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Posts posted by clintwestwood

  1. The fight at the end of the Arizona game is exactly what you want to see from a young team. I don't want to have to worry that there aren't players that will stick up for their teammates, and clearly that's not an issue with this group. The Colorado trade is probably my #2, Z was fine and all and I did like him here but what were they thinking? And lastly the development of not just Eichel, but also Samson. After barely being able to play the NHL game last year Reinhart has become one of the smartest players on the team, almost always in the right spot or making the right pass. And Eichel is just Eichel. Everything that needs to be said about him has been covered in this thread already. Seeing these two play together has and will continue to be a real treat.

  2. Getting ready to head outta Rochester to go to the game. Let's Go Buffalo! 


    Rocking the goat head jersey with the classic logo hat, deal with it :)

    I miss the goat head. Loved the color scheme. My first date with my girlfriend was the Dallas game last year in February. She wore my old goat head Hasek jersey. Knew she was a keeper.

  3. So we'll see a true test of the "resistable force" - the Loafs ALWAYS losing in Buffalo going up against the "moveable object" - Clint's penchant for never being in building when the Sabres win. This could be one for the ages.


    Clint, please don't wuss out and leave at the start of OT; I'd like to see this experiment play out in it's entirety! :P


    Geaux Sab-res!

    The way game I've been to have gone I wouldn't leave if there was even the slightest chance we could even get a point.

  4. I think his upsides far outweigh his downsides. Everybody wants the perfect defensemen, they don't exist. Twice as much is asked out of defensemen nowadays as opposed to 10-15 years ago, bad things will eventually happen over the course of a game for every D-man. Especially when they're put in position to be a 1/2 pairing facing off against the opposing team's best forwards. If I gave a + for every good thing each of our D-men did, and a - for each bad thing................. Bogo would be leading this team. 


    I'm interested in hearing what you look for

    Not sure Bogo would be leading this team in your given metric. In fact, I fully oppose it


    Perfect defenseman? Easy. Drew Doughty


    Seconded for Doughty.

  5. Two weeks ago today I started falling ill. Within 8 days I'd lost 25+ pounds and had spent time in the hospital. I went from a 175 lbs muscled man to a 148 lbs bag of bones in 8 days! I've had the last antibiotic last night. I'm feeling stronger and have gain 7 lbs back. It's going to be a hard road getting it all back.

    Damn that's awful. Hoping for a speedy recovery for you. Makes my problem look meaningless, but my car basically died yesterday and I'll be shopping for a new one Saturday. Not exciting when you're trying to save for a house.

  6. If we had Neil we would love him to no end. He is smart as ######. I think Kane is the answer to him. Hope we find out.


    What a great game, BTW.

    Wrong. I don't want a guy who's main contribution is playing dirty and someone who takes more penalties than he draws on my team. There are plenty of guys who play a clean tough game. There is a place for Neil in the NHL, but I never want that place to be on my team. Kane will definitely have words for him when they play again. As will Foligno I'm assuming.

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