Missed Okposo

    Feels he hasn't scratched the surface on where he could be

    Paraphrase: Some guys are just passengers on this team. If you aren't dedicated to being the best NHL player ever, get the f off my team.



    Doesn't take a genius to see the issues here.


    Thanks for the synopsis. No time today to watch.


    This team is a disaster. It's clear the division runs deep. Even if you don't blame Bylsma it's clear that he has no chance in regaining the room. My friend works in the restaurant business in Amherst and says that certain groups of players will not dine there if another group of their own teammates are there.


    How do you fix that? Frustrating beyond belief. If DB is truly coming back he's done by the holidays with the team 11 points out of a playoff spot. F me.

  4. Got an email a couple of hours ago from the Sabres/One Buffalo telling me to tune in to MSG on April 8th and 9th for a chance to win great prizes!


    Pretty simple instructions:


    1. Download the One Buffalo app (of course)


    2. Click on the Fan Goes Digital tile (which I couldn't find anywhere within the app)


    3. Fill Out Registration form (impossible if you can't find the tile)


    Anyway, since I couldn't locate the tile and the app has no search function I opened the link in the email and it had slightly better instructions to go under tickets (so first you have to choose Key Bank Center which they don't tell you) and from there you finally get the correct tile which is actually called Fan Appreciation and not Fan Goes Digital. Unfortunately at that point I clicked on the tile and it tells me the form is not available yet.


    I know some may see it as nitpicky but this is just ridiculous. Maybe they should wait on sending out the email until the form they are sending everyone to is actually available. Just another example of good intentions and attempts at PR being completely undermined by incompetence.


    I'm about to just uninstall the app in part because of their stupidity and in part because it required about a dozen or so permissions on my phone that I'd rather them not have access to. Idiots.

    Perfect. How fitting.

  5. Agree on Bulldog but I've noticed something interesting about him. He has a Zelig quality (see Wikipedia) about him in that he changes depending who his co-host is. He is a different, much better host with Sal or Brad Riter.


    Schopp dominanates Bulldog, forcing him to essentially be his hype man, going along with whatever narcissistic, pseudo-intellectual jag he's on. Bulldog is at his worst when he has one of contrived aneurysms on air.


    P.S. I know. It's reigning, not raining.

    "Everyone do the chameleon"

  6. You're right, he has improved. And his sincerity is due to the fact that he is unabashedly a fan. He doesn't really consider himself part of the sport media, more of an entertainer on a sports station (his start in radio was not in sports). He doesn't feel the need to distance himself the way the rest do.

    An entertainer? Wow. I'm sorry but that is a huge stretch. What's so entertaining about his inarticulate nature and his regurgitated opinions? He's a fan. So what. He's also not very bright either. I don't find him to be representative of the intelligence of the fans in WNY. Quite the opposite.

  7. Tough to pick but Bulldog is absolutely useless. Must have pictures of someone high up.


    2nd is Hamilton. I flipped over for 2 minutes while Maddog was in break. He stated that his comparison of the Leafs/Sabres development goes back to the respective Rielly/Risto picks and the two teams are even now. What? Of course those two idiots said nothing.


    Hey Paul, um......are you watching this season?

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