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Posts posted by Curt

  1. 7 hours ago, PerreaultForever said:

    I'm saying Sullivan has worked with a locker room filled with seasoned veterans and at least one of the best leaders in the league. How he'd function in a room like we have is unknown. 

    Bylsma had ROR when he was still loving it. 

    Sullivan seems like a bit more of a “players coach” kind of guy.  That worked for the Pens because they had leadership in the player group with strong internal accountability, so Sullivan didn’t need to be a hardass.

    I think the Sabres need a coach who will be a hardass.

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  2. I’m all for a real tough HC this time around.  Someone who isn’t going to tolerate any nonsense and is well respected around the league.

    I don’t even care that much if he is an excellent x and o’s guy.  If he is well respected, good assistant coached will want to come work with him.

    Berube, McLellan, or maybe Ruff make sense to me.

  3. On 4/19/2024 at 11:02 AM, mjd1001 said:

    I'm not so sure.  In most cases the GM would be probably on his last chance.  In most cases, fans, owners, even players would understand he is next.  But, there is a good chance things are different here.

    Pegula is still the owner. He has shown (to me) over and over he is more concerned with having people in power around him that he is comfortable with. People who massage his ego, people who defend him, speak highly of him, people who will 'take the bullet' for him when things are rough while he hides in Florida or on his yacht.  Pegula to me will take a 'lesser' GM and give him more time if it is someone who tells him what he wants to hear.   

    Adams is that guy. If Pegula makes a change, he may not get that.  I think that is why a coach will be let go before Adams. Pegula seemingly hand-picked Adams because he probably is a nice guy, a 'yes man'.  Pegula probably spends a LOT more time in contact with the GM (A GM he likes personally) so its harder to let that GM go than a coach, or even players.

    Again, maybe if the Sabres don't make the playoffs Adams will be let go.  But I think it is far more likely that more trades would happen, more 'housecleaning' under the GM would occur, because Pegula simply will not hire a GM that will give him any kind of 'pushback' on making him feel good about himself.  Adams doesn't seem to do that.

    I don’t know for sure what will happen, but it was Adams himself who hinted that this would probably be his last shot at hiring a coach if it doesn’t work out.

  4. 9 minutes ago, pi2000 said:

    It’s hilarious how over valued Mittlestadt is on here.   

    Has a career high of 15 goals, and 59 points….  a career -40.

    He was part of the problem, not the solution.

    Just seems like bad value for a trade though, no?  Mittelstadt seems to have turned his career around and Byram is kind of struggling.

    Byram has all the potential in the world, but Buffalo needs guys who are ready now.

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  5. 16 hours ago, North Buffalo said:

    Exactly facial bleed isnt internal brain bleed... he wasn't dying... if its a trauma hospital those in immediate danger of dying get treated first plus because of deep facial cuts probably needed a specialist who may or may not be on call this time of year, and would have to be brought in or at least consulted

    Last night at my hospital was busy with mvas and heart attacks... sorry dude non life threatening injuries wait.

    I don’t think it’s an issue of investing what went wrong with the hospital.  I’m sure they understand how ERs work.

    It’s more likely that the NHL/NHLPA have protocols that if the player can not be helped at the normal ER within X amount of time, then they have some sort of on call specialist take care of him.  Somehow those protocols weren’t or couldn’t be followed and they are looking into why.

    At least that’s my interpretation of the situation.

  6. 3 minutes ago, Thorny said:

    Old age/small finger buttons on half-broken phone. Was supposed to be a thumbs up

    Thanks for asking though, corrected 

    I couldn’t care less if we paid him or traded him (really, this goes for anyone at this point) as clearly we need major change. But the specifics you laid out seem to be accurate as far as Casey is concerned 

    No fun.  We have more interesting discussions when we disagree.

    Yeah, I think the team needs to make a change too.  They could theoretically pull off a pretty big trade without shipping out any top-9 or top-4 type players.

    Part of me thinks it might actually send the team a wake up call if they see a member of the young guys cohort get shipped out though.

    On the other hand, I kind of think the team is just young.  It’s hard to blame them for not showing the consistency and resilience of a group of hardened veterans.  I know people get sick of hearing it, but it’s just true that they are very young.  I think they need a couple more significant veteran additions.  I’m a bit concerned that they will try to add a couple more rookies (Kulich, Rosen) to the lineup next season.


  7. On 12/14/2023 at 4:54 PM, Curt said:

    Not quite at Nylander or Reinhart level.  They received 8.7 and 8.0% of the cap on their contracts when they signed.  Also, keep in mind that they signed their contracts a few years ago, and in Nylander’s case he had a lot more RFA years remaining, which lowers the salary.  

    8% would be about $7M AAV based on next season’s cap ceiling.  8.7% would be $7.6M.

    I’m thinking something close to $6M for Mitts.  Depends how the rest of this season goes though.  He had 59 points last year.  He is currently on pace for 60 points this year.  Does he fall off or get injured and have a drop off from last season?  Does he surge and end the season with 70 points?  How he finishes this season could have a big impact on what type of salary figures are realistic for him.

    Discussions can be had about what type of players the Sabres should spend money on, but as things stand right now, a salary in the $6-6.5M range seems very reasonable for what Mittelstadt has done these past two seasons.

