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Ghost of Dwight Drane

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Posts posted by Ghost of Dwight Drane

  1. It's not really fair to ask someone as young as I am that question though. My first real memories of the Sabres were the 97-98 playoffs when I was 11. I followed the Sabres about as diligently as a kid could who didn't come from a very dedicated sports family. Heck, I didn't have cable till I came to college in 05 so I couldn't even watch games.


    Joining this forum and becoming not just a fan, but an analyst, changed how I view the team. My only real critical years of this team started in 05. That combined with the fact that I don't have decades of deep seeded anger to unleash at will, is why I don't harbor any resentment towards Ruff. In my 13 years of legitimate fanhood he's taken us to the Stanley Cup and almost did it again in 06. Why should I dislike the guy?


    Ruff has been coach 12 full years


    In those years there were 14 and 15 teams in our conference


    An average coach given that tenure will get his team to the Stanley Cup 0.85 times


    Ruff made the playoffs 7 of 12 years


    That is 58%


    The average team should make it 54-56% of the time


    Ruff has won 10 playoff series


    The average team has won 6.1 series



    Since Hasek has left:


    Ruff has gone to the playoffs 3 of 8 years


    The average team has gone 4.32 times


    Ruff has won 4 playoff series


    The average team has won 4 playoff series




    The results?


    With Dominik Hasek, Lindy Ruff was a slightly above average coach


    Without Hasek, Lindy Ruff has been a slightly below average head coach



    Lindy Ruff is the 18th best head coach in the league according to Drane Enterprises Hockey Software Ltd.

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  2. Yes, :unsure: yes, :unsure: I saw it, I tried to ignore it, ignore the feelings, the voices in my head, but NO, NO you guy's can't just leave it alone, yes alone, yes young blond, yes hot.....


    Okay I admit it I secretly wished for, thought about it, wanted to be her daddy..... :ph34r: ...


    There happy now.


    Seriously this could be it's own thread.


    She could go viral in Buffalo in 2 seconds. Although viral may have a double meaning.



    If I were a young chap still, and was at the game tonight. I would smuggle in a blonde wig, 2 giant balloons, and a Hi Dad sign.....and at the very least go down to the glass for warmups. There is no doubt in my mind the camera team had about 30 shots of her that night which didn't make it on air. I give Harry Neale credit for not saying something that would get him fired. I was waiting for it.

  3. I think those types showing up at the game has more to do with the push to revitalize Buffalo, which I do support as a West Side resident. The problem is a lot of people think they can turn this place into the Village in NY, hence the attitude they bring around. They forget that this was a blue collar, working class city. Buffalo never claimed to be the class act of NYS. I understand we do have a budding art scene and some respected education institutions but you don't see that type of person showing up at Knick games and Ranger games in NYC. So why think you can turn a Sabres game into some sort of social event. It's not suppose to be.


    The most fun I've had at the arena in recent years is to be sitting in the 300's surrounded by Montreal fans. They were semi-obnoxious, but mainly in good fun. We started getting into playful barbs with them....and because they knew their hockey and obviously are into it, making the drive, it was all the better. If you gave a Sabres IQ test to people.....and say average on this site would be 40 out of 50......I bet the average fan over 20 years old at the arena would be lucky to sport a 20-25.


    Again....I can't blame the current crowd. Going to a Sabres game the past 4 years many nights is like walking into the DMV. A bunch of people are there because they have to be, a few because they want to be, and the employees show the same passion.

  4. Right. And these family types aren't there to cheer until they can't speak anymore. Which is the exact opposite of myself, who spends upwards of 15 nights every season blowing my voice out for my Tigers at home (and often times away too). Last year a group of us got a box of 8000 coughdrops from Halls for free because we wrote Halls and told them we burned through packages of them for hockey games, and they thought that was awesome. Show up to a Sabres game with your pockets stuffed with cough drops and start cheering your team on, and all of a sudden you and the three other guys in your section who care, are all getting dirty looks from mom and dad because they don't get it.


    Being a spectator isn't about sitting with your hands in your lap and clapping every time someone makes a play. It's about cheering until your throat is raw and you have broken blood vessels in your eyeballs. It's about being a part of the game, not removed from it.


