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Mancari named AHL Player of the Week


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It's exactly what you said, the $100,000 threshold. It's next to impossible to get into the legalease of that whole document, but that is what it comes down to. The NHL and the NHLPA have had their full teams of lawyers read through that document in far more detail than any of us have and this is the way they read it.


Look, we know you want proof, but it's damn near impossible to find. You're going to have to take the word of someone like wildcat who looks to be around the team and the management in Portland all the time. As for the money he actually makes, Mancari's NHL salary would be $522K. Like you said, it's next to impossible to find AHL salaries, bt a very generous approximation of an AHL salary would be to hack a zero off of their NHL deal. The AHL end of a two-way contract is capped off at less that 10% of the NHL max. The contracts aren't going to suddenly scale way up beyond that, so I have no problem with taking that 10% approximation approach. So yes, Mancari is under $100K, as is every other guy down in Portland.


If you want more to support that this is indeed the way things work, do a search for players that have been placed on re-entry waivers over the last few years. You won't find all that many people. Surely that supports the idea that not all non-entry level players have to clear re-entry.

Look, this fight is just not worth having. I don't even care anymore. The whole argument started because I didn't think the Sabres would call up Mancari and risk exposing him to any team whether they call him up or send him back down. Even if my interpretation of the CBA is wrong, I still don't think the Sabres will call him up as it's much easier to call up Kennedy and Gerbe, guys who are not subject to any waivers and on entry-level deals as there are no headaches associated with these guys. Not comparing Mancari to Chris Kunitz, but if you remember during the 2005-2006 season there was a big waiver fight over him between the Ducks and Thrashers where the Ducks waived him to go to Portland, the Thrashers picked him up on waivers and then wanted to demote him only to have the Ducks pick him back up on the way down. It's a lot easier to call-up someone who doesn't have any waiver headaches associated with them than one that does like Mancari and that was my whole point from the very beginning even if my interpretation of the CBA is incorrect.


My only point was based on the wording of the CBA, this how I interpret it. I don't criticize or fault someone with a different interpretation of it. For a layman who reads the CBA, this is how I read it. I'm more than willing to give the benefit of the doubt to wildcat as he covers Portland on a daily basis and probably knows the CBA much better than I do. All I'm saying is based on the wording of it, this is how I interpret it since the rules for players under the salary threshold are not explicitly stated. I'm willing to accept that my interpretation of the CBA is wrong. I, however, am not willing to accept that my speculation and opinion that Gerbe, Kennedy, Gragnani and others who are on entry-level deals have a better shot of getting called up before Mancari this season as being wrong. That's my opinion and I'm sticking to it.

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No fight is being had.... :nana:



I will just tell everybody that Sabres have no player on their roster farm team roster in Portland, who would require recall waivers. As for regular waivers, that only applies if a player is recalled and was to play in more than 10 NHL games or is on the roster for more than 30 days -- both cumulative.

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That callup issue isn't as straightfoward as some would think. Mancari's NHL deal is over $300K less than Kennedy or Gerbe. If he keeps up at his pace and a callup is needed, he could be a very attractive option for this budget conscious franchise. If he starts to approach the 30 days/10 game limit, they could easily send him back down a day or two early just to play it safe, if they felt that need.

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