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Posts posted by calti

  1. "He was going to the ground before the ball ever got to him. He jumped at an angle. He was stumbling, not stepping. That helps the rule make sense."


    stumbling not stepping??............-again-a guy can be 'stumbling' forward for many steps.What is the cutoff? We have all seen players get tripped up and go to the ground after many steps. I highly doubt the rule was designed for taking 2,3 or 7 steps with control of the ball.

  2. nonsense--he had complete control and took 3 steps...and his elbows hit before the ball touched the ground. -and there was no proof that the ball was on the ground and not under control. he flipped it up at the end to make sure he showed it wasnt on the ground altho that shouldnt have mattered

  3. THAT was a catch. He flipped the ball up at the end to make the catch---and he had control a the way down and never did it show the ball on the ground without his control

    This league is a joke. And I don't like the cowboys at all.No way do you overturn that.

  4. not the worst pick in the world......because Rex knows all about lousy QBs. He has been stuck with them forever. He doesn't need to reinvent the wheel.

    Lets hope his disgust with mangy QBing translates into us getting a real QB some day

  5. you cant teach a qb to throw accurately....plus that ej has mediocre football instincts.

    if whaley is still a believer the bills need to dump him yesterday.At this point I don't blame Marrone

    at all for fleeing this clown old guard loser bills mgmt.


    something needs to be done or we will be having the same discussion 1 yr from now just as we have

    had since st ralph told bum who to play at qb. Only little Danny is worse IF Tpegs gives Whaley control.


    bum?? meant bum's son

  6. hehe ubkev......I feel the same about many of the other 'candidates' as well.


    ps---im not sure Marrone is such a bad guy in any of this. He had to deal with the RW admin. era losers thru all this. The benefit of the doubt goes to Marrone.

    Marrone seems very average ....but at least he saw that EJ stunk....and that the Watson deal was insanity.

  7. whatever happens please at least demote whaley. maybe he had a lot to do with drafting ej maybe not...but to trade a 1st in the Watkins deal was inexcusable and points to the fact that he was an ej supporter. keep whaley away from anything to do with obtaining a QB or dealing draft picks- .


    Horrible 3rd down play calling by the lions.....good lord what is it with Lake erie teams???? complete choke of a game they had.


    And Stafford??---Does he have no peripheral vision in his right eye?? --I thought I was watching RJ on a few plays

  8. Well other teams seem to realize that Schwartz didn't all of a sudden become a good head coach because of his success with a talent laden Bills D.

    I sure hope he is back---and from your explanation looks like that will be the case. He did a good job last year.

  9. The Bills obviously are loaded on defense.--And people ,based on this are making a huge mistake imho.

    Pettine--great coach --HC candidate!! Schwartz--great coach---HC candidate!! Perhaps our D talent is

    making these guys all look better than what they are.


    Schwartz had basically the same talent in Detroit as the '14 version.

    Pettine has been OK in Cleveland--jury still out.


    My wild guess is that the next Bills DC will have a great year too.

    PLEASE no Schwartz as HC. Let him leave if he wants.

    We were all worried about the D when Pettine left.

  10. yes there is some luck involved in getting a franchise QB. But there is also some wisdom /skill/smarts. Only idiot franchises would take an EJ in the first. Only dumb franchises go 15 yrs without even

    an avg NFL starter. There was very little luck involved with Ind getting Luck. That was beautifully and skillfully executed.


    Some teams pick the Bradys and Wilsons.Others don't.-Those teams also have great/smart coaches.I don't think that is mere coincidence.

  11. Orton being gone will hurt slightly next year but will assist in the long run.

    EJ is not an NFL starter.

    Better that the Bills are forced to confront reality.


    Cutler,Sanchez....If we get either then its more wasted yrs for this joke franchise.

    Clean up the mess Terry.-Spend $ on top football people...not people who needlessly trade away #1s or draft 5th round QBs in the 1st.

  12. IF it was Whaleys decision to draft EJ(which everyone under the sun exc for the Bills knew not to do) then compounds the mistake by giving up a 1st for Sammy in a superrich WR draft then he


    needs to go. Those moves crippled the Bills for the foreseeable future .

  13. Cutler is no better than orton overall. And this is with Cutler possessing vastly superior arm strength and athleticism.

    -A Cutler signing would put the exclamation point on decades of dumb decisions by the Buffalo Bills.

    Yes he will look great for a game or two before driving everyone completely insane.

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