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Posts posted by McJeff215

  1. You're on my bandwagon. I was bitching about this in the complaint thread a couple of weeks back. I would bet any amount of money that the reason people do it is because they don't trust electronic forms of payment.

    Get the F out of the stone age you knuckleheads and while you're at it, get your life savings out of your mattress! :angry:



    Or more likely they don't have the $ to cover the beer and smokes, so they write a bad check waiting for tomorrow's pay day.

  2. The company software quality process. I just don't understand why a small code change ~ 5 lines of code will end up taking 3 meetings, 5 visio slides, and 1 month to complete.


    A friend of mine works for a Navy contractor and has the same complaint. He's a hardware guy and tells me that he can rack a machine, but he can't plug in the fibre channel cables or power it up. The storage team and the cable teams do that. To have these things done, he has to fill out forms, which have to be cleared by security, which are then forwarded on... the whole process can take up to a year. From the time a machine gets put in a rack to the time it's powered up and can access storage? A full year. This my friends is where your taxes go.


    For comparison's sake, I could rack one up, power it on, and configure all of the fibre storage in probably an hour.


    Today's complaint? Two.


    Last week my husky ate a garter snake.. and barfed it up. Today? She ate a bird. I hope she keeps that one down. Secondly, we just got a message that "we have hired a knew Director of Social Marketing." Yea. You read that right. My benefits are going down again and we're a) paying someone that spells like that and b) hiring someone to screw with FaceBook all day? Where's my emergency cyanide pill?


    Anyone up for a Montana commune?

  3. Sure, but it's the principle of the matter.


    Yeah, and I've done that stuff in the past. I tend to think it just breeds unwanted confrontation these days. No one is going to change because I decide to haul in my own coffee pot. I might bring in a French press and keep it at the desk. Not trying to be jerk, but still saving a couple dollars a day.


    Gotta love it. The place I was working at before I went back to school was turning profit like no one's business, but because their sister companies weren't doing well, it cost everyone at this place their year end bonus, even though they had been working their off and more than quadrupled their production rates. Hard work doesn't always pay off unfortunately, and it hurts everyone except the guys telling you you won't be getting a bonus this year.


    It's just frustrating. We were bought a year ago and all (yes all) of our benefits have been cut by the new parent company. Insurance, refreshments, flex spending, COL increases, telecommuting - all of it. We've even been cut back on development hardware and we use that to do our jobs. At the same time, the *parent* company increased their benefits a little. So at every one of these meetings they tell us how excellent our benefits are. Since we're based out of state, all of the higher ups have offices here in Atlanta as well... chock full of state of the art computer hardware that's used once every six months. I'm using a 17" screen to write software all day and they told me to bring in my own monitor if I want to use something better.


    I'm wired to work my ass off. Nights. Weekends. I feel like I'm not earning my salary if I don't get it done. Having yet another cut is kind of a kick to the nuts. I need to start a small business, at least I control my own direction that way. If I fail miserably, I can blame myself!


    Ok! Sorry for the rant... I feel better now, though!! :thumbsup:

  4. No one should ever have to pay for coffee at work.


    Bring in your own and put it next to that one. BYO grounds.


    Ha... one meeting later and now our health insurance is going up. Ten minutes earlier, in the same meeting, the said that we made record profits this quarter..... but our health costs are going up? They went on to tell us we need to exercise more because they're worried about our health. Translated? Stop costing us money!

  5. Is there anything more ridiculous than vanity plates? I recently saw an older guy driving a '70's Trans Am with the vanity plate 2W1LD4U. Seriously? :lol:


    I've seriously seen one in Atlanta... "BJ Gal."


    Today's complaint is simple. Traffic. I freaking hate it when it takes more than an hour to get home from work. What a wasted hour of life.

  6. I go out of my way to help folks in a different department at work and they can't so much as reply to a simple email when I need something. This hasn't happened once. Not twice. Probably a good two dozen times. If not more. This group is notorious for this among us technical folks. When I bring it up, it's always something I've done wrong. Perhaps I approached it incorrectly, used the wrong tone, or wasn't persistent enough. Hell, I'm logged in doing something now because they "forgot" to tell the night shift dude to do something last night.


    I don't get this. How is it my problem? Why aren't these other guys kicked for playing black hole?


    I'm ultimately responsible for all of the systems. If I just ignore it and it breaks, it's my fault too!



