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Posts posted by IKnowPhysics

  1. Has anyone else noticed, that when the puck is in the corners, with Staff waiting at the half wall, and the puck squeaks out towards him, he waits for it. Like waits a long time for the dribbling puck to make it's way to him. He won't take a single stride toward the puck. Inevitably this allows an opposing player enough time to get to him and prevent a clear.


    Why does he do this? Is there a hockey reason not to move to the puck?


    The tally so far from the panel of experts is:



    No way to tell

    Lack of skill

    Childhood development



  2. Why does he do this? Is there a hockey reason not to move to the puck?


    Hard to say without seeing an example at speed, and even then, it could be easy to make wrong assumptions about what the coaches have told him to do.


    Generally speaking, it's one the wings' fundemental defensive responsibilities to NOT get sucked down into the play in the corner, but having said that, the high half wall (above the dots) is a crucial must-win area of the ice in the puck control game. If you lose the puck here, it's dangerous turnover territory.

  3. ...so you're saying Darcy is not, in fact, a weasel, but members of the media are badgers? :D




    1. Any of various carnivorous mammals of the genus Mustela, having a long slender body, a long tail, short legs, and brownish fur that in many species turns white in winter.

    2. A person regarded as sneaky or treacherous.




    tr.v. badg·ered, badg·er·ing, badg·ers

    To harass or pester persistently.



  4. Right.


    And there's been more than a few tough times that encouraged the media to badger Regier about what has to change and he's put in a position where he almost has to say that to get them off his back about Ruff, but I still don't think he'd try to give the impression that it could never happen. Seems unprofessional.

  5. Yeah, I don't know the details of the interviews.


    I've alwayshad the impression that Darcy as a legitimate business professional, regardless of perceptions about his hockey accomplishments. Even in the best of times, I didn't think he wouldn't say never to firing a coach. That's probably because that was one of his first lessons on the job- dismissing the Jack Adams winner from that year.

  6. a) Would Lindy have quit if Darcy had been fired?


    b) I'm probably just drawing a blank here, but did Darcy say he would never fire Lindy, or did Paul Hamilton say it so many times, we think Darcy said it?


    a) I doubt it. He'd probably have a long discussion about the direction of the team with the incoming GM, like he did with Pegula before signing his contract extension, but extenuating circumstances aside, he'd likely have stayed.


    b) I can't remember Darcy saying something exactly to that effect. Folks may have gotten caught up in the "coach for life" mentality Back on Feb 6th, Mike Harrington framed a lot of that up with paraphrasing and auxiliary quotes. That story was picked up and retold by a few national-level rebloggers, who speculated Ruff wouldn't be fired this year.

  7. Perceptions of idiots.


    You think Ruff would be fired and turn around to publicly endorse Regier because he's a weasel?


    Regier has to be a business man in a super-competitive, cut throat business, operating in a position where he must hire and fire dozens of people when he's under intense public scrutiny. I think he's done a good job at NOT ###### everyone he has a business relationship with, and his long tenure is part of a testament to that. The Knoxes weren't dumb when they hired him. He's got a lot less weasel in him, if any, than many, many other professional sports GMs. Which is a pretty good ###### accomplishment, considering that all of the player agents he has to deal with are complete weasels.


    - Building the current lineup and selling the "expectation of making the playoffs." As the reality of what he's assembled now is revealed, Ruff becomes the sacrificial lamb at the expense of Darcy's heartless, mentally fragile roster.

    Every team sells themselves as a playoff team. There were lots of questions about the composure of this team before the season, but you chose to buy into it. I bought into it too, but I'm not being a baby about it.

    - Giving Ruff mediocrity to work with year after year and holding onto "his" guys beyond their useful life. And adjusting way late to the size and toughness required come playoff time.

    - Dismantling the leadership core of this team (Drury, Briere, McKee), then pouring salt on the wound by botching Vanek (leaving him exposed to an offer sheet) and Roy (allowing him to go to arbitration to ultimately be overpaid). All the while, we're lead to believe he didn't have "the resources" (i.e., ownership with deep pockets) to prevent it.

    We were under financial restrictions. Doesn't matter how much money Golisano has if he's not willing to spend it. If you thought Roy was overpaid, go back and look at McKee's post-sabres contract. Regardless, go back and do the salary cap math to determine if we could've matched Vanek's offer sheet if we sign Drury ($7M+) and Briere ($5M+), nevermind that Drury didn't want to sign here at any price.

