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Posts posted by Kristian

  1. 39 minutes ago, Buffalonill said:

    No lol those teams actually cared and made the playoffs let's not compare  the ruff ,regier teams to this crap 


    They made the playoffs once, after black sunday.

    The dreaded “Core” of Roy, Stafford, Pominville, Myers, Ennis, etc. were equally as insufferable to watch, and were the very reason “the tank” became a strategy.

    Believe me, it was here before Pegula, as much as I dislike the guy.

  2. 21 hours ago, Buffalonill said:

    These players are just happy to get Paid and be with their friends good old country club atmosphere.

    Adams Created this 


    Adams? This culture was here way before Adams, I distinctly remember Derek Roy and Jason Pominville and their “how’s my hair” brand of hockey, way before Ruff and Regier were fired.

    • Agree 1
  3. Nothing.

    I’m sick of rookie coaching staffs, and underachieving “company men”.

    I want someone who’ll call out players in public when they don’t show up, and tell the owner mind his own f’ing business, or take the bench himself.

    I’m sick of feelgood BS and cuddling.

    Will it push this team over the hump? No freakin’ clue, but cuddling and feelgood BS sure as ***** hasn’t either, so have at it I say.

    • Agree 1
  4. I don’t hate the person, but I do so loathe Thompsons lack of effort, and always peeling off after losing the puck or having his shot stopped.

    Show some freakin’ heart and win that thing back, or jam it home! Lazy slacker!

    8 hours ago, SHAAAUGHT!!! said:

    I've seen Joker skate away from too many situations where he should have stood up for himself or his team.  Last year he literally flinched when he thought someone was going to grab him.  Joker and Bryson are two of the most cowardly defensemen I can remember on this team.  Even Soupy would mix it up when he had too.  

    Campbell threw some pretty memorable hits too, when called upon.

    • Like (+1) 1
  5. 18 hours ago, Thorny said:

    8 looks like a sweet spot, looking at the teams around us. We aren’t tanking, but no there’s not much to watch for. I don’t think success here really would mean anything as far as next season goes (as we saw last)

    Still, I expect them to keep fighting and would expect nothing less. You don’t back down from the expectation to win once it’s installed 

    We have expectation to win installed? Since when??

    Why am I always the last to hear of these things??!!

    • Haha (+1) 1
  6. 12 hours ago, thewookie1 said:

    Okposo has been a great trooper and I hope we have some kind of job for him after his retirement but as long as it isn't Boston or Toronto I'll look forward to rooting for him.

    KO has done f*ck all than collect a huge paycheck while never making the playoffs here.

    Goodbye, and good riddance.

    • Like (+1) 1
  7. 3 minutes ago, Buffalonill said:

    This team loves giving fans hope And we fall for it every single year.


    This! The oldest trick in the Sabres playbook! The late season rally!

    There’s a reason they say “you can’t make the playoffs in November, but you can certainly miss them”.

    That should be painted on the freakin’ locker room floor!

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  8. 3 hours ago, PerreaultForever said:

    You guys actually think that was a good hockey game? Really? Well, subjective perception I guess. 

    imo this was the textbook definition of low event hockey. Basically a complete nothing of a hockey game but at least the right team came out on top. I was just glad I watched this on replay so I could speed it up a little otherwise I might have fallen asleep. 

    Totally agree.

    Way too wide open for a road game, UPL stole this one.

    And what was with the complete slot collapse after the Jackets pulled the goaltender? Standing around just waiting, and letting them pass it around like that? It’s 6 on 5, not 4 on 3!

    Our luck the Jackets are crap!

    • Agree 2
  9. 2 hours ago, PromoTheRobot said:

    Paul Hamilton (so take it for what it's worth) said on WBEN the other day that the atmosphere in Buffalo for the Sabres is the "most toxic" in the entire league. There's a lot of hate and the players feel it. Now you can be Mr. Tough Guy and tell them to suck it up and play better, but they are still human and that stuff hurts. Especially because they carry the sins of previous teams on their backs. It's pretty obvious why the p[lay better on the road. No pressure. At home they are worried about making a mistake and causing the arena to turn on them.

    The atmosphere is “toxic”? The team has been hot dogshit for over a decade, but the atmosphere is “toxic”?

    If so, then it’s for a damn good reason. These guys are bums, nothing more. Always looking for excuses for being bums. Have been for over a decade.

    • Like (+1) 1
  10. 31 minutes ago, Mr Peabody said:

    The players were reacting to the Fire Donnie chants, not the boos.  I’m okay with that and if it had stayed in the locker room we’d likely never know.  Whether you like him or not, the Fire Donnie chants are in bad taste and I’m sure it meant a lot to him that the players thought that was over the line.   

    Great. Maybe they can all have a nice big group-hug, pre-game.

    We can call it a “bum-hug”, as it’s essentially a bunch of bum players hugging a bum coach.

    This team definitely has their priorities all messed up, no wonder they suck so bad.

    If DG is such a great guy in the minds of his players, maybe they should start playing for him, instead of alienating whatever small fanbase that remains?

    Seems to me that would be having the priorities straight, but no. A bum captain who should’ve been out of the league years ago, needs to make a bum move, because he can’t play hockey.

    I’ve had it.

    • Haha (+1) 1
  11. 1 hour ago, dudacek said:

    The amount of hatred that has been directed their way and this surprises you?

    I think Sabrespace feels like it has been shouting into the wind at this franchise for so long, it’s lost perspective on what it is actually putting out there right now, and that people are actually listening.

    I’ve been here for the entire dark era - through far worse and more uncaring teams - and I don’t ever remember it feeling this personal. I think it’s far more of a reaction to the entire disastrous Pegula era than it is about these players, but they are paying big-time for the organization making us actually feel hope in September.

    The fanbase may have turned on this franchise because of a decade of truly horrible hockey, but it turned on this particular group of players after less than 3 months of mediocrity. And, in my view, has treated them with a degree of disdain that far outstrips what their actual play and effort warrants.

    What Donnie is saying is that in the past year or two, a number of players made a long-term good-faith commitment to fix this. And they did it not ‘in spite of the city being a dump” but because they believed in Kevyn Adams story of this wonderful city and fanbase and group of players who could build something special together.

    But I know most of you just want to be mad and I’m the one shouting into the wind. It’s not really about the hockey on here anymore; we’ve given up on talking about that. It's just win, and ***** off until you do.

    You guys may be entitled to your rage, and it’s clear you feel entitled to it, but that should not make you oblivious to its repercussions.

    Yes, they signed fat extensions, and have all been dogsh*t ever since.

    Cant’t imagine why anyone would boo that.

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  12. 2 minutes ago, Dr. Who said:

    I think you missed the basic gist of the thread. We are moderating our disappointment and discovering glimmers of hope. Your lyrics goes with one of the dirge threads.

    I’m sorry, that was the most positive I could muster.

    Who doesn’t like money? 🤣

    • Haha (+1) 3
  13. 4 hours ago, Marvin said:

    As an oldster, I am still salty about the failure of the 1986 Sabres-Oilers trade that was rumoured for Gil Perreault.  I hope that Girgensons and Okposo go to teams with the best chance of winning the Cup that is possible.  The return is borderline immaterial to me.

    Kyle Okposo can jump in a grease fire, for all I care. Sticking it to the fans for being upset with the coach was the last straw with this bum.

    He’s been hot dogshit ever since he came here, and this is the only organisation in the league that wouldn’t have thrown his overpaid behind on waivers, where he should have been seven years ago.

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