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Oh my gosh -- Vanek was injured


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Yuri Olesha wrote the book on Envy. :angel:


I think the people who the aforementioned fans envy most are Ruff, Regier, and Pegula, in no particular order. When one says 7mil for whhaz? or 35mil whooz? I think they're implying that if it were their money to use or spend, than they would use/spend it more wisely. In my own case, I feel that once the money is spent, I could use the players on this roster better than Ruff. I envy his position, so to speak. I realize that this is pathetic.


Maybe there are fans who envy the players for money reasons. The sort of fans who would run through walls for that sort of money, oops! I meant the sort of proletariat who would...


:D a most excellent response... yes he wrote that book and more than a few others, including love. He is generally considered to be not only a great author but a marxist sympathizer by some, who knows, i never had coffee with him. Who would know more about envy than a man who lived during the Stalin era.? My favorite was Three fat men

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