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Posts posted by Ducky

  1. Chevy swings a pretty good deal for Ladd with Dano and a first and also gets rid of two contracts he didn't want.

    There is only around 1.1m left on Ladd's contract and Chicago will only have to pay about 700k of it.

    They're saying Dano will be in the lineup Saturday afternoon in Pittsburgh. He still has one year left on his ELC and scored 21 points in 35 games with CBJ.

  2. Me too.

    I'm not sure if we finish lower than TO or CBJ but I am sure we can finish behind everyone else.

    Why should the Oilers get rewarded for consistent mismanagement?

    Matthews between Kyle Connor and Ehlers would be nice.

    Pavs played like shite last game so I am expecting the other sieve, Hutchinson, to start Saturday night.

    I'll be at the Festival du Voyageur watching fiddling and drinking Caribou Juice so I'll have to tape it.

  3. I would bet that Evander has been told that another mishap like this will not be tolerated.

    I would bet that Evander has been told that in no uncertain terms.

    He isn't stupid. He has to clean up his image. His next contract should be a HUGE one but he is screwing it up.

    Also, the way he apologized and kept on saying this will never happen again makes it seem to me that he got a lot more than a scolding and good for the scolder. Whether it was owner, GM, coach(es), teammates or any combination of them. I'd think that it wouldn't take a lot for the Sabres to start shopping him if he screws up again. Can't be screwing up like this in front of the younger players and giving a wrong impression to them. This is critical to building a team.

    This is his 7th year and he should be a bit more of a role model for the younger players. He does it by keeping in tip top shape and playing 100% every shift, why can't he do it off the ice?

  4. Myers is one of the softest players on the Jets and when he does rough it up, he seems to go overboard and get penalties. He is picking his spots a bit better when to rush the puck but still gets caught up ice. He is a great skater and seems to gain the O zone failry easy but not the best passer and needs to look after the d part of the game better. Plays big minutes against the other team's top lines but I'm not sure I would have him in that role if I were the coach. Ideally have him involved in bringing Hamonic here in the off-season and playing Hamonic with Enstrom would be a great shutdown pairing. Myers' caphit is 5.5m and he gets an actual salary of quite a bit less so the Jets like that...unfortunately...

    Bogo is a 2nd pairing RHD when he is playing his game with a responsible partner. He should n't be looked at to produce a lot of points but rather punish you if you get too close to the crease. He's a decent passer and doesn't panic with the puck but really needs to be paired with the right guy. Both Bogo and Kaner were brought into the NHL too early. Same as a lot of Atlanta players. Armia was one of the better players on a sad team last night. Got some 2nd line time with Scheifele and Ehlers. Not as offensively gifted as Ehlers but way smarter defensively.

  5. tsk tsk, such bottled up anger...


    Do we all get to declare victory if Kane is traded in a hockey trade, such as for a #3/4 LHD? Or does it have to be that he's be run out of town for antics? Realistically, they guy is good but I could see moving him for the right return.

    You'd think you would get a bit more than a 3/4 D man for Kaner. In the off-season Kaner should get a 2nd pairing LHD and a 1st round pick. Yandle is of no interest to the Sabres?

  6. hahahahha

    weed must be good in Buffalo...


    Kane slept in...no big deal....he only missed one practice here if I remember correctly so I wouldn't call it a pattern. Maybe he had a good excuse. We certainly don't know why. I still think he is moved before his contract ends but that's me. He's played really well as of late. What you want me to say? This in no way reflects in any way on the trade unless he keeps doing it. The Sabres knew there is/was a bit of concern for Kane's off-ice antics but this might not have anyting to do with it and maybe he was just held up at the border or something?

    You guys need to beat the Sens and pull ahead of the Jets in the standings. We need Matthews more than you do.

  7. Anyways, it's been a slice, Ducky. This will be my last post on the matter in this thread, there's not much more that can be said, and I am spending far too much time debating about a Winnipeg Jets hockey team that I care nothing about.


    Have a good Louis Riel day, sir.

    I've heard that before..........

    They probably weren't sure they were going to make it, but it was definitely the goal. I don't know how many times I can say the same thing, the Jets were building, then made the playoffs last year after a good season. They didn't come into this year and start a few rookies and by so doing concede that the goal wasn't the playoffs this year because of it. Once you got over the hump of making the playoffs, the goal is to then not only keep making it, but advance further. The goal was playoffs this year, Ducky. It's been a hugely disappointing year for them. If you are okay with it, that's fine.


    The bolded: Just stop. Stop telling people what to think. We may not be thrilled with Bogo, but we are happy with Kane. He is producing for us. You are clearly incapable of accepting this. You aren't engaging in discussion at this point.

    Finally, some truth from you.


