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Posts posted by hopeleslyobvious

  1. that is just ridiculous, of course everyone would like it if magically the team played better than it has the last 15 or so games, but what makes you think that putting miller in would do that, in my opinion marty has played just as well or better than miller did during the beginning of the season, and I think in general, the team has played better with marty in goal, although i think that was just the way things worked out and doesnt have anything to do with who is playing goal.

    I'm not suggesting that the team is going to "magically play better." I agree with you that the team is playing better now than it did in front of Miller at the beginning of the year, which I think has nothing to do with who is between the pipes, I think the rest of the team is just clicking. And I think Miller is the better goalie. So that leads me to the conclusion that the team is better with Miller playing than Biron. You may disagree with me, but that doesn't make my opinion ridiculious.

  2. I didn't pay too much attention to the 2nd one tonight, but Dallas really moving the puck around well and I had no problem with the first.


    My main problem here is that you've made Biron out to be Satan. There is nothing he can do short of winning the Cup now that would change your opinion.

    Hey, I'll admit I'm hard on the guy, but he doesn't have to win a cup to change my opinion. I have a long memory, and not easily convinced. Maybe he really has turned himself around. I'll be more convinced if he continues to play consistently. So, he's hot right now. Let's say Ruff sticks with him, and he has a rough night. His next start does he put up a good game again, or does he collapse and get ice cold? If he continues to play consistently, I will be convinced.


    And I'll admit, I'm biased because I'm a big Miller fan. I think he is going to have a great career, and I'd rather not see what happened to Mika happen to him.

  3. Take a look at the replay. After the TSN guy said that, I re-wound the video and Marty had his eyes on the puck the whole time.

    Ok, for argument's sake, even if he did have his eyes on the puck the whole time, Guerin still had the chance to take a high percentage shot, looked for a pass instead, faded away from the net and took a low percentage shot.

  4. Hey, he has looked great...but there are two areas where I think he's weak on:


    1. Breakaways, which I admit he has had a couple nice breakaway stops in the last few games, but I need more than just a few to be convinced. Just to draw an analogy, if Mike Grier scores a breakaway goal, I don't think anyone here is going to argue he's good at breakaways.


    2. I am a little concerned that this is the second time during the past 4 games where he has completely lost track of the puck in the last minute of the game (The other being Colorado).


    Just some more thoughts:


    Some of the Biron fans get all over his critics for being too critical, but maybe sometimes you're being too supportive. For example, when someone suggests that his streak has a lot to do with how well the team is playing in front of him, this is quickly dismissed because "he made a lot of great saves to keep them in it" or something like that. Yet the same people are quick to blame the team in front of him when he lets in a soft one. Hey, I'll blame the defense when they screw up too, but remember, he's not playing in a vacuum.


    I'm not trying to take anything away from the guy, he's played out of his mind in the last month. But, he is a streaky goaltender. If history is any indication, he is going to come down eventually. If we don't give Miller a shot, he's going to be rusty when Biron cools off.


    In my opinion, overall, Miller is the better goaltender. Everyone who is advocating riding the hot hand in net, just consider this, what if the team would be playing even better with Miller in net?

  5. What exactly was Grier thinking there? If Dallas scored, that would have been all on him.


    And on the other side...what was Guerin thinking. Did anyone else see that? He had the puck right in front of the net, decent angle, Biron didn't know where the puck was, he looked for a pass, and eventually faded to a bad angle and took the shot. Thanks Bill!

  6. 2 thoughts...


    1. Is Roy getting double shifted? Right after his goal he was out there with Vanek and Max.


    2. The "shoot it" people that drive me crazy our back...They were just yelling for the pointman to shoot it on the delayed penalty. Yeah great idea, shoot it with a defenseman right in the shooting lane rather than pass it to Kotalik for a wide open one timer.




    update in OT! Nice shot Max!


    Marty better thank his mates for picking him up. I didn't turn the game on until the beginning of the second. JS Giguere tried to steal the game for the Ducks. Once Vanek tied it at 1 Marty tried to give it away on an extraordinarily weak - even for him - goal.

    The real question is which Anaheim goal was weaker?

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