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Everything posted by SabresBillsFan

  1. Wow cheer that miller made the save but how about Fire Lindy Ruff! Fire Lindy Ruff! Fire Lindy Ruff!
  2. I was talking about the first Montreal goal of the game. Come on fans. Fire Lindy Ruff! Fire Lindy Ruff! Fire Lindy Ruff!
  3. Really tell me how a goal is weak if you put it off the pipe and in? Anyone playing hockey will tell you if you put it off the pipe and in that's a great shot.
  4. Draft more defenseman! How about a change of coach so they can get rid of this ###### system they play.
  5. Come on fans. Fire Lindy Ruff! Fire Lindy Ruff! Fire Lindy Ruff!
  6. I have to admit Weber has looked good. I wish they would trade Leopold he sucks.
  7. Come on fans. Fire Lindy Ruff! Fire Lindy Ruff! Fire Lindy Ruff!
  8. Wow no cross check penalty on Montreal plus what is Pom doing throwing that puck to Vanek when he had an open shooting lane.
  9. U couldn't have played that any better than they did. If u can put the puck off the pipe and in those are great shots. I say new coach.
  10. Come on fans get the chants going Fire Lindy Ruff! Fire Lindy Ruff! Fire Lindy Ruff
  11. It should be interesting because Montreal played last night in Boston. So no excuse to really lose when they had over a day to rest.
  12. Hopefully another loss tonight! That's the only way things will change.
  13. I'm a huge Sabres fan but this team hasn't been really great to watch since the Drury/Briere days. That's when it was exciting you could even tell RJ had fun during those years. But last year and this years team are a complete joke. Vanek and Poms have been their best players and besides that their isn't much worth cheering about. I have more excitement watching the Ducks this year than Buffalo.
  14. I totally agree but I think the coaching staff had something to do with that. The year he won the Calder he really played great offensively! I think the coaches stressed more Defense out of his game where he is more of an offensive defenseman.
  15. Wow status quo from Dumb and Dumber! I know Darcy has no balls in letting Ruff go. I think this team is a mess with salary cap and with its coaching staff. Well year 2 will be a major disappointment. How long does it take before Terry figures out these two clowns won't get him a Stanley Cup. Edmonton will win one before we do with all that young talent. Lets see there is no better player in Rochester that can score more than Matt Ellis seriously? What a joke!
  16. Why not Darcy and scouts for not getting skilled players and Lindy for not coaching properly!
  17. Like I said let the losing continue and fans should should voice their opinion with signs or chants, this ###### is getting old.
  18. I totally agree but The Buffalo News and Wgr550 is too tough about was is said and written.
  19. Hopefully they lose all of them and that the Islanders beat them badly!
  20. You said it very well. I don't think this squad isn't talented I think a coaching change would do a lot just like it did for Los Angeles and St Louis. Even the best coaches time has come and Lindys time is up.
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