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Everything posted by ExWNYer

  1. Lane Lambert is probably wishing right about now that Adams was his GM and not Lamoriello.
  2. Another "don't confuse effort with results" game. Bottom-line: They lost yet another game in regulation on home ice that they could not afford.
  3. There have been a lot of antacid moments this season. Rinse and repeat.
  4. Too many Sabres seem to think that the opposition's net is twelve feet wide...
  5. Hopefully, you won't lose your job one day over it like they probably will. (If you're retired, even better)
  6. Fine, I'm not a fan of sports getting into bed with gambling either but whatever. Have fun spitting into the wind.
  7. I get it but people don't have to like it. It's here and it's here to stay.
  8. They've had a couple of decent chances but keep coming up snake eyes.
  9. Ended Tampa's PP streak. Sadly, that may end up being the high point of their day if they don't get going soon.
  10. Six for their last six on the PP. Seems likely. Time for the law of averages to start evening out.
  11. I don't need that kind of guilt. I already feel bad enough that my sons like all of the same sports teams that I do. 😇
  12. I don't know about continual-life crisis but continual-hockey crisis for sure.
  13. The poor kids in the arena today aren't being treated to much so far.
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