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Posts posted by Robviously

  1. It was either a 1-0 game or tied at that point. Not sure he wants to fight and possibly put his team down. Wait till they are beating the sabres 5-1 on saturday night and he'll dance.

    But that's already not what we were hoping for with the "Concept of Zack Kassian." I wanted someone who was ready to fight anyone, anywhere, at any time. And 1-0 or 1-1 early in the game is a fine time to drop the gloves. Why not? If you're tough and going to win the fight anyway, why not get your team pumped up?


    Not only is Lucic an amazing fighter, I've never seen him decline to fight. (Maybe he has, but I've never seen it.) Not only does he not shy away from trouble, he goes out of his way to start it. He basically challenged every single Sabres player to a fight by blatantly smashing into their star goalie.

  2. Who cares about the leaked request for a #1, or who leaked it. I will say again ... What secured the #1 for Goose was the fact that it became known that the team was in the process of working out an extension for Goose. Without that DR would have not had any hope of getting a #1 for Goose. End of story.

    I couldn't disagree with this more. What would it matter to Nashville or any other team if the Sabres were really trying to work out an extension? They either want the player or they don't, and he's either available or he isn't. I don't think his value would increase or decrease based on the Sabres' possibly wanting to keep him. There weren't a ton of great players available and Nashville decided that they wanted Gaustad for their run.


    We got a #1 for Gaustad because it was a seller's market. Tampa Bay was getting great value for so-so players last week too.

  3. All I ever have done with these deals is point out that of the Sabres 3 biggest needs......1)Heart+Toughness 2)Leadership 3)Centers.....the Sabres gained ground on one and lost ground in 2.

    1. Heart and Toughness are two different things. Drury and Briere both had heart but not "toughness" in the sense that you mean. We lost toughness in moving Kassian but we have toughness on the way with Foligno, McNabb, and Tropp taking on full time roles between now and next fall.

    2. Leadership. I don't see how we lost any leadership. Kassian was never talked about for leadership skills. Gaustad was considered a team leader, but that was during the five seasons where the Sabres were horribly inconsistent and couldn't be bothered to show up many nights. Or hold a lead. Hodgson has been praised for his leadership and was the team captain of the last Canadian team to win the WJC. The WJC are a national event in Canada and being named captain of that team is a real honor. At worst, this is a push for leadership and it has the potential to be a huge gain.

    3. Centers. We added our best young center since Briere.

  4. a fair point. but, man, that's a smallish set of centers (adam notwithstanding).


    i have enjoyed seeing ennis play some center, but i would prefer that they put him back on a wing.

    Drury was average-sized and Briere was small. Hodgson is average-sized and Ennis is small. It could work.


    Plus I think I'd rather have big wingers since they're the guys who go into the corners. Smaller guys like Hodgson and Ennis aren't big enough to stand in front of the net and take a beating but they both seem smart enough to find open ice in the offensive zone.

  5. Nobody is saying he was brought in here to become a #1 center but you. Why don't you let it play out for a season or two before crowning him with the title of #1 center.

    I'm saying it too. I hope they put him between Vanek and Pominville. Give the kid 20 minutes/game and let's see what he can do with it.


    The Sabres need to find out how good he is because that's going to affect what the Sabres do this summer.

  6. just went and looked at our organizational depth chart at center per cap geek (which is organized by cap #):


    Leino, Ville

    Roy, Derek

    Hecht, Jochen

    Hodgson, Cody

    McCormick, Cody

    Ellis, Matt

    Adam, Luke

    Sundher, Kevin

    Szydlowski, Shawn

    Szczechura, Paul

    Turnbull, Travis


    you probably will slot catenacci in there, once he's under contract. but, yeah -- not a murderer's row by any stretch.

    It's not nearly as bad though if you add Hodgson and include Ennis as a center:







    I assume Roy isn't going to be on the team past next year, but Hodgson and Ennis are both first round picks from 2008 and Adam is a 2nd round pick from 2009. So that's plenty of young talent for our potential 1-3 centers moving forward.


    Signed but still in juniors:



    Still in Juniors and not signed, but will be signed:



    Plus we might use our first draft pick this summer on a center and we'd have another high-end prospect in the mix.


    Two big things happened this month that suddenly have the Sabres in decent shape at center. They traded for Hodgson and the tried Ennis at center where he's done really well. If Hodgson pans out and Ennis stays at center, that's an awesome 1-2 punch. And I still have high hopes for Adam.

  7. That's 53 minutes of soft play still from your front 9.


    I like the Gaustad trade, but we still have the same lowest common denominator. No toughness or leaders in your top 9. Gaustad was probably your best case.


    This is the problem with waiting. Anaheim was in freefall in the middle of the year. Would you have traded Kassian, Stafford and Gragnani for Getzlaff? At the time...you probably could have gotten that deal looked at.

    They wanted Myers.

  8. What did they do? They traded away their best power forward prospect in over a decade for an aveaged sized, non-physical center.

