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Posts posted by ExWNYer

  1. I voted 'no to the first two and 'yes' to the third although I almost went for the clean sweep. Changed my mind at the last second. I think that the Sabres will do something but I don't know that it will be major. Maybe a move involving their 1st? I guess that would have to be considered major. I just get the feeling that for all the talk of historic movement that the Sabres will be bit players in the grand scheme of things. Nothing concrete, just a gut feeling.

  2. My sister hasn't been well for a long time. She couldn't really afford to go to a doctor.


    Tuesday we found out she has a tumor the size of a softball in her uterus. She is 33 and will have a hysterectomy soon. She stands to lose her job if she's out for too long. She is a cancer survivor already. We don't know if it's just a fibroid or cancer yet. I'm optimistic. 


    My uncle has advanced prostate cancer. He has been given a poor prognosis. My father isn't well. Nor is my mother. My family is disintegrating around me. 


    I'm really fu*king sick of sickness right now. I'm paying closest to $700 a month for my health insurance right now... I guess I'll use it to get a shrink, because I don't know how to cope with all of this. 


    Wow, that's an awful situation but kudos to you for choosing to stay optimistic, Josie. As tough as it is, trying to stay positive is a must in the fight against cancer. Thoughts & prayers to you, your sis, and your family. Thanks for sharing.


    Thanks ExWNYer





    I haven't felt "good" in probably 8 months. Whatever this stomach issue is is slowly getting worse and worse. 


    Don't mess around. Get to the doctor and get answers. If you're still not sure of what they're telling you, get a second or even third opinion. A lot of men don't bother going to the doctor because they feel it's not macho or that it's nothing and will eventually go away and then it's too late. A yearly physical should be part of your routine, especially as you get older. I hope that your stomach issue is nothing and you're feeling better soon.


    Indeed. Cancer is a ###### ###### that needs to have its ###### ads kicked.

    The hospice nurse doesn't expect Mom to be here by Monday. Gruesome. Unjust. I had a fit of rage and cursed God and the angels for making her suffer this cruel indignity. I've been through this with close friends but seeing your mother's light go out has soured me completely. I'll never have faith again. Ever.


    I'm truly sorry. My beloved mom passed of complications due to Non-Hodgkin lymphoma in 2008. Still the worst day of my life. She was the sweetest person I've ever known and also the toughest for the physical ailments she had to endure throughout her life. She had strep throat as a child which went unchecked and turned into rheumatic fever and damaged two of her heart valves. She had three separate open heart surgeries...one in the '70s, one in the '80s, & another in the '90s. I still don't know how she did it...I don't think that I have one tenth of the strength that she had. Strangely enough, I was 44 when she passed...same as a couple of others in here. Anyway, I can empathize and know what you're going thru. It's times like these that drive home how unfair life can be. I know it's not much but please know that I am thinking of you and your mom. Stay strong for her and your family. You will come out okay on the other side and eventually the pain will lessen with time. For now, cherish every precious second that you have with her. Peace to you and yours.


    BTW, the best thing about 'Complaint Thursdays' is it's now only a couple of minutes until Friday.  :)

  3. Oh she definitely appreciated them. And it definitely brightened her day a little. I just feel, actually I don't know what I feel. She's filled out 8 applications and applied for unemployment in the span of 16 hours. The girl is hard as nails and I'm bringing her flowers lol.


    You did the right thing and your gesture was heartfelt and bigger than you know. Most women want you to listen to them and understand what they're going thru but don't want you "solving" their problems for them. The flowers showed her that you get what she's going thru and you tried to brighten her day while staying out of the way. We men have a need to fix/solve things to make them right. I get the helplessness you're feeling...just have to give her the space to deal with things as she sees fit. Tough just waiting around though.  :beer:

  4. I was a 13 year old 7th grader, living in Grand Island. We had a two story house and the snow drifts were up to the windows on the second floor. I remember having to come thru the garage to get out and tunnel thru to the front door. There was no way to open it as the snow was packed up against the storm door. Once a path was cleared, I remember thinking that it looked like we were coming out of an igloo. Pretty wild stuff. My best friend lived across the street on a cul de sac and the snow plows pushed as much of the snow to the middle of it as they could. We used that huge mound as a snow fort/mountain fortress for snowball fights and I swear I remember it still melting down in May. It was awesome for a kid (not so much for those who had to work or drive in it). Huddling around the radio for weeks with my brother & sister waiting for Danny Neaverth to announce the snow closings on WKBW was one of my fondest memories of that time.

