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Posts posted by McJeff215

  1. Fluff ball recommendations on LinkedIn.com. You know the type... "Soandso is an experienced manager with the skill set to drive productivity and deliver on a tight schedule." What utter ballwashing. Why can't people say it like it is? I'd like to hear what most of those people REALLY think.

  2. The big unanswered question is Do you tip the person who dries your car at Delta Sonic?



    When in doubt, I tip. The car dryer, the hair cut lady, the movers, the fluffer, the kid taking the groceries to my car, and so on... I cut way back for jobs I know aren't tip dependent, but I always tip. I spilled a whole class of pop on myself a few years back and the waitress had to clean up the table and the surrounding floor. I left her a $20 on about a $25 dollar bill.

  3. Pizza delivery guys expecting huge tips piss me off. ?I got a pizza delivered to my house last Friday night. ?The place offers a $1.50 coupon and a free delivery coupon (worth $2) that says right at the bottom of it "Can be used with any other offer or coupon". ?The total (before coupons) comes to $14.60. ?I give the guy $15 and the coupons. ?That is a $4 tip. ?The guy acts like I kicked his dog. ?The only thing I can think of is he has a stack of coupons in his car that he turns in to the restaurant when customers dont use them, pockets the difference, and gets mad when people actually use the coupons.


    P.S. ?Don't expect a bigger tip if you deliver my pizza in a 14mpg truck. ?I didn't ask you to, and my pizza isn't going to taste any better because you did. ? :nana:


    I was just going to post something exactly like that. :D


    I'm getting pretty damn sick of 'get ahead at all costs' corporate tools. Get ahead on ability and know-how, not spin and information hoarding. Working sucks. Oh what I'd give to be self employed. Maybe I'll start a software business of some sort.


    There, not bad for my first complaint on a Thursday!

  4. it's a weak goal and i understand your post PA, but i just don't think he the problem worth concentrating on right now.


    I agree. Ryan's not the problem. It's the defense and the lack of physical play. Hell, even some of the puck handling has been suspect.


    I've gotta believe Ruff sees the same stuff a bunch of beer swilling message board fans see and that he's trying to correct it.



  5. It's official, the wheels have fallen off. Contrary to what I have said before, this is not a very good team. I'm not even sure trades can salvage what seems to be a total free fall.


    Yeah. I don't think it's *that* bad, but at the same time I'm feeling quite let down. I really hope they get this ship turned around. I'm starting to feel the cold breath of the Buffalo Sports Specter on the back of my neck. I'm not going to rationalize this one away though, our team is needing to seriously get back on track.


    Living in Atlanta, if the Thrashers come up and take 1st into the playoffs, I'm not sure my heart can take all of the bandwagon-hopping I'll have to put up with.



  6. that was an awful call on the trip to kubina, but no worse than briere throwing himself in to the crease earlier in the game


    you guys have to start seeing it both ways - this game is not being officated in either teams' favor. i'm sure nobody noticed the quick hook that Hecht got away with about 20 seconds after the Kubina tripping call



    I saw that. Buff gets away with a quite a bit, too. I agree. Tonight's problem is that we've been playing like we've been on the PP all night. :doh:




  7. Nice purchase Corp, those comps rock. I hope you're taking all the necessary protective measures. My friend has a $3500 AlienWare lappy that runs like a Gateway because he didn't. :unsure:



    He can always wipe the OS out and start again with precautions. Doesn't have to deal with it that slow! PP's still weak.. gotta get that fixed.

  8. Ya... It is as ugly as it gets guys... Least they broke the shut-out and can run for the bus and home for a game and game this weekend... I know I don't like saying that... Crap happens!


    You knew it was coming after a great 1st and nothing to show for it... It usually does...


    I don't like losing too the Sens... Got shelled last year too in reg... But, look at the bright side, let them have their fun, karma is sure too reverse itself with these dudes come playoff time... The can't keep on streaking winning... It will catch up, have faith.


    The good news is that they will be steaming by the time I see them play in Chicago next week... Well, hopefully!


    I just had a feeling when I read the PS's history for today... 27 years ago... The Sabres beat the Red Army 6-1... I just had a bad vibe about this game... My 4 year daughter kept on sayin' "Sens" all day! :doh: :doh:





    Sens.. that's funny. My five year old always asks me who the guys in "the other color" are. When I tell her, it's "Go those guys!" The loser makes the ice cream cones in my house.


    No big deal. Sucks to watch 'em get their arses handed to them. I guess that's why the playoffs are best-of-seven.



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