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Is it really the old new NHL

tom webster

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I know that it is a popular belief that the league is going back to the old NHL and that the games are slow and boring. I also know that this manifests itself in ways other than scoring, i.e. scoring chances and flow of games.

However, would any of you be surprised to know that scoring is down less than a half a goal per game since 2005/2006?

Two years ago, both teams scored a total of 6.17 goals.

Last year the average was 5.89

This year through 1149 out if 1230 games 5.59


The drop in goals seems to be most prevalent with teams in the mean of statistical average. My suggestion would be that because the standings have become so tight, that teams are more responsible in their own end because games mean so much more in the regular season than it seems they used to.


I don't have the time nor the inclination to do a more in depth statistical analysis, I just thought that I would throw this out there.

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