  7. The fact that I told my twistd server to use /dev/null as it's log file instead of syslog so I could just dump the log trash to the bit bucket instead of keeping it around, and it decided to rotate /dev/null. So now I have /dev/null.1 through /dev/null.168. To make things worse, the /dev/null that's left isn't a char. device any longer, it's a root owned 0666 file. So now I'm planning on a long night of fixing Linux machines and redeploying my twistd components.




    Politics, too. I'm sick of that. First GW "can't speak", and now Obama's a tool for using a teleprompter... :doh: These are things that really shouldn't matter, yet we bicker...

  8. Flooding the market with currency is not a good idea. But that has nothing to do with tying money to an arbitrary metal (or other physical thingamabob). I mean, there are a finite number of fingernails on my hands. There are ten. Are they valuable? No.


    Then can I have them?

  9. My 20 month old daughter took all her clothes off in the time it took me to get up from the couch and refill my cup of coffee. When I saw her there, she just started peeing. I grabbed her. When I turned around, the dog was cleaning it up for me.


    All of this before 7:00 AM this morning.


    (Quite honestly, I found it rather funny).


    Real complaint:


    The ATM at the bank ate my damn check, which should have cleared Monday. It hasn't yet, so now I'm having to get them to reimburse overdraft fees. Yay. Does anyone know of a bank that doesn't "take 1 to 3 business days" to do the simplest damn task? This is annoying.

  10. OK folks. All day I have been trying to put to keyboard a few of my many complaints. I really believe in this thread! I do! I feel that we all need an outlet for our random gripes, and this space has meaning for me. For all of us!


    But today I just can't. I live across from Ashland University's practice field and for the first time since October I HEAR THE CRACK OF A BAT! It is such a lovely sound -it means SPRING. And my 11 year old daughter is right now in the kitchen making me a smoothie because she loves me. My husband will do anything I ask of him and someone on this board is a real SWEETHEART SOFTIE (you know who you are :wub:)


    So even thought my hockey team is going through a rough patch (I'm trying to be gentle here), and I have to go to the dentist for scaling and root planing tomorrow, AND my in-laws are still a$$holes, I am (dare I say?) complaint free. For the moment at least. :)


    #5. People that complain about not having anything to complain about. ;)

  11. Well, what do you expect from the Albanians? :) :)


    The have them here in the Philly Suburbs and they generally list the time and distance to some exit up ahead. It's really nice since it'll be "Time to US322: 5 miles 6 minutes" if it's clear ahead, or "5 miles 15 minutes" if it's all hosed up. Plus they do announce accidents. My only gripe is they don't always update them quickly, so it'll say there's a problem and I'll be on the back road looking over at an empty highway. :(


    They use the ones in Atlanta for missing child alerts, which I think is a *great* idea.... i.e.. "Child Abuduction Alert... Mazda 626 NC Plate #123abc. Call 911."

  12. A few today...


    1. People that go off on how ridiculous religion is when they're reminded Lent just started. Why do this? What's the point? Whatever my beliefs are aside, I don't care whether you think organized religion is a crock or not. Do you expected the devoted Catholic that has ashes on his forehead to just up and say, "By God you're right! To hell with this!?" Smile, nod, and leave it at that. If you really believe people are going to be convinced, have a go at telling the Muslim extremists to stop blowing sh*t up.


    2. The $700 I spent last week on fixing my truck that has 2,100 miles on it. I hit a damn chunk of metal on the way home from work. Two tires and a rim.


    3. I had yesterday off and woke up *sure* today was Sunday. I made my cup of coffee and parked my ass on the couch for some TV when my wife asked me when I planned on going to work. Why the hell did she ask me that? She ruined my Sunday.


    4. My *slowly* improving ice skating skills. I want to play some freaking hockey.

  13. Not defending them down south, but it is kind of big deal down there... Don't they only bury the water lines a little below the ground? I would take things could freeze easily??


    Yeah, I know... it just gets a little old after 12 years!

  14. The morning idiots on WBEN radio who have to use words like "very difficult" and "treacherous" when describing the driving conditions this morning and any other morning when a snow flake is falling. All that does is send everyone into a panic. I drove Transit Rd. through West Seneca, all the way to Wherle and then downtown. Nothing but wet pavement and slush.


    Here is a novel idea...why not take calls from people on the roads to get real time updates on conditions instead of some traffic jackass at the station who is reading updates that are 1+ hours old.