  5. High beams.  Far too many people use them, blinding oncoming traffic for no good reason, and apparently unaware they even have their high beams on.  That should be a ticketable offense (and by ticketable, I mean in the most severe version of police brutality ticketable).


    Agreed! Another pet peeve on the opposite end of the headlight spectrum is morons who continue to drive in the rain without using their headlights. We know you think you can see but it's not about your perfect vision...it's about the other vehicles on the road being able to see you. It's also a state law here in Virginia that you have to have them on when using your windshield wipers. 

  6. Time to lay it out. I'm sold. After comments from Eichel and Vesey, and from what appears to be a very productive meeting, I really think he's signing w/ Buffalo now. Vesey wants numbers? Chemistry can help that. And most certainly a greater chance of having a high amount of ice time in Buffalo can lead to the numbers he has in mind. Let's face it. Vesey knows Eichel very well. On and off the ice. Eichel doesn't want to serve as a tool in this, but he indirectly is. They're getting play together this summer, and each are loving the chemistry they have. Just don't see Vesey passing on something he knows to be true. Other teams will say this, that and the other, but there will always be a sense of doubt in their words. Vesey is signing w/ Buffalo. 


    I'm leaning this way, as well. I think that he will ultimately sign with the Sabres but it depends on how much the allure of playing in his hometown sways him. The Pens may be a wildcard here but I really think that it's down to the Sabres or Boston.


  7. Ah, I see.


    My point probably does approach that, but only because it's such a close question with so many moving parts beyond just player:player comparison (expansion draft, handedness, remaining term, etc.).


    Murray uses analytics. He's said so. He also uses human experience. Along with his pro personnel people, they likely have hundred(s) of years of that experience.


    What does Coller have? He has non-proprietary stats and a hobbyist-level interest in watching the game. A serious hobby, to be sure.


    So when the trade is a close question, and the guys with presumably better stats and hundred(s) of years of experience make a call on what to do, and the guy with COTS stats and a hobbyist's interest acts as though the GM is off the rez and is making a grave mistake, I roll my eyes. And I wonder about the possibility that Coller thinks too much of what he knows, and of what be thinks be knows.


    Did you see his Tweet about how Buffalo had treated Pysyk like "garbage?"


    JFC, dude.


    Mind you: Maybe tbis move doesn't quite work out as intended. No one has a crystal ball. You make the best decision you can based on the best information you can get. Coller can disagree, of course. But the certainty and edge he had to his opinion here were unsupported.


    Excellent points and very well stated. This is why I made the original comment about Coller. He's certainly entitled to his opinion and may even be proven correct about the trade but the way he was carrying on like a petulant child was ridiculous. The Sabres certainly never treated Pysyk like "garbage". He just didn't fit GMTM's vision. Nothing more, nothing less. Move along, Coller.

  8. Murray on Pysyk:


    “You have to trade away a good player, and Mark is a very good player. Mark is kind of an analytics darling, and we know that. So we knew there’d be a little pushback on that.”


    Explains why Matthew Coller was whining about the trade non-stop. You'd have thought that they traded his life-long best friend.

  9. Of course that's the meaning. He's someone we love to hate and with good reason. I wish to ruin his day. Not his life. What kind of monster do you think I am?


    Yeah, I figured but didn't want to assume. There is no bad mojo associated with hoping that the Sabres win and he goes home (safe & sound) to watch the playoffs.

  10. I don't know where IKP is tonight, but in honor of he mass exodus of tanks, tank avatars, and tanking, I present to you, tanks being destroyed




    Nooooooo. We're about to get a shiny new toy and you want to ruin another shiny whiny toy? 




    I can't speak for 'beerme1' but I meant knocked out of the playoffs, not knocked out physically (or harmed).

  11. This was painful. It was hard. The team we loved was just plain bad. Things were said. We as a fan base sunk to lows not thought possible. We can all unite around cheering  this team heartily tomorrow. Maybe knock off the Pens too. Really these Sabres have nothing to hang their heads about.  Many will never play here again and deserve a respectful sendoff. 


    Everyone forgiven, No hard feelings, brighter days ahead. 


    Sign on if you agree,




    Agreed. This team played hard to the bitter end and never quit unlike that disgraceful abomination of a team in the southwestern desert.

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