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Posts posted by drnkirishone

  1. 1 minute ago, Marvin, Sabres Fan said:

    The last day when everyone thought of me as an American because I was born here was 10 September 2001.  Since then, I daily see people looking at me with suspicion and fear.  My wife was called a terrorist sympathiser at work.  I had death threats put in my mailbox.

    I had season tickets to the Sabres and Bills.  Midway through the first quarter of the next Bills game, a security guard came down to me and a friend.  He told us to signal for an escort if we wanted to get up.  I had been on TV during the pregame and several death threats had been phoned into the Bills' main line.  He pointed me to at least 10 guards at the top of the stairs.

    At the first Sabres game after 9/11/2001, there was a fight near my section.  The next game, there was extra security.  A guard met me at the entrance to the arena and escorted me to my seat.  I found out that three men had intended to grab me and throw me out of the upper bowl into the lower bowl.  The ushers and men in the area defended me as a real Sabres fan.  Then the fight started.  The three people who had threatened me were charged with attempted murder.  The people who defended me were not charged.  The were extra guards in sections 312-314 the entire season.

    When Bush 43 ordered the invasion of Afghanistan, I found out an old friend was working in Kandahar with the civilian population.  When I told me Dad, he told me that his father's family's farm village from before India's partition was near there.  He had me tell my friend how anyone can escape through the mountains into Pakistan if they were captured.  Sikh temples throughout Pakistan were ready to house Allied escapees.

    I will be honest.  When I heard a plane had hit the World Trade Center, I thought it had to be fake.  When I saw the carnage, I knew it had to be Bin Laden -- three years before in a news magazine, there was an interview with him entitled, "This Guy Is Dangerous."  I also knew that my life was going to get worse.  My Dad and I talked about me learning Urdu and Arabic so that we could go to Waziristan to kill Bin Laden ourselves.

    Interestingly, Buffalo was the top 300 city with the fewest anti-Muslim incidents for the few weeks after 9/11.  In the years since then, Sikhs, Hindus, Muslims, Baha'is, and others moved to the area from other parts of the country.  All of the congregations of our local houses of worship doubled or even tripled within a year.  People in several local immigrant communities were told that Buffalo was a good place to live because of this.

    I am sorry you had to experience what you did due to misguided and ignorant "patriots".

    • Thanks (+1) 1
  2. 58 minutes ago, Hoss said:

    There’s no need to. I didn’t know it until I googled it like a year ago. Where do any words come from? Who cares. We know what they mean. Sometimes we don’t but then we learn.

    The secret alien reptile overlords!!! that is where words come from!!

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  3. 12 hours ago, New Scotland (NS) said:

    We do. 

    You must see the difference between the mandatory children vaccines and mandatory COVID vaccines for adults?

    We have choices in this country. I am not anti-vaccine, but I am more pro-choice. This clown pranced around professing your body, your choice. What a hypocrite.

    So it is right to mandate it for humans that have no concept of for the public good but bad to mandate it for humans that make a conscious decision to endanger the public health?

    We give up so many "choices" to live in a society. For instance I am not allowed to go to my local grocery store and shop whilst nude. Yes that is clearly for the public good.

    I understand the desire to not mandate vaccinations. If 80% of thous healthy enough to get vaccinated would do so, I doubt we would hear about mandates. But here we are in yet another wave of covid with some 15 million vaccines expired and destroyed

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  4. 2 hours ago, New Scotland (NS) said:

    He is proposing things that are straight out of Stalin style dictatorship, especially around vaccines.  His proposal to mandate vaccination is against the Constitution, IMO.

    Do you not mandate vaccinations for children to attend school? I really don't get why it is so fashionable to equate vaccine mandates with one of the worlds leading mass murderers

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  5. 23 hours ago, nfreeman said:

    OK -- so you accuse me of saying something and then refuse to show me saying it?  Nice.

    *retracted*I grow tired of you making things about you. I have already said it wasn't you.

  6. 7 minutes ago, nfreeman said:

    I don't doubt your lack of surprise, but I also don't think I did this -- please provide a link.


    Did I say that?

    I didn't say YOU did. Also no I won't provide a link for anything I say. If it is good enough for misinformation peddlers it is should be good enough for me

  7. 7 minutes ago, nfreeman said:


    I don't think anyone disputes that we are not entitled to our own facts.  The question, of course, is where "fact" ends and spin and opinion begin.  For example, it was asserted upthread that "the vaccine is now FDA-approved" -- but only one of the 3 main vaccines has been approved.  It was also asserted upthread that NY's government-issued covid numbers -- and what is more factual than a number? -- were trustworthy, which of course has now been disproven.

    Similarly, concerns raised by me and others about this being the first vaccine to use the mRNA technology, and that the vaccines themselves are quite new and have been developed and produced on an unprecedentedly accelerated timeline, have been waved away as silly or fear-mongering (among other, less-pleasant responses).

