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Posts posted by McJeff215

  1. Our department VP on telecommuting... "I'd rather lose a few hours of productivity and have everyone in the office." Two guys keep messing it up. Rather than confront them, he's killing it for the entire department. There are very few cases in which I think I could do a better job than a superior, this guy is one of them.


    Oh, Sean Hannity.

  2. My snowblower broke last Friday during the first big blast of snow here in WNY. All my neighbors(at least two houses down on each side and across the street) have snowblowers. You would think that at some point(between all the snow on Friday and Sunday) of me breaking my back, that one of them would have come out and at least taken care of the apron(we get dumped on really bad because the plow picks up the snow as it comes around 150 ft. curve where there are no driveways).


    To all my immediate neighbors who didn't bail me out except for one quick blast on Monday( I had to ask him while he was out doing his driveway), I got no help. I'm always out there with my snowblower ready to lend a hand if someone else is in a similar situation and was hoping for how a little common courtesy in return.


    What happened to the "City of Good Neighbors"? :angry:


    Yeah, get this... an old neighbor of mine (I moved in May) had a landscaping business. It wasn't just him, he has a small staff and owns his own "fleet" of vehicles. When my second daughter was born, I let my lawn go a couple/three weeks while getting used to the new baby.


    This a$$hole tried to *charge me* to mow my lawn! Yes! No neighborly offer. No attempt to help. No Southern hospitality. He came over and tried to pitch his service. I've helped him carry furniture in when they bought the house, offered to help him out, fixed his computers.... and he tries to charge me.


    He had a scumbag daughter, too. She was young, perhaps 14? Every time I'd wash my car, she'd put on a bikini and do the same. Talk about totally uncomfortable and somewhat gross. I'm glad I moved away from those idiots.


    Now, my complaint:


    (Well, Sean Hannity, but he's a given... a constant complaint, if you will).


    I've been trying to start a small web-based company. I went into it with a guy that holds a PhD in the subject we're focusing on. I guess that makes him an expert in just about everything. I'm annoyed to the point of backing out. Your degree is in X, so leave Y and Z to me! And for Christ's sake, stop quoting Fortune 100 executives!! I probably ought to ditch him and just freelance systems work and software development... less irritation.

  3. True colors shining through... :thumbsup: Well, is your wife pissed?


    Ha, no. She thought it was extremely funny. From what she tells me, I snapped my fingers at the nurse a few times and pointed to the McTool... and then said a whole string of stuff.

  4. I don't like people who can't skate, especially hockey players that can't skate. Until you can skate, you're not a hockey player; you're simply a guy who plays hockey.


    I'm just messing with you guys. Keep on trying!


    Check out my new blog!


    Totally off topic, but I read that article on your blog about waking up from surgery... when I came back from getting my wisdom teeth out, I said some really suggestive (nasty!) stuff to the nurse wheeling me to the car. My wife was right there with me. I don't remember saying any of it nor do I remember what she looked like, but I did try to take her home...

  5. I'm a pretty light guy 140, and when I get my blades all nice and sharp I have trouble if not going fast enough, and I'm decent at it. I dull them down a bit after sharpening . Sounds like your blades are sticking hard and you either need to lean more (put your weight behind it), or maybe they are too sharp?


    I sit at about 200, so it could be a factor of weight pushing down on the ice harder? Perhaps bending knees and leaning into it more while coming at it with a bit more speed, we'll try that this weekend. Would shifting weight too far forward cause me to do a little fruity Cinderella twirl like that?

  6. My dog woke me up at 4:30 after he peed in his room. Why couldn't he wake me up and then pee so I can take him out. BACKASSWARDS


    My dog wakes me up at 4:30 every few days because she has to go out. Irritating, but better than pissing on the floor.


    She's only gone in the house a couple of times since we got her and that was after we tried switching her food. She crapped everywhere about 4 nights in a row. Even when I crated her during the stretch, she'd just blow up all over herself. It was easier to let her out. My bathroom floor is stone and she was nice enough to go do it there where it was easy to clean up. Apparently, Huskies have very weak stomachs and are sensitive to corn content or something fruity like that.


    She's about a year old now, so we've been letting her out of the crate at night. Her and the other dog (a Basset, polar opposites) only get crated when we leave the house or if we've got company now. They're perfect at night.


    Now, on to my complaints!


    1. Sean Hannity. He's a standing complaint. I have to listen to him while waiting for a traffic report as he's on the only station that does a decent job of that. Arrogant ass preaching to the choir.


    2. ATLANTA F&CKING TRAFFIC! My commutes over the past two days have totaled six hours. I usually have a 35 minute ride to work. Two hours in yesterday, two hours in today. An hour home last night and I'm expecting no less than that this evening as it's raining and these tools will dodge the damn rain drops.


    3. The hockey stop. What a pain in the ass. Literally. I get it right half the time, the other half? I spin around in the direction my skates are facing. I will get this down and I will join a local league! Maybe I'm meant for goal tender as I'm not the most agile of guys.


    4. My employer. In the last three months? Yanked our telecommute perk, Dropped 401k match from dollar-for-dollar up to 4% instant vest to 33 cents per dollar up to 6 percent with a six year vesting schedule, so they'll match half of what they did if my contribution is higher. They cut our flexible spending plan from 5k to 1k. They removed the HMO option so we now only have a high deductible PPO. They decided they no longer pay our vacation when we quit. They cut two holidays. They changed vacation accrual policies so that we lose all of it at the end of the year. New restrictive non-compete agreements. They canned our $100 a month pop budget because it was a way to lower costs. All in the name of a bad economy. Just a week ago, we had a meeting that detailed how well we were doing and how much cash we have. We beat Wall St. guidance last quarter and pulled in a higher-than-normal profit. The whole while they tell us they're bettering out benefits because they care. Horse sh*t.


