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  1. Say we wanted a real defenseman. Is Shea Weber straight up for pominville a bad trade?
  2. Let the new GM pick his own coach.
  3. doubt ud get several sutters for pominville but maybe that kind of player and a pick
  4. If he brings us a #1 physical defenseman then i say go for it. Thats what this team needs somebody that can skate and take the body
  5. A lack of any physical defenseman and Darcy are the problem. Not to mention the figure skaters we have that are being paid for scoring goals
  6. Not sure it was LR that broke this team i think we will find out that they really are just soft and not that good. Hopefully Terry and Ted will figure out that the real problem is Darcy who overpaid for these players HE put on the ice. BYE BYE DARCY you cant blame Lindy anymore. Time to take a look in the mirror DR
  7. Does anyone have a confirmation on who is in net for both teams tonight? Nevermind thanks
  8. Exactly correct. Myers was on the ice and should have have had his gloves off and swinging when he got to Lucic. As for robin r. he was challenged a few times last night and wanted no part of anybody. I dont think cody was scared but i think he is still recovering from the stitches he got from his last fight. Was sickening to watch my teams lack of response to that. Boston probably had a good laugh after the game
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