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Posts posted by 2ForTripping

  1. notice how alex says that it's important "for our fans." love it.


    "For our fans, it's very, very important, and we feel great for them," he said. "We're at the next stage and we'll see if we're actually inducted. If so, we'll support it in every way we can for our fans."

    yeah, they were probably thinking about the fans when they sold out and let their music be used in a recent VW ad on tv as well
  2. Just got my hands on 4 tickets to the SEC Championship tilt. One of my casket sales reps gave em to me today. My daddy and 2 brothers and I are going to see a dandy. Someone's fixin to get hit in the nose with a hobnail boot!!

  3. It's always a double edged sword. Not having a job sucks because you feel listless and the bills stack up. Swinging back the other way and working too much sucks because you have no time or energy to do the stuff you need to do outside of work, like graduate school work, and spending time with loves ones.


    So yeah, I'm gonna complain real nice about it. :P

    fussing about the pace of your life... my last client wishes she had that problem . I just finished embalming her about 45 minutes ago.
  4. My brilliant employers decided to implement a new inventory system right at the start of the busy holiday season. The system, while making things easier, has also made them about twice as slow. We've been working 10-12 hour days since last Monday. Tomorrow will be my first day off in 10 days. I guess I'll just sleep through Thanksgiving.


    Overtime is nice but this is just...poor planning.

    you'd been fussing about being without now you have one and you still fuss,,,,,,hmmmmm
  5. I said on last Thursday's complaint thread that I was going to report on the good news the following day. However, with everything that was going on last Friday, I didn't have the time to fully disclose what happened.


    1. We finally bought a house and moved a lot closer to our respective jobs. My wife no longer has to commute 40-45 minutes to work. Now it's down to like 10-15 max. My commute is a bit shorter as well - especially at night! :D


    2. Right after we closed on the house, we filled out a preliminary application to adopt a child.

    good luck to you... question about the potential child. does it have to be a white child or are you open to a child of a different race?
  6. Chris in Utah... its not the kids its their parents and their complete lack of parenting which creates these douchebag children.

    My complaint the youth of today, 16-25 year old folks. they all think they are 10 feet tall and bulletproof. This mentality had me bury 6 of this age group in the past 3 weeks. Drinking and driving , bath salts and other acts of plain stupidity. STOP!! Y'all are too too young to be laid to rest.Parents please take a strong interest in your childrens lives please

  7. A) Theres a freaking hockey lockout


    B) I have been here since Saturday and I don't get internet/cable until this Saturday

    dont you live near Athens? a college town, pretty women cold flowing beer live tunes. oh yeah welcome to our state, its a great place
  8. A friend of family had a giant party two weekends ago that he called "freedom fest". From the sound of things, he dropped almost as much money on that party as he did on the divorce. Some of the stuff involved:

    -helicopter rides

    -those bouncy houses for kids

    -removed the bay window from his house so that it could serve as a stage for a live band

    that seems to be the trend lately but I have 3 funeral homes i must continue to run as well as care of my daughter so it wont be that just back to business... and to the Ute I really dont think anyone ever plans on divorce
  9. Wow. Everyone who replied like you did to my complaint really proved my point about her. You don't know the Gospel. (Thankfully, when I posted the story on my Facebook wall, my friends got it.) Works such as "compassion" don't get us to heaven. They never have. Only God's Grace does.


    The replies did remind me of one thing: ignorance of good theology and the Gospel while trying to claim WWJD is dangerous.

    you belong in Alabama
  10. Jesus Christ did teach compassion, forgiveness, etc, and she is being more Christian-like than most 'Christian' people who actually know it, that's for sure. Bashing her isn't cool IMO/

    He should be more "Christ like" in stead of Christian... and to answer the ? the "Christians" frequently ask, WWJD? I imagine he'd be angry at those who act more like "Christians" and a lot less like "Christ"
  11. Not trying to turn anything political, but Obama's affirmation of gay rights today is huge, and it makes me proud to be an American.

    indeed it does doesn't it glad the POTUS had the stones to support gay rights. wait until tomorrow that Crosschecking cat just may just blow a gasket with his far right rantings tomorrow in the complaint thread.
  12. Consider this to be ironic, but I actually have a measure of agreement with you. Makes me think that things like Vioxx have done more damage than some gold from Acapulco.

    it's all about big lobby money from the drug companies..... it's always about the money. the drug companies want to string you out and along on their chemicals for their profit. there is no money in a cure but "treatment" is a big money maker. Herb is a gift from the earth. XC didn't the god you worship say, paraphrasing of course something along the lines of i give you plants and the seeds to use,
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