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Posts posted by grinreaper

  1. Wut?


    Can't believe I never saw that avatar -- can you post it for old times' sake?

    I started using it as an avatar a couple years or so ago when Chz said she'd post naked pictures of herself when someone else did. I guess it wasn't impressive enough to get her to follow through.


  2. Seriously....the last Mexican cantina I had a job at was ruthless, horrible ring, no bathrooms, $47 for a nergra modelo and they had re-runs of The Facts of Life....in Portuguese...

    elcrusho doesn't understand the spirit of this thread but will take any opportunity to reminisce about his headliner days in the Mexican ballets. 

  3. I have not had NYC corned beef and pastrami but it is now my mission if that is the Hasek to Montreal Smoked Meat's Pominville.  Bold statement there cotton.

    Go into any Wal-Mart and get their Prima Della corned beef, pastrami or rare roast beef and you can save yourself a trip to NYC and a lot of bucks. You'll save enough to enjoy the City for other reasons. 

  4. Yea and the goal of the tank was to get mcdavid, i got it.  




    Be excited for Eichel, there is no reason not to  :beer:

    The goal of the tank was to get either McDavid or Eichel. There would have been little tanking if there were not two players that were head and shoulders above the rest in the draft. What team is going to tank for a 1 in 5 chance to get the best player with the alternative of getting someone who might play on the first line? 

  5. I was watching NESN last night and the question of the day was what do they do with Lucic. He's got a big cap number, his production fell way off and their going to need some cap relief next season.


    I hate the guy but I'm curious to see how many of you would want him on the Sabres.

    I'd sign him, drug him and get him Shanghied into a Chinese homosexual brothel. After that I'd  get serious about paying the sob back for being a first class jerk. 

  6. This was predictable, but I didn't think it would come quite this quickly, so it surprised me in that sense.


    As it is, Ted's systems knowledge and Xs and Os tactical knowledge of hockey is weak, and part of why he was fired the last time around with the Sabres.


    No real surprises here.


    I would love to see Babcock hired of course, though I somehow think that won't happen.

    He was not fired. He wanted a multi year extension. Darcy Regier was new to the team and wanted to only give him a one year extension to see how things would work out between them. Nolan turned it down.

  7. Don't really matter, with half the place changing their name every other day I don't even know who is saying what. 


    Let repetitive threads die on their own, the redundant conversations are better left there, if not they're just dragged into newer ones.

    That and their avatars.  :w00t:

  8. I stopped checking the thread after the 2nd period. Just went through and reviewed all the comments. Two comments:


    Thank you for all the comic relief. Some good stuff in there.


    And to the anti-tankers: Thanks for putting up with us for the duration of the season. I think you have a fan base that is on the same page now -- let's never lose another game, starting by knocking the Pens out of the playoffs.

    One last question, and I don't want it to be a new thread, but:


    Did Ennis take a dive on the empty netter? Didn't seem like he had enough speed or tight of a cut to fall and leave the puck in perfect position for C-bus. Regardless, and maybe even more so, he is my 2014-15 MVP.

    Not a chance. Here's a team that wasn't  very good to start off with and "lost" some of its best players. TMGM did a masterful job of tanking while allowing the players that remained to fight for every inch. I'm understanding of the GM's actions but proud of how the players fought. The best thing is, that after tonight we can all just be Sabres fans. 

  9. You got me!


    Not sure when the show was performed, but the "little girl" might even be older than you!


    But it was the other sisters I was revering to, I'm sure you realize this and are funning me! But none of them may be able to eat crackers in bed any more because they usually don't wear their teeth to bed. :ph34r:

    So, if you revere them so much, how can you disrespect them to the point of saying they can "eat crackers in your bed" anytime? Are you a "cracker"?

  10. One "generational", one "elite".  Otherwise, yeah.

    Regardless, they are both head and shoulders above the rest per consensus of all the top hockey minds. My contention is that if there weren't two players so far above the rest and it was only one, then tanking the season wouldn't be as important to teams. After all, the odds are very much against every lottery team of gaining the first pick.

  11. Last year there were 4-5 players at the top of the lottery that were nearly equal. This year there are two that are supposed to be "generational". Since 30th place will guarantee a team one of those two, then a proper tank job can make statistical sense. In a normal year a complete tank job to 30th place would gain a team a 20% chance of the first pick in the draft, which might not be all that much better than the next few picks. Hardly worth a complete tank job. 

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