    I love this thread. It's so very therapeutic.

  7. People who live in WNY that complain about the snow. If you hate it so much, why are you still here? Seriously, quit bitching and leave the rest of us to enjoy it.



    Yeah! I miss that weather.... one of these days, economy and wife permitting, I'm going to move right back into the middle of it.

  8. Three:


    1. Sean Hannity (as always).


    2. B uffalo Sports. Seriously. WTF?


    3. The voice mail greeting on AT&T wireless (ex-Cingular only?) customers. Holy hell that thing goes on for hours... "The person you're looking for is not currently available. At the tone, leave a message. Or, if you'd like to page this person, press one now. When you are finished leaving your message, simply hang up. If you would like more options after you leave your message, press the pound key.... blah blah blah..." I hate that.

  9. That's very incredulous of you to think people would not use the word suitably.


    About three years ago, we had an email go out from the HR dept that apologized for our incontinence. That's what you get for trusting the damn spell checker.

  10. The usual, Sean Hannity.


    Fellow employees on a development team that are just "Fries with that?" stupid, yet manage to land positions in IT. If I have to explain basic CS101 crap to this guy once more, I'll fire him myself. He's slowing the entire group down.

  11. Blue--that is a crazy story. Can't believe they saw you and actually laughed. You have a lot of self control. If that were me, I'd be facing assault charges right now.


    Onto my complaint--parking garages. Specifically the one I park in each day in DT Buffalo. It's fricken horrible. I drive 10 minutes to go up 7 floors. And the parking spots are not the typical size---they are at least a 3rd smaller than the average spot (unofficial measurement). And this leads to subsequent complaints:


    1) Paying $70 a month to park is a POS garage that frustrates me each morning when I arrive and evening when I depart.

    2) Going off of Blue's complaint, my car now has a nice family of dents on both the driver's and passenger's side from ignorant morons that don't park within the damn yellow lines.

    3) People that are not monthy parkers that are obviously in the garage for the first time. I am stuck driving behind them going up 7 floors. The reason this is annoying is they are oblivious to the fact that all of the spots on floors 1-6 are TAKEN. They seem to think there will be a magical spot waiting just for them even after seeing floor after floor completely full. So what do they do? Five miles per hour, riding the brakes, for 7 floors. Then when they finally find a spot, they have to back in, making you have to wait even longer for them to clear the way. A-holes!


    You only pay $70 a MONTH and it's an indoor garage?! Quit your bitching! Hehe.


    My complaints:


    1. Sean Hannity remains tool number one. I just want the damn traffic! I don't want to have to listen to this yank-wad pretend he has the authority to judge who is a "great American" and who isn't. This ass is half the problem... can anyone be more one sided? Just. The. Freaking. Traffic. Report. To think that people take his crap as news... :doh:


    2. Control freaks at work that find one little area of authority and make it their own. It then subsequently becomes the most important thing on the face of the planet. I'm sorry I used the velcro ties instead of the snap-ties on the temporary test equipment. It doesn't really matter and I'm not going to take it all down and start over so you can check that there box on your little spreadsheet.


    3. The scale. The numbers get higher if I eat food I like. I love beer and I hate exercising. It just isn't fair.


    4. Politics. Especially politics of those on either extreme end of the spectrum. We have some friends that are members of the LDS church. Let's just say that some of the political rants I've heard over the past three or four days are too far out there to even argue. Again, people *believe* this stuff.

  12. More of a gripe than a complaint


    I use hotmail as a junk email drop. I've never understood after all these years why it is required to put the @hotmail.com in the username. They have already checked the uniqueness of your username. Why do they require the rest?



    Because they've purchased a few other mail services and require the domain portion as a qualifier.

  13. I'm with you, but I didn't think CNN was too bad about this. They usually have a little image of a video camera next to the link to tell you that it's a video.



    That's just it.. half the time, I'm actually interested in the story but don't want to watch the stupid video and the three commercials it comes with. I don't have sound on my computer at work. Even if I did, I wouldn't want to annoy those around me.

  14. Overly interactive websites. I just want text half the time. I don't want to watch a flash movie. CNN is especially bad about this. At least give me a freaking text option. If someone could write some software that would convert the audio stream into text, they'd make a mint.


    Sean Hannity. Political beliefs aside, this guy is a tool. Stations that pass him off as "news" or "on the right side of the issues" are even worse. I hate sitting through his righteous crap when I simply want to hear how bad traffic is.


    Is it bad that I'm starting to actually look forward to this thread? I'll be on my way to work and think... "gee, I can post that when Thursday gets here!"

  15. I hate being told from my employer (a very large bank) to temper my expectations for a bonus and a raise at the end of the year. The worst part is I work with the mortgage back securities...


    My employer is using the banking situation as an excuse not to pay us bonuses this year as well.... But pay attention to the quarterly reports, stock grants for everyone *one* layer above me.


    1. Tip jars at coffee shops. I thought it was the give-a-penny jar (as it wasn't marked). You should have seen the look on the girl's face when I reached in and grabbed a nickel because I was short five cents. I realized my mistake and dropped $1 in. They got a good laugh out of it. I paid for my coffee out of the tip jar... whoops.


    2. Douche bags that get into political conversations over lunch at work. What's worse? They're both FAR opposite sides of the spectrum. On quotes Michael Moore, the other quotes Sean Hannity.


    3. News outlets that introduce the Sean Hannity show as "news."


    4. Designer dogs with those faggily little "bennifer" style names.

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