    Hey @Thorny!  Why you thumbs down me?

  8. 59 minutes ago, PerreaultForever said:

    So you think he's worth Nylander/Reinhart money? Really?

    Oh it can "work" but does he give you enough for that money? I don't see him at that level. 

    Not quite at Nylander or Reinhart level.  They received 8.7 and 8.0% of the cap on their contracts when they signed.  Also, keep in mind that they signed their contracts a few years ago, and in Nylander’s case he had a lot more RFA years remaining, which lowers the salary.  

    8% would be about $7M AAV based on next season’s cap ceiling.  8.7% would be $7.6M.

    I’m thinking something close to $6M for Mitts.  Depends how the rest of this season goes though.  He had 59 points last year.  He is currently on pace for 60 points this year.  Does he fall off or get injured and have a drop off from last season?  Does he surge and end the season with 70 points?  How he finishes this season could have a big impact on what type of salary figures are realistic for him.

    Discussions can be had about what type of players the Sabres should spend money on, but as things stand right now, a salary in the $6-6.5M range seems very reasonable for what Mittelstadt has done these past two seasons.

    • Like (+1) 3
  9. 8 minutes ago, Mango said:

    Skinner - Tage - Tuch
    Benson- Mitts - JJP
    Greenway - Cozens - Quinn
    Robinson - Krebs - KO

    Couple of changes, but I think this is close. Maybe a conversation for a different thread, but there might be a world where Skinner is moved at the deadline/offseason. The issue is that depending on what the return is, we may have to keep some salary just to stay above the cap floor (and get value). 

    No.  Sabres are $15M above the cap floor.

  10. 4 minutes ago, TheAud said:

    I don't really have time to do any research on this but in my mind he's somewhere between Colton Sissons and Sam Bennett (not exactly the same type of player but that ballpark. So maybe $4M/year is fair?

    Everyone has their opinion, but I just don’t think it’s anywhere near realistic.  When they signed those deals, neither player had had a season of more than 36 points.  Mittelstadt will be coming off back to back 50+ point seasons.

    I know points aren’t everything, but there are vast differences in production there.

  11. 4 minutes ago, TheAud said:

    He's an RFA at the end of the season. I'm good with seeing how this year goes and then making a decision on how much value he brings vs. possibly trading him. No need to extend him now unless the team can work out a great deal that values him as an average 3rd line center, which is what I think he probably is. 

    I value him a bit higher than that.  I’m curious though, could you give an example of a deal that would value him as an average 3rd line center?

  12. 40 minutes ago, TheAud said:

    I wouldn’t over-invest in anyone on this roster until they accomplish something tangible like like making the playoffs.

    They are locking in a core of mediocrity right now.

    With that in mind, what would you like to see the team do with Mittelstadt?  He needs a new contract.

  13. 10 hours ago, nfreeman said:

    I'm not expecting this either, which is why I posted yesterday.  I am pretty skeptical about committing to the kind of contract that I think it will take to keep him.  I think there is a limit to the number of big-dollar forwards a team can have, and I hate the idea of losing, say, Quinn or JJP because they gave Mitts too much $$.


    8 hours ago, PerreaultForever said:

    Well, I can see how his agent will demand more as I outlined in the other post but if it's higher than 5ish, if it starts with a 6 or 7 this team will be in trouble down the road. 

    I honestly believe that they can sign Mitts to a $6M+ long term contract, and make the money work.

    If 2-3 years into the contract, you need to do something like buy out the last year of Skinner’s deal, or trade someone (even Mitts himself, it’s not like he will get trade protection) you can cross that bridge when you come to it.  I don’t see the reason to move out a good player before it’s absolutely necessary.

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  14. 12 hours ago, PerreaultForever said:

    As a point of comparison I think JT Compher might be reasonable. Compher got 5.1/5 years and he's 28. Mitts will warrant a similar number with term being the question. He may want a short term if he thinks he can get an even bigger payday in a long term deal when he qualifies for UFA status. 


    10 hours ago, inkman said:

    I would be shocked and thrilled if the first digit in Casey’s salary was a 5.  

    Yeah, I’m projecting something in the $6-7M range on a 4+ year deal.

  15. 4 hours ago, thewookie1 said:

    Another scenario also could be that Ullmark wanted to go home after his father's death but the Sabres couldn't let him due to the COVID travel restrictions meaning he'd be out practically the whole season. If he went back to Sweden he'd have to of quarantined 2 weeks there, stayed, and if he was somehow allowed to return he'd of been quarantined another 2 weeks. That wouldn't exactly be good for Ullmark either since he'd be forced to stew in his emotions with his wife and small child without anyone else to hug him while in the whole travelling process. The team may have felt safer to keep him with his 2nd family the team, while he worked through his grief. That doesn't mean however that what the Sabres saw as trying to help Ullmark wasn't seen as bad by Ullmark's family or friends. It's entirely possible the Sabres tried to give support only for it to be "lost in translation" or so to speak. Would explain MODO's supposed anger against the team and Ullmark supposedly telling him something negative about the team.

    I don’t think that would really be a team’s decision.  They are employees, not indentured servants.

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