    You're being pretty selective with the traits you're highlighting for each player. Do you think the first two things scouts talk about when Hodgson comes up are that he's "average sized" and "non-physical"? No, I'm pretty sure they'd talk about his skill and ability to put up points.


    We traded our best power forward prospect for a center prospect with first line potential.

  9. Wow. Lots to read here. My take:


    If Darcy would have made this trade last season I would have led the lynch mob. Now..... I am pretty optimistic about the trade. Obviously, we need scoring centers, and as the saying goes, you need to give up something good to get something good. You won't find someone who fell more for the allure of Zack Kassian than I did. He represented everything this team has lacked for decades. I had a bonafide man crush on the kid before he ever played a game as a pro. But, other than two fights, I don;t think the kid is living up to his billing, either here or in Rochester. I'm not calling him a bust by any means, but I don't think he is going to be the beast we all expected him to be. And the effort has been, well....... inconsistent. I am getting the sense that Kass is a post-big contract Chris Gratton.


    I am going to lament not being able to post any more Kassian fight night threads. But then again, he hadn't exactly been keeping me busy making them, has he?

    This is how I feel about Kassian too. I loved him before he ever got here and ended up wanting to love him once we got to see him play.
  10. Back to back drafts that land Hodgson, Myers, Ennis, Adam, McNabb, and Foligno (the last three still being slightly longer shots). That's how you build a hockey team. Now if you can follow that up by having guys like Pysyk, Gauthier-Leduc, Sundher, and Armia pan out, things get that much better.

    I LOVE those two drafts. I'm not as sold on the last two but Pysyk seems like a lock to be a good NHL player (even if he's never a superstar) and Armia is the most talented player we've drafted since Vanek (we'll see how that translate to North America though).


    Hopefully the Sabres put their 2 Firsts and 2 Seconds to good use this June and we'll be set up for years.

  11. Maybe Joel Armia, who (according to Hockey's Future) is our top overall organizational prospect, makes Kassian more expendable. Joel has more offensive upside than Kassian. And, as others have pointed out, we can get the size elsewhere. But, no one can argue that we weren't badly in need of a young center who can score.

    The two players could not be more different. Armia is all finesse, Kassian is all size and strength.

  12. I think Hodgson will be more than Krejci BTW...much better shot and scoring upside IMO.


    Here's the difference in my opinion....You can balance lines without a tough winger, but you can't balance lines without centers. Buffalo for too long has been trying to convert wings to center to balance lines. This kid immediately balances your lines....and is cheaper than any UFA options.


    It also positions Buffalo nicely in the draft. Two first round picks without the need to reach for a pick that isn't there at center.

    Stop reading my thoughts, D! I was thinking about this just now as well. If the Sabres decide to take a defenseman with their first pick, it won't be the end of the world now.


    Griffin Reinhardt is a big defenseman and Mark Pysyk's teammate in Edmonton. We could pick him up. Or if there's a miracle and Filip Forsberg is there for us, we can take him as a LW too.


    I'd love to pick up Henrik Samuelsson with the late 1st round pick.

  13. Finding Ray's comments about Kassian interesting. Said Kassian is talented and it's nice to have size but if you're not going to bring it every night, what's the point? Said it's not something that's learned. It's inate. I agree.


    GO SABRES!!!

    Totally agree with Rob's point there. (I'm listening too.) Guys like Kaleta and Tropp showed up and started hitting immediately. Kassian really didn't as a Sabre or as an Amerk. He still could (we saw flashes) but maybe he's more legend than real deal. Great trade if that turns out to be the case.


    Wonder if they're still selling BADASSIAN shirts at the Walden Galleria.

  14. Hodgson is going to open a tone of ice. Great vision. Loved him in juniors. He's a player.


    Hodgson is going to open a tone of ice. Great vision. Loved him in juniors. He's a player.


    It must of killed Vancouver to give this kid up.

    You can say that again. Oh, you did. :P


    I like everything about Hodgson. If we'd traded Roy for him, I'd be doing a cartwheel right now. I guess I'm just worried because the Sabres weren't overly tough to begin with. And now what?


    I'm just hoping this is going to validate my creepy man crush on Marcus Foligno.

  15. The Sabres needed centers. Now they pretty much have Derek Roy, Derek Roy put on a stretching machine, and Tyler Ennis. There is talent, but has the identity of the Sabres changed after today?

    Yes, we're smaller. That said, we can definitely still trade Roy this summer. If we have Hodgsen, Ennis, and Adam as our top 3 centers, why do we need Roy? We can deal him for some toughness. (I'm still dreaming about the Roy for Ryan Clowe deal someone around here was talking about a few weeks back.)


    This trade really depends on what Marcus Foligno turns into. If he's the power forward we want him to be, we're OK. If not, we're in a lot of trouble with toughness. Kaleta and Tropp are tough but not big. It's not clear to me what McNabb and Foligno can do long term. Myers?

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