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Posts posted by Kruppstahl

  1. :w00t:  lol yeah I do more bourbon than scotch, but the scotches I do like are more of the Speyside variety.

    An excellent choice.  Speyside offers lots of interesting choices.


    "The Balvenie" from Speyside is one of my favorites.

  2. Yeah, what ever happened to braedon (I think that was his name)?  He was big into the Islay style scotches, I seem to recall.

    Wo.  The Islay stuff is not for the faint of heart.


    That is the heavily peated stuff.  Laphroaig, Lagavulin, Ardbeg.  That sort of thing. 

    Interesting flavor profile, but somewhat similar to German hospital sanitizer.

  3. I know I'm just thinkin' like a broad here (whatever the hell that means)  but... 


    Whatever happens happens. I'm out of steam. Babcock is a fine coach. Detroit has plenty of hope in Blashill. Pegula has money. Hooray. The Babcock stare shall follow us where e'er we go. 




    You crazy broad!


    This is the most sensible post of the day.


  4. Hey!  "Weave" sent me here!


    So blame it on him when you don't like my comments or otherwise wish I hadn't chimed in here.


    Are there any scotch drinkers here?  And if so, what do you think of this recent movement to go to non age-statement single malts? 

  5. You're GM always more important. Did Ken Holland really need Babcock for the 14 years of consecutive playoffs and multiple Cups before Babcock came to Detroit?

    Coaches are important, but even the best ones won't do ###### without a good roster. 

    Well now you are changing the topic of debate.  I agree the horses are much more important than the guy coaching the horses.


    Let me state this: Babcock re-defines the rules governing this sort of thing.  I think that highly of him.


    That doesn't mean I am right or that you or anyone else should agree with me.  


    Babcock represents the top echelon of NHL hockey and gives the Sabres organization an heir of legitimacy it would not have without him.  Period.  

    What is that worth?


    Tim Murray doesn't do that, as much as I love the guy!

  6. For sure. I know Joel Quenneville's mouth is probably watering for his next contract negotiation.

    Oh that is entirely possible.  The consequences associated with this deal, should it go through, are an entirely different topic of conversation!


    If Babcock comes here for a deal worth $50 Million, I am sure the collective NHL ownership will gasp in equal amounts surprise and anger.


    That only makes this dish a bit sweeter as a Sabres fan!



  7. $50 million and he's "undecided".  He also refers to himself in the third person from time to time.  This cat is a character, that's for sure.

    So was that guy in your avatar! 


    "Character" can be good!



    All I gotta say is Babcock better damned well give Johnny that part in his upcoming war picture. 


    GO SABRES!!!

    Well played.



  8. What in the actual hell. I mean, I think he's the best and it's not my money, so I'll be happy if it works, but that is one hefty coaching contract.\

    FMV is determined by what the market will bear for a given commodity.


    When Bill Gates bought Da Vinci's Leicester Codex for nearly 31 million clams was that too much for a book price?  


    Or just right?

  9. $50 million overall K amount!




    That's like $6 million per for 6 or 8 years, with $2 to $14 million signing bonus.


    Pegula made Babcock an offer he can't refuse.


    :w00t:  :worthy:  :beer:

    For that kind of money Murray better hope they are REAL good friends. Any power struggle down the road and Murray has no prayer.

    That's OK.


    Babcock is the more valuable commodity.

  10. Man this Babwatch is craziness and awesome, tensions flare and talks about post counts occured.

    Like y2k



    Since I haven't posted on a computer ever, every post I have made has been from my phone, someone wanna tell me what my count is at


    Don't like the sound of that.

    Don't say that man.


    Just when they had us all giddy like.

  11. It's probably a case of both Babcock and Murray knowing what they want and making sure they craft the language such that each knows exactly what their rolls are and where the overlap is. It's a very smart move to iron all that out before signing to set up a sound framework for future cooperation between GMTM and HCMB.

    If they are actually close to making this a done deal, these details and a whole lot more will be ironed out in great detail.


    That's what contracts are for.  

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