    That's one thing the fans at Bills games have that we don't. Drunken, rowdy, spirit and a complete lack of politeness.


    Lots of good points throughout the thread.


    The Halls story is awesome.


    The arena HAS changed over the years. The President's Trophy team for some reason changed a lot of the dynamics. It's probably a combo of fans getting priced out of attending games on a regular basis, the disappointment of getting your team gutted and missing the playoffs just months later, and don't forget....the lockout plays a roll. I used to be a die-hard Braves fan until the baseball strike. They came back and won the series the next year...and I didn't feel it in my gut. This from a guy you used to watch every game when they were 62-100.


    If you had a time machine and took someone out of the crowd from the Aud...and transported them to the Sabres/Devils game, they would have taken a shotgun to their own head. There wasn't one moment during that game other than Miller's nice sprawling leg-stab save where I couldn't clearly hear the person next to me in a conversation. Back in the day you would be so focused on the play on the ice you wouldn't dare talk during play, and the crowd excitement would make it tough to talk during breaks.


    Seriously, the only reason I went to the game was to get dinner and drinks. There just happened to be a hockey game going on around us. I take some of the blame for that, but if I believed in this team, that they were doing everything they could to win and tried with even 93% effort....I would be enthralled in the game. The Sabres to me are sort of the deadbeat relative you have to sit through Thanksgiving dinner with. You are polite and listen to their endless talking....but don't believe a word that comes out of their mouth and are happy to see them go.


    I can't be alone in that thought....and because bigger money is now in control of the seats at the arena, you are not going to have an exciting atmosphere. The arena now is not much different than a Florida Panthers game.

  5. Bologna is the most anger inducing of all lunch meats. I mean, you're eating bologna. Wouldn't you be pissed you've been reduced to eating big noses and horse hooves.


    That was freudian.....Golisano is cheap, but if he's serving it up, that brings new meaning to cutting off your nose to spite your face.

  6. When your team takes on the character of a Philharmonic, that's the type of atmosphere and patrons which will follow. When your team takes on the character of a jazz band, you will get the drinking, dancing, smoking, cheering, and revelry.


    Darcy is first chair cello. Quinn plays flute, and Lindy is the conductor with the extra starched shirt.


    This team has been system oriented for years. Systems make you think instead of go on instinct. I would much rather see trust within a structure. That's what jazz is. Guys who know in their hearts what to do, and are allowed the freedom to show it. This team has little to none of that.....and it rubs off on the crowd.

  7. I hate to say it....but Gaustad is a joke.


    Slap fight after the final whistle again.....and he had Hajlamarsisshission on the ice...but has to go hug Seabrook.


    He got Trent Edwards'd by Lindy. So much promise but solid regression over the last few years.

  8. I haven't seen him do much of anything since this whole neck injury.


    That was my point.


    He is not right out there. He has that "constipated" look that Thomas Vanek skates around with. I have noticed other teams just ignoring him when he gets in after the whistle this year. He's hit a little bit, but he also has skated off checks many times. Who knows....that may be Lindy's call.

  9. Big ice time winners in the third were McCormick, Niedermayer, Grier, Rivet and Hecht. Quite an endorsement of the go-to Core, when you're down 2-0 and 2-1, eh?


    Losers were Connolly, Gaustad and Kaleta.


    I think Kaleta is done. He can no longer do what he was good at which was being a pest. Nobody will take him seriously if he can't fight. He is moving gingerly out there and his scoring was mediocre to begin with.

  10. US Hockey Hall of Fame Class of 2010


    "Jeremy Roenick headlines a list of five members that make up the United States Hockey Hall of Fame Class of 2010.

    The class, which also includes Derian Hatcher, Kevin Hatcher, Art Berglund and Dr. V. George Nagobads, will be enshrined on October 21 at HSBC Arena in Buffalo, New York."



    Seriously? They have to induct Derian Hatcher the year the event will be in Buffalo?


    Dr. V George Nagobads ?????


    Sounds like Darcy's alter-ego he uses in the bedroom. And when making imaginary free agent signings.

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