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I'm coming home for game 3...


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I'm getting on a plane on Wed. and meeting 3 other expat Buffalonians for game 3. I was hoping to solicit advice/suggestions from the board as to where (i) we should tailgate before the game and (ii) we should go out afterwards. Any good bars within walking distance of the arena?


Also, any recommendations on stores to pick up Sabres shirts/gear?


I know I should know these things already but my family moved away in 1988, so I need a little help on this.


Go Sabres.

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NFreeman -

Welcome back!


In regards to good places to go after the game, check out this thread, posted a few days ago. http://www.sabresreport.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=3903


Cobblestone and Peal Street Brewery (on corner of Pearl and Seneca St) are both easily within walking distance of the HSBC. Pearl St. has a great pre-game buffet for about $15 - all you can eat wings, pizza, beef on weck and salad.

After the game, Cobblestone and Peal St are good, but you can also hop on the Metro-Rail and ride two or three stops down and hit up Chippewa. Those bars are trendy and it's a decent vibe, and you don't have to worry about driving/parking if you take the subway.

However, your best bet is Elmwood, which has also been hopping after the Sabres games...a TON of great places...all of which have been pretty packed with people in Sabres gear ready to party, no matter what night of the week. I prefer the places on Elmwood to Chippewa...there don't seem to be as many douchebags on Elmwood. You can't go wrong...just drive up and down Elmwood until you find a parking place. Most of the places on Elmwood serve food too, which is cool. Also, be sure to have your window down, and SabreDance blaring from your CD player...there seem to be lots of house parties going on, and it's awesome to hear cars going up and down honking out "Let's Go BUFF-A-LO"


As for Sabres gear...you're not going to do better than just going to the Sabres Store right at the arena. Lot's of places like Dick's and even JC Penny's have some stuff, but I've yet to find a local store with the selection that the arena store has.

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Welcome back man! I just moved back a year and a half ago after 20 years away. Lovin it.


Depends on what you want. If you want a rowdy crowd in a smoky dive...go to Mulligan's Brick Bar in Allentown (Allen & Elmwood) or the Old Pink next door to the Brick. I caught a few games in both Flyers and Sens series the Brick Bar. Packed..Loud...Wide Screens...Cheap molson during the game. Hugs high fives and broken glass after we score. Especially the last 3 minutes of Ottawa Game 1. That was nuts. "The Hit" was a wild moment in there too. Afterwards there's about 5 bars (Nietzshce's, Cozumel, etc.) within 1-2 blocks with live music etc. Or it's a quick jaunt up or down Elmwood to either Chippewa (yound, club scene) or Delavan/Bidwell/Forest (lotsa bars, good food, ...good scene.) If you want a little more mellow (i.e. fewer broken bottles) and food..go with Pearl Street of the Elmwood/Bidwell area.


My advice (but I like High Livin')...go to the Brick, get hammered, chow at Jim's Steak Out (Open till 5:00 am) Jim's Motto "I See Drunk People".



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