    - Offering Ted Nolan the one year contract when he became the GM. Say what you will about Nolan, but he had the balz to tell Darcy where to put that embarrassment of a contract offer.

    Ted Nolan was feuding with the world-class franchise goaltender. Darcy wanted to give them one year to work it out. Darcy had the ball to offer a one year contract to the Jack Adams award winner because it was the right thing to do. When that didn't work, he had the other ball to let Nolan go (a terrifically unpopular move in the eyes of fans), and then he hired a coach that would take them to the Stanley Cup Finals two years later.



    Zombie Khachaturian gonna be pissed.


    edit: Did I just break the board?

  9. My kid smacked heads with another kid at recess yesterday. My kid walked away with two fat lips, cuts on his gums, and teeth pushed around. Not a scratch on the other kid from what we were told. Poor kid looks like he went toe-to-toe with John Scott.


    You now need to fight that kid's father in front of the two boys until he submits and apologizes on behalf of his son.

  10. Went and saw Django unchained and I have to say that was a great movie. Awesome.


    I think we all think the bags was a nice idea. But, not pointing any fingers, they could of been done better. So how bout, no bags this time, but next time, we do the bags right, and then go full regalia.

  11. I think it's premature, even for this board, to speculate on Hodgson's salary. We haven't seen him play with us much, his role hasn't been established, his productivity hasn't been established, he's been injured within the past few months (I doubt this is a big deal), the CBA is brand spanking new, and the cap figures are in flux. I couldn't even begin to construct a leg to stand on if I guessed at a salary.

  12. The development here in the last eight years has been nothing short of amazing.


    Among many reasons I'm keeping an eye on opportunities to return home.


    The decision today marks a significantly right decision by city leadership, a welcome sign of continued improvement after so many decades of significantly wrong decisions. I look forward to playing and watching games, and eating and drinking at the restaurants there.

  13. Should have pre-ordered the Galaxy S3

    I was holding out to see how the Droid RAZR HD specs were shaping up, but now they're looking worse than the S3.


    Is this new? I renewed my phone at the end of June (Galaxy Nexus), and I could keep my $29.99 unlimited plan.


    Verizon F'ed all of its unlimited customers starting June 28th.

  14. Verizon Wireless.


    I have a grandfathered unlimited data plan, but if I want to keep the plan and get a new phone, I have to pay full price for the new phone. If I switch to one of their new plans, it'll cost me more over two years than the full cost of the new phone. AT&T isn't cheaper, Sprint's network is dogshit, Virgin doesn't carry phones that are desirable to me.


    I think I might stick with the phone and plan I have until I bury it, like my last phone.



  15. Because U-Stream isn't very well labeled, here's the Paladino proposal: http://www.ustream.t...corded/24279433


    Opinion: hate it. The stated goal of the Paladino proposal is to NOT build an attraction, but a "service" building for existing events. If there's a definition of more-of-the-same and not bringing in new money to the area, this building is it. It's like they understand the importance of the block as a keystone between the Canalside, Main Street, and the future of Perry Street, but they refuse to stop themselves from thinking small in its purpose. They think they're merely building, as they said, "when you boil it down, a large parking facility."


    Meanwhile, Cliff Benson's offering everything Paladino's offering, but he forgets the private luxury office space and apartments in favor of community-oriented purpose and a regional attraction. They come away as really believing they're building a gift for the city.


    Edit: LOL, and the first question out of the gate at Paladino is why aren't they building an attraction. His answer: too much congestion. WTF! You WANT congestion downtown! Build the attractions and then engineer the streets correctly, fool! Sabres should be a slam dunk.

  16. Watching 60 minutes of Sabres hockey is painful enough.....please point me to any report or the section of the video where this is discussed.


    I pointed to the major Business publication in the city which says otherwise.


    Thank you.


    No. This isn't kindergarten, I'm not holding your hand.


    Your major Business (sic) publication is an out-of-date blog that doesn't cite any sources. The videos are recent one+ hour presentations from the first hand parties giving detailed explanations of the concepts and methods in their plans in a necessary and official step in the city's proposal process. Couple those presentations with the slides linked earlier in the thread (those links work, by the way), and you get a pretty clear picture of what's going on.


    If you want to piss and moan about civics and government, take the time to inform yourself instead of waving around your incorrect ######. See you in 3 hours.

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