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Posts posted by Kruppstahl

  1. This is interesting.


    "Word" is all over the place suggesting that Babcock is gonna take the cash and come to Buffalo.


    I think we have 2 viable, but opposed, opinions here.

    One says Babcock will stay put and his feeling around was designed to get a better offer from Detroit.

    The other suggests he is coming to Buffalo!


    News of the decision can't come soon enough.



  2. I agree. Also shouldn't Tim Murray be leading the search for the next coach?  He the GM, so it's his job to find the coach. 

    Well yes, in theory.  The reality here is that Terry Pegula is likely involved in these sorts of decisions, with the input of Tim Murray of course.  Tim has to dance on the fence with regard to pleasing his boss (Pegula) and being his own man.

    That can be tough.


    I think Pegula has the potential to impose his will in hockey operations when the mood strikes.


    Two examples:  the additions of Christian Ehrhoff and Ville Leino.  I believe both of those, particularly the latter, were the idea of Terry Pegula, individually.


    Their signings were facilitated by Regier of course, not Murray.

    But I don't think Regier would have necessarily signed either on his own accord.


    My point is that Pegula has shown that he will impose his will when he wants to.  At least as far as I can tell.  

    Dude. This is a great message board, if you'll only let it be one.

    Please practice what you preach my Sabres loving friend.

    Dude -- time to take it easy.  Your hockey posts are good, but you're coming on a bit aggressively and there are too many insults.

    Fair enough and duly noted!


  3. He's saying you don't know how much say the family has in this situation and thinking otherwise is silly.


    That's all

    I never said  I do.  


    I suggest that, in my experience, people in Babcock's position do not consider ancillary factors like what the family thinks.

    If they did, they wouldn't be nearly as successful as Babcock has become.


    Do you see my point?  

  4. No one on this site that has 10k posts has any credibility.

    Don't really know if you are being serious, sarcastic, facetious, stupid, or what.

    Needless to say, that wasn't my point!  But on the logical fallacy chart, your straw man argument earns a 9.8 for technical merit!


    For artistic presentation, 9.9!  


    Well done!


  5. Agreed


    Something else I believe there is NFW Murray gets fired if Babcock takes the job. If he did the Sabres would be most toxic organization in all of professional sports.


    GMTM and Nolan did not share the same vision for player usage and development, something he and Babcock would agree upon. Murray would be much likely to share roster control with someone he trusts

    Are you suggesting Murray would be fired if Babcock is hired because there would be a power struggle or personality clash?


    I am not sure that is the case, but none of us here knows that, for sure.

  6. I'm sure plenty of posters know how old I am. They also don't care.


    And me being 22 probably doesn't relate to the conversation. You simply don't know. You've never been in the mind of a millionaire coach. Your assumption that they normally don't care about the family is a reach that goes against just about everything you hear. Their family is involved in these decisions nearly every single time.

    How the hell do you know anything about me?  You are shockingly ignorant.


     Enjoy your youth!  Life is short.

  7. in other words, you're a pessimist.

    No!  I have been following the story like everyone here.  I don't think he comes here.

    Wanting him to come here doesn't change that.  That's my point!

    Yea, it does. But I'm slowly changing my mind. I want to be more like you. Tell me, how dost thou ignore thy desires to generate a clear-headed conclusion?

    Huh?  Have you ever worn ice skates in your life?


    Be honest now.

  8. That's around #26 all-time career averages, but you have to note the sample size. I don't think it counts until a poster gets to 1000 posts.


    EDIT: Speaking of which, I need to find something big for my upcoming 5000th.

    So if a poster spouts out complete for 10,000 posts, he has credibility? 


    Got it.

    I can only be one age. You named three.

    Don't want to tell us your age, huh?



  9. This decision is a very personal type of thing to be made by Mike Babcock with, perhaps, the input of his family.


    Guys in Babcock's position don't usually care too much about what the family thinks, however.  In my experience at least.


    No one knows what's going to happen.

    I hope it is still as open as some sources suggest.

    Source "predicts" would be a better way of putting it.


  10. You have the magic ability to be a wet blanket?  I'm pretty sure that's shrader.

    Hey thanks man!  

    Hey, Eyeore - the thistle patch is thataway.

    Well, whatever.

    Wow that's impressive. I wish I was you man.

    Wait.  I change my mind. I think Babcock will come here and we will win the Cup next year!


    Woo hoo!  Go Sabres!


    Is that how it works in your reality?



  11. Uh oh, guys.  Krupp is trying to start something with INKMAN.

    Not true at all!  Nor do I really know what you are talking about!  LOL.  


    But this "hyperbole" ###### has to stop.  




    PS:  Quicksandmonster:  I am going to buy you a pop too and we are going to talk military history, movies, fantasy novels, and video games!  

  12. I have no doubt that some people here are in the know. As far as me, there are people I know who get the buzz first and they are the ones who just told me "getting whispers that he is coming"

    Hey man, no offense, and I love the mask in your avatar...but I still don't know what the hell you are talking about.

    Chz is Babcock's daughter.

    That explains everything.  

    So are we going to nickname him Babs, Cocky, MB, M-Babs, Mikey, or something else? 

    Well, I guess $&%* doesn't quite work, does it?  You know, his last name minus the "BAB" preface.  

  13. Hearing whispers from people in the know that he's coming

    What does this mean exactly?  Who is "in the know" and what is the content of these whispers?


    I would venture there aren't more than 3 or 4 people on earth who know, right now, what Mike Babcock is thinking, including Mike Babcock.


    Do you happen to know one of them?  That would be remarkable.

  14. Nolan could easily end up back in the NHL? A bit of hyperbole perhaps...

    If it was "hyperbole" the writer would have intended for it not to be taken literally, which defeats the intention of your post. 


    A better choice of wording in your post would have been "exaggeration".


    No offense, INKMAN!  


    This is one of my pet peeves.  I don't like the parroting culture of chat forums, where users repeat trite terms that have been used previously.


    The only thing worse than "HYPERBOLE" in this context is "NARRATIVE".


    I hate that one too.


    These are terms that are frequently misused and would not be used at all had the poster using them not seen someone else use the term and thought "That seems intelligent, I think I'll copy that!"


    Again, I don't mean to direct this at you INKMAN!


    In fact, I wish I could buy you a pop and talk Sabres hockey. 


    I am a displaced Sabres fan and I don't know of any real human being in my area who cares about hockey generally, or the Sabres specifically.

  15. Just stop.


    People who post to a Sabres message board in mid-May after a turbl season are probably in the top -- what -- 2 or 3% among Sabre fans who consume information about the team and the league. If you so happen to be in top -- what -- .5% or .25% of fans who know who the up and coming AHL coaches are of a team that I still sorta think of as being in the Campbell Conference, well then bully for you.


    But don't throw shade on how others follow the game, team, league.


    Edit: And I see you're new to the place, so you should get a pass for taking a fairly gratuitous swipe at a venerable (yeah I typed it) long-time poster like LabattBlue.

    Calm down buddy.  I'm not here to argue with strangers.

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