    You ought to hear the a$$holes here in Atlanta do that....


    "It's going to be unbearably cold tomorrow, a low of 17 and a high of 34. Treacherous. Severe! Don't stand outside! Keep your stove going! Painful! Close the schools!"


    Shut up, tool.

  15. Tomatoes. I hate those things. I refer to them as "Satan Berries." They ruin everything, I tell you!


    Here in GA, they put traffic lights on all of the express way ramps. They're setup to only let one car through every second or two. If there are two lanes on the entrance ramp, there are two lights, and they alternate. Brilliant idea, GDOT. You just pushed the backup all the way the hell down onto the surface streets. Now, not only does it take me 15 minutes to get on the damn express way, I have to fight through surface traffic while sitting in the queue.


    The fact that I've lost the same 30 pounds three times.

  16. 1. Politics in general. It seems like everyone GOP is seething with anger and hatred as of late. That's a big mistake on their part as it's going to ensure they stay out of office. I think I'm done with politics for a while.


    2. My employer cut company funded gym memberships and didn't tell anyone. Surprise! Your membership with us is longer valid. This comes after no COL increase, insurance cuts, parking cuts, staffing cuts, flex spending cuts, 401k contribution, cut by two thirds, introduction of a 401 vesting, increase in cost of drinks... and our execs all got 15% raises. We're a company of less than 300. I'm two from the top. I don't get this. We're turning a healthy profit even though the economy sucks. Feels a lot like we're using the economy as a reason to kill benefits.


    3. My beer belly.

  17. Well, thanks for pointing this stuff out. At least you were nice enough to give him accolades where they're due.


    Conversely, there could be a paleoconservative who does something to benefit everyone, and yet someone like Randi Rhodes would find the means to vilify them. After all, in her eyes, Jerry Falwell could do nothing right. (I am becoming less and less of a Falwell clan supporter, given some theological issues I would rather not discuss, but I mention JF Sr. only for the sake or argument.)


    Yeah, no problem. Those Freedom concerts aren't my cup of tea, but the money clearly goes to a very very worthy cause. Everyone deserves credit for doing that type of thing.


    When I bring him up, everyone usually thinks that I'm a far-lefty. That's not the case at all. I just really have a problem with people that are, again, that polarizing. He's not doing a lot to help the traditional conservative values of self-sufficiency and limited government. Most people that listen to that show day in and day out already fully subscribe to those ideals. They nod their heads in agreement. If he truly wants to help the cause he seems so passionate about, it would do him some good to drop the rhetoric down a bit and move a bit more to the center.


    Instead, he plays it safe with the listener base he has.


    I also find it irritating that WSB plays all of those "Sean Hannity, on the right side of the issues. Quality election coverage" promo spots, and then Hannity goes on to rant about mainstream media bias. His show is political commentary. It's not a newscast. Leading a listener to believe it may be is just as biased.

  18. And, as always, McJeff215 complaining about a great American, Sean Hannity.


    Oh, lest I forget, the Old Gray Lady...


    If you really want to catch Atlanta traffic without listening to the Hannitizer himself, why don't you listen to 93.3 or 104.7? Just throwing out options. Better yet, if you have an iPhone or Blackberry, look up traffic.com


    Because 750 has the best traffic coverage that I've heard?


    On the topic of Hannity, it's not his views I can't stomach, it's his delivery. It's all so extremely one sided and they pitch as the "right side of the issues." Anyone that disagrees with him is a dirty, stinking, sub-human "lib" that doesn't understand the concept of freedom. I hate that polarizing crap, from either side. Michael Moore and Sean Hannity come from the same toolbox. It's all so negative. Obama could cure AIDS and Hannity would find something wrong with his approach.


    Some of the stuff he's done deserves to be commended, like the scholarships for the military families. That's great!

  19. The fact that Bryan Adams just came up on my iPod. I hope this is out of my wife's stack of CDs. Otherwise, it might make me gay. That's a complaint worthy of a Thursday.


    "Baby, I'm coming to get you!"


    :sick: :sick: :sick: :death:

  20. Not only was the HD quality worth it, but the Chicago station feed showed the fan contest between periods. A woman in a low cut dress scored a goal from center ice, and in jumping in celebration, came right out of the top of her dress. I love HD.


    The MSG feed *sucked* last night. I dropped it in favor of the HD feed as well. That woman was a bit of a twit. That's not to say I wouldn't boink her, but she was a twit.

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