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Everything posted by Kristian

  1. You ask me, I'd prefer if NO Sabre was at the oplympics. They have a mean schedule coming up right after. Let the other teams top guys wear themselves out, and let our guys rest for 2 weeks. But that's just the cynic in me :D
  2. Just heard Briere's injury has been cofirmed as a sports hernia. Damn.
  3. I know I've said this before, but what is Peters doing taking up a roster spot?
  4. A few thoughts on tonight : Great goal by Pominville, great play to break up a 2 on 1 in the 2nd. Thibault gave Max an early christmas gift, weakest goal I've seen this year. Why is Fitzpatrick on this roster? First his misplays a puck, to srping Crosby in on McKee for the 1st goal. On the 2nd goal he left his position in front of Biron to take out a Pens player with two Sabres all over him already? Result is that Oullet has about 3-4 acres of space to whack home that rebound that was lying in Fitz's skates. Jeeez, talk about poor judgement. Biron looked horrible on the 3rd, a weak wrister from the point, and the rebound ends up right in the slot for The Pens to bang home. Plus he still goes to his knees waaaaaay too soon. GREAT glove save in the end, though. Gamesaver. Crosby will from now on go under the name Crysby as far as I'm concerned. Christ, he should be playing for the Flyers as much as he cries and whines to the refs. Don't think I saw one play tonight where he didn't go straight to the ref to whine about something when the whistle went. Calder candidate? Maybe, but seriously, what a whiner.
  5. The reason I'm not convinced, is that I've seen Biron go on these streaks before, and yet return to his unfocused ways again and again. We'll just have to see whether or not this is another of these streaks, or whether he's finally realized the season starts in October, and not late January. Give credit where credit is due - sure - but you can't blame people for being a little sceptical.
  6. Point taken, but his nack for letting in soft goals has been getting to me for years now, and while I agree he's been a decent backup during the last stretch, I don't think it's helathy for a penny-pinching team to have a 2 mill. dollar backup.
  7. Wel guess he WAS indeed due, nice call :lol:
  8. The fact that he wins doesn't mean he plays well, only that the team scores more than he lets in.
  9. Now do us all a favor and stay awake for the remainder, Marty!
  10. Is anyone surprised? When was Miller back again? Can't happen soon enough, so that we can unload this sieve somewhere.
  11. Well, at least I was right about the 5 on 5 bit, hehehe
  12. Oh well, better against a non-division team, I suppose.
  13. Yeah, that'll be the excuse at least. It's either "3 games in 4 nights" or "too many days off" :D
  14. Yeah, but I just don't see much of an effort tonight, and I doubt that'll change. Night off, I guess.
  15. I don't see how Buffalo will get this done 5 on 5, this'll take either a PP goal or a shortie, I think.
  16. Even Varada could've scored on that one.
  17. Is it possible that Max is the worst finisher this team ever saw? Jeeez, what a miss.....
  18. Can't win 'em all, I guess. How they rebound from this will say a lot about this team.
  19. Hot d***, things got a little too exciting in the end there. Still, good win, even if The Sabres could and should have put this one away early.
  20. Come on guys, this may be the worst team in the NHL, but this is a must-win game. Come April, nobody cares who the points came against.
  21. Didn't I just say he was looking sharp...? :o
  22. Marty's looking sharp tonight. Maybe he felt he had to step up his game to stay ahead of Noronen?
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