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Formerly Allan in MD

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Posts posted by Formerly Allan in MD

  1. A goalie as slow as Lehner has no business being way outside the crease with action buzzing all around him.  Two easy goals were scored because he was unable to even attempt to get back.  As the NBC announcers suggested early in the game, just because the initial shot doesn't go in it doesn't mean you're not going to score on him.  Sabres didn't deserve to lose the way they did.

    After Ullmark's 40 some save game and allowing only one goal, I was hoping he be back in the net.  Lehner was Murray's boy and we're still paying for it.

  2. Yea they need to cut out the drop back crap pass.  They need to work on timing entering the zone and quicker passing. Rochester and Buffalo PP is suffering for it. 

    Nothing wrong with the drop pass.  it's very effective when executed properly.  It also enables you to get the lead forward in front of the net for a rebound or deflection.  Watch the teams that execute it properly closely. 

  3. Camp out in front of the net people!  Crash the net.  Enough of the passing around the perimeter!  Bring up someone like Fasching and tell him your only job is to be a big immovable body in front of the net.   Until this team learns a culture of work ethic and sacrifice (not just trying to win with talent - which there isn't even enough of, btw), we will continue to suffer.  Hopeful that Botteril sees/know this and will draft/biuild a farm system accordingly.  As a life long, die-hard Sabres fan I will endure all patience and suffering to get to where we need to be.   Let's Go Buff-alo!!!   Clap!Clap!.... Clap!Clap!Clap!!!

    Yes, crash the net.  But that doesn't work well if you don't shoot the puck.  All kinds of perimeter passing to set up the ideal shot usually leads to a turnover, a block, or a bad shot.  Shoot the damned puck and have someone up front to screen and/or pick up the garbage.  There are those who've made doing that a HOF career.

  4. Housley lambasted them postgame yesterday amd rightfully so.


    This team wants to make you believe they work hard..well maybe at practice but apparently not watching film to understand opponent tendencies away from the rink...its easy to work hard when you are being watched...what are you doing when nobody is there to make yourself better? Apparently nothing...


    Housley went off on them saying they were completely unprepared and it was an unacceptable level of preparation. He furrhee went on to say that you just csnt step on the ice and expect to win the games in the NHL and that is takes a lot of hard work and preparation on and off the ice and now the players know what to expect and there will be consequences if they dont do things the way he wants them done.


    I guess we know why they look lost out there...they have no clue what the other team is doing. What an indixtment of the so called leadership...could you imagone Chris Drury ever allowing this type of thing to happen??

    Add in..Kane has been a beast most games and has been the best player on the ice for us and Reinhart actually factored in on 3 of the 4 goals last night and Housley seems to be flexible enough to understand that even though he doesn't like Reinhart standing in front of the net on the PP it led to 3 goals for them last night...one by him on a tip and two more by the goalie being screened by him. Reinhart and O'Reilly both got going last night..hope that continues.

    For the Sabres, it's dejavu all over again.  For how many seasons now have we been questioning the effort?

  5. Pouliot - Reinhart - Rodrigues




    How's Pominville's defensive play, these days? Pouliot - Reinhart - Pominville may be a little more defensively stable. But if that's our 3rd line, it's going to be used for offensive mismatches against the lower skill lines of other teams, so the version with E-Rod could be enticing.

    Like that line.

  6. Pay him to keep him (or possibly trade him down the road) but make sure the contract includes a stringent behavior clause.  Any team that signs him should insist on it.  If the clause is a problem for Kane, he won't get the money he wants anywhere unless, of course, someone's truly adverse to risk or just plain dumb. 

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