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Posts posted by 2ForTripping

  1. i've actually been looking into what it would take to make my own smoker, just for kicks and the like. this ... this might be a deal breaker. and they sell them just up the street from me. hmm...




    for that, i'd MAKE room. :) if it means clearing out a flower bed in the front yard, or removing the mail box post. something's gotta give!

    I can't talk about the BGE enough they truly are like a #1 stud centerman .... game changers. LOL seriously though I've made briskets, boston butts, ribs and countless other things even cookies bread & pizza. In fact going to do some bison ribs in an hour or so . 8 hours in some hickory and white oak smoke followed by a crisping on the BGE dialed up to 600 degrees or so for 3 minutes a side plate em let em rest and pour a home brew porter and feast with the wife and daughter.
  2. give it up for long haul!!! congrats on the pulls. that should be some excellent checkage. :)


    as for my effin' frickin' fantastic friday, leaving work at noon, going home and taking a nap (cuz i got here at frickin' 5 ... i think i deserve a nap!), got up at 4 to throw my fred flinstone-sized beef rib rack in the oven. having worked on it over the few weeks before the super bowl, i now have it down to perfection.

    • apply rub and wrap in cellophane (one layer) and tin foil (shiny side OUT) the night before.
    • in oven, place 9 x 13 pan on bottom rack with 1/2" water. mix in an entire bottle of applewood liquid smoke.
    • heat oven to 150, place ribs on middle rack.
    • let cook for 12 hours. that's right--12 hours.
    • after 12 hours, remove ribs from oven. unwrap tinfoil carefully so it doesn't rip. remove cellophane wrap.
    • drain grease, preferably into old tin can (e.g. green beans, baked beans, corn ... what have you).
    • place ribs back on tin foil. slather both sides in bbq sauce of choice.
    • rewrap somewhat loosely and place back in oven for 30-45 minutes.
    • remove from oven and eat!

    now ... to be fair, with beef ribs, there really is no way to eat them with any decorum, so you might as well get as primal on them as you want. think "caveman." you'll enjoy them more if you do. also, have about 50 napkins or paper towels on hand.


    my gift to you ... on this F'N FANTASTIC FRIDAY.


    Get a Big Green Egg. I've had one for 20 years and they fukcing rule. You wont need the Texas crutch when you use a BGE.

  3. Taking a logic class as an elective at UB, and the professor is actually really engaging. And the course material is surprisingly interesting. And he constantly references the sabres in his lectures.


    F'N Fantastic.

    When he speaks of the Sabs is he baffled by how their poor play defies logic?
  4. Hyundai and KIA are owned by Hyundai . There is a KIA plant here in GA that just had a large expansion completed. They now can pump out more vehicles per day. I've owned 2 Hyundai's the Elantra and now I've a Tuscon as does my wife. We love 'em ,the warranty the price . My Elantra got 137K before I traded it and I never had a problem so even a used Hyundai would be a good bet. My FN Friday news is my toddler daughter went for her 1st offical diaperless week!!! We have a goal horn for when she goes

  5. Sorry. Not buying theirs or anyone else's arguments. I'm not accountable to any papal magisterium, so therefore I do not have to follow their dualistic thinking about Creation and "evolution". After all, who was present all those millions of years ago to write down accounts of what happened? No one. It's all based on assumptions that grasp for straws and seeks to discredit the Creation account. Therefore, macro-evolution is not only science fiction, but it's also historical fiction. To hold it up as fact is disingenuous - and that's putting it lightly.

    Thats fine friend just wondering about the "fossil fuel" that propels your industry in which you make a living......

  6. Really?! Ok, answer me this. Name one thing that predates Creation.

    Relax. we all know you are waaaaaaaayyyy to the right & a believer. take a break. get a sense of humor. try being more "christ like" & less christian. As your boy says turn the other cheek

  7. I'm with you there. It is sick and disgusting how some people have an IDGAF attitude over such animals. Just because I tilt to the right doesn't mean that I have no feelings toward them. To me, they're another majestic display of God's creation.


    It's another thing altogether when an animal runs out in front of me when I'm doing 65 and I'm loaded to the hilt. I can't just swerve to miss that thing. (Happened to me a few years ago when I was near Bristol, Tennessee when a woodchuck ran right out in front of me. You don't have to ask who won.) It can take me up to 6-8 football fields to stop, and even longer if I'm going downhill. At any rate, animals don't think like humans do. Their sense of danger awareness is much different from ours. If they want to cross the road without thinking that they're about to get flattened, they'll do it.

    Tilt to the right? thats rich. took the ducks many millions of years to evolve to their present state

  8. I wouldn't think anything that constricts blood vessels would help.


    But it's the Internet. You'll see all kind of information.


    They really are mysterious things, ocular migraines. Remember, these may or may not be accompanied by headaches.

    You are correct. I read it on several sites regarding the triggers of these noggin knockers.

  9. Home improvement projects! I installed a new outlet with its very own dedicated 15 amp breaker as well as a bunch of cat5e so i can house all of my network stuff in the giant closet we have downstairs. After hours of fishing lines, drilling holes, and doing the typical sweating cause the jumble of wires won't fit down the hole, I got it all done. The electrical stuff and data stuff works like a friggin charm. My major complaint is drywall patching. Talk about a horrible, messy job! It's not even the patching... It's the sanding. I feel like i'm in a sahara dust storm here. I'll be happy when this sh-- is all done!


    Oh yeah, my wife was hell bent on getting one of those intex frame pools for her birthday in may. approximately 2 months and about $800 later in pool, water, chemicals, and supplies, I cut it down yesterday. The pump worked for about 3 weeks before it stopped pumping. Did all kinds of research, breakdown, tricks with the filter, etc. to no avail. Finally a couple weeks ago i drew the line in the sand and unplugged it and chalked it up as a learning experience. Since these sh---y pools don't even have an accessible drain plug (oh they do have a drain plug, but when its filled, the drain is half buried in the ground, making it totally useless). I just went at the liner with a pair of scissors. My lawn got a great algae water bath last night. Don't ever buy these stupid pools. Every time you want to impulse buy one of these things, put $500 into a pool fund, save up, and get the real deal. Literally, the biggest waste of money ever!

    Wet sand it next time

  10. I don't think it's exclusive to large groups. People are self-absorbed and inconsiderate at an unprecendented level. Next time some punk ass kid tries that with me, I'm lowing my shoulder and going Kaleta on their ass. I'm sick and tired of people's lack of consideration of those around them. It's all about looking out for number one, screw whoever I inconvenience to get what I want.

    You mean you are going to fall down and turtle?!?!?!

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