    For that matter, just a couple of posts upthread, you have asserted that "the vaccine works."  It seems awfully early to call that assertion a "fact."  So far, it seems to be working, but it's been generally available in this country for only a few months and worldwide for less time than that.  Maybe those who aren't ready to accord this vaccine the same reliability and safety as the polio vaccine -- which wasn't mandated for something like 25 years after its introduction, btw -- aren't "liars" but rather just want to see some more data before getting comfortable that it works.

    As for knowing exactly what you mean -- I expect you know exactly what I mean as well.  For example, one of the few actual medical professionals here, who knows substantially more about this than you or I do, has been met with hostility and repeatedly insulted for giving his views on the virus and the vaccine.


    the same individual that at the start of the pandemic downplayed the severity of it? I am unsurprised by the stance you are taking.

  8. 31 minutes ago, darksabre said:

    As though this somehow proves Florida's numbers weren't fudged too? 

    Not sure anyone here is going to be surprised that craven politicians did craven politician things.

    you are flying close to the "DANGER ZONE"

  9. 51 minutes ago, JohnC said:

    It's really sad that some people are so out of touch with the real world and allow themselves to be influenced with such nonsense. What's even more frightening is not that some people can be swayed to their detriment to the point where their life is endangered but it is the number of people who fall in that ignorant category. (I am not using the word ignorant to gratuitously mock anyone.) It's the size of this group that falls in this gullible category. That worries me a lot. Reasoning and facts simply don't penetrate this hardcore faction. 

    traveling salesmen (snake oil sellers) have been peddling dangerous goods for a long time. Companies also have peddled deadly goods under the guise of being healthy for a long time. What stops it is regulation and punishing people/companies that do so. Shills have a history of being punished as well and fox news is certainly shilling for the snake oil sellers

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  10. 7 minutes ago, JohnC said:

    Disseminating false information is not necessarily illegal. However, it can be if the claim is made by a doctor. If someone is so ignorant to act on false statements that are so absurdly outlandish I don't see where it is a crime. What it means is that stupid behavior can be deadly to the practitioner. If a parent gave these animal vitamins to a child in order to protect a child from the virus that would be a crime associated with negligence. But if an adult person is ignorant enough to believe something so ridiculous and act on it I don't see where it is a crime. 


    the good ole days of let the buyer beware.

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  11. On 8/20/2021 at 7:43 PM, JoeSchmoe said:

    If I had to choose I'm taking pizza over wings, but if you put a tray of wings out at a party, they're invariably gone within minutes.

    Try that with your cheese log and triscuits!

    IMO I think wings aren't under or over rated. They're just rated.

    nobody is making shows about a cheese log and triscuits. One of the more popular shows on the internet is interviewing people as they eat increasingly spicy chicken wings. 


    On 8/20/2021 at 5:37 PM, SwampD said:

    That just means you’ve never had good ones.

    I have. That is what stops me from dismissing them as disgusting food.

  12. 1 hour ago, Cascade Youth said:

    Excellent article, though depressing as hell.

    I suspect the strong anti-vax sentiment has to do with people feeling like they don’t have control over their lives, and fear that government and big corporations make most of the decisions that affect their well-being.  They draw the line in the sand and exercise control where they think they can: what they choose to put into their own bodies.  And they tend to justify that position with a host of flimsy “reasons” that don’t hold up under scrutiny, as that article highlights.  The “I just don’t trust the science yet” view often goes out the window as soon as one’s life is threatened by actually getting sick and it’s time to pick a treatment option.  The issue is that your life is threatened NOW if you’re not yet sick but not yet vaccinated - the same logic applies NOW.  It makes no sense to wait.  The level of skepticism that some folks are applying to this particular vaccine is unique - most of these same people engage in all kinds of equally risky behavior on a regular basis yet have chosen to draw the line HERE.  Why?  Because (I posit) they feel like they’re losing control and status.  It’s the same sentiment that is driving a lot of what we’re seeing in politics and that’s why it’s many of the same people.  I’ll stop there.

    But it’s so frustrating. 

    The majority of them are not anti-vax and anti-mask because they are losing control or status. It is because a certain power group is telling them to be anti-vax and anti-mask. it is a self-built wedge issue built upon a fringe element.

    • Like (+1) 2
  13. 1 hour ago, New Scotland (NS) said:

    For the record, again, I am not a crazed anti-vaxxer.  I do have concerns, but not crazy stuff.  I also am going to do more research into this and talk with my doctor again.  The first time I did was not a good experience.  She is very good, but is extremely pro-vaccine, which is understandable and fine, but she should not be playing hard ball with me.  I still do have a choice in all this.

    for the record the crazy anti-vaxxer do not consider themselves crazy anti-vaxxers. They consider us the crazy sheeple that are being experimented on and fed calming agents thru chemtrails.

    Not saying you are a crazy anti-vaxxer..... but no one says they have crazy reasons for being against vaccines

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