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Posts posted by TageMVP

  1. 2 minutes ago, GoPuckYourself said:

    I really like everything about Jenner's game but I think the price tag will be too high imo which it should be. Sucks that the Leafs got Luke Schenn for a friggin 3rd round pick.

    What price is too high?  

    Agreed on Schenn 

  2. Gonna get a good look at Boone Jenner tonight. Would like to have him on the team. Great special teamer, face off winner, checks, decent goal scorer, no nonsense type 

    Still holding out hope for Chychrun too 

    Would be very happy with those 2 additions 

  3. 1 minute ago, dudacek said:

    Wow, listening to Canuck radio and analyst Thomas Drance is saying don't be surprised if Riley Stillman turns into an asset for the Sabres, despite his struggles in Vancouver.

    Basically he says Stillman was put in the worst possible position with the Canucks where the system and his partner exacerbated his flaws. Drance says that won't be the case in Buffalo, which is loaded (his words) with defencemen who can move the puck.

    Drance thinks he's a viable 6/7 who can grind out neutral minutes on the bottom pair.

    Different take from most of the other Canuck-watchers.

    I do not think it's possible for him to be worse than Bryson 

  4. 7 minutes ago, Mustache of God said:

    I agree, Bryson/Clague never had an edge to their game, we need someone to out muscle the other team. My fear is that just because he's a physical player doesn't mean he still wont' suck, aka the Rasmus Ristolainin effect. He'll hit anything that moves but in doing so takes himself out of position, only without any offensive instinct.

    The player being checked is also taken out of position 

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