    Regarding the playoffs, of course it is every team's hope to make the post-season and it was the Jets as well. If they were really trying to make the playoffs this year, why send the best goalie to the farm? Why aren't they trading for rentals to help make the playoffs. They aren't heart broken over making the playoffs this year and won't be if they don't next year. The following year..................not so much.

  8. From a Jets perspective, there is next to no chance he re-signs if he doesn't play here to end last season. He's played very well and has been one of the most consistent players on a team full of inconsistent players this year. If Sabres' fans are happy paying Kane and Bogo what they are making and Getting Bogo's play and Kane at .500 ppg, they should higher their expectations.  He's what? the 2nd highest player on the team?

    Do you really think the Jets were sure they were going to make the playoffs starting 3 or 4 rookies? Since moving here they have brought in Scheif, Trouba, Ehlers, Hellebuyck, Lowry, Armia, Chiarot, Copp and Hutchinson. I'm actually okay with not making the playoffs again next year if all the rookies are improving. This team is being built for the future, not the present and built the right way, not throwing money away needlessly.

  9. It's the bolded BS that ruins his presence here, for me. Not to mention that he doesn't seem to actually read the posts that many have made trying to explain to him the reasons why they prefer the type of player Kane is to Stafford, the added elements he brings to a team that Stafford does not. In the same paragraph he types, "I'm happy for you" followed by "OPEN YOUR EYES". Why would I consider this to be a refreshing perspective. That's not someone offering perspective, it's someone trying to tell you what to see. As if anyone that prefers Kane, is blind. Go on to a Sabres message board and when someone is happy with one of their players, tell them to open their eyes. Ok.


    Second bolded: The Jets made the playoffs last year, Ducky. To think they are okay with major steps backwards, as if they are treating this year as a rebuilding year, let alone next year, doesn't seem to jive. Once making the playoffs, their goal probably wasn't to take a step back. Playoffs most certainly was the goal for them this year, and next. That's not to say starting rookies isn't okay, but don't pretend that if it leads to another terrible year like this year, that that would be an acceptable result for Jets management. 

    If you had read my post you would have read that the Jets don't intend on being contenders next year. Give us a few years and we will be contenders for a long time. Like I said, I am okay with 2 or 3 rookies making the team next season as long as they deserve it. Bogo sucks and you know it. Myers was a bit better at the trade but a lot better since the trade. Make your post about Kane having the best GPG....if you don't play enough games it doesn't really matter. Besides, his ppg is still below Staf's and you would think that he would be MUCH higher considering he is making 6m a year and has so much potential...

    He won't be in Buffalo to end his contract.

  10. And as you said, we saw how that worked out for them this year.


    All I can say is your thoughts about Armia are misplaced. He has done nothing. He's not destined for anything at this point. You have no stats to back up that he is destined for 2nd line duties. 3 points in 23 games.


    In other news, after a slow start, Kane now has more Goals Per Game than every single Jet. He's our best GPG scorer as well. Pretty damn good for a "slow" season.

    At 6m this season if you are happy with him, I'm happy for you. We have more ppg with Staf at 4.35m for 2 years and you have Kane and his 23 points since the trade. Staf is outproducing him and gets less ice time and is paid less. His contract is helping prevent the Sabres from seriously bidding on Stamkos AND he is playing on the 3rd line. He skate like the wind down his wing, takes a poor percentage, perimeter shot, tries to hit someone and then his line gets scored on again. but hey, fight the same guy 3 times and the fans love you and forget your deficiencies. OPEN YOUR EYES...

    I won't mention Bogo and his -28 in 60 games. Another point..........Bogo and Kane have played 106 games since the trade..Myers, Armia and Staf have played 177. 154 for Myers and Staf alone. Those mysterious injuries Bogo gets takes away from hhis on ice performance if you ask me.


    beerme1, Aren't you the guy I made the bet with? Getting sized up for that Jets' jersey yet? You still think Kaner will be there until the end of his contract?

    Oh and Thorny,

    I am okay with starting another 2 or 3 rookies next year. The Jets aren't trying to win the cup next year. You listen to the media in Winnipeg too much!

  11. Armia has pushed Burmi down to the 4th line already. If he doesn't make the 2nd line, it is because of Ehlers and Wheeler playing better than he is but I think he will be on the 2nd line by this time next season. I suspect that Ehlers will be moved to the LW and Wheeler will be the RW with Scheifele centering them and Armia playing on the 2nd line on the RW. I fully expect to see Lemieux on the team by this time next year as well. The Jet swill probably start another two or three rookies next year with Connor, Lemieux, Morrissey, Lipon and Petan all fighting for spots.

  12. How on earth did you feel the need to 'stick up for yourself or your team'??  You're first post today was not in response to anything anyone else said that may have slighted you or your fanbase.  You came on a Sabres message board gloating about a trade that you feel your team won when a) it's way too early to determine a winner and loser and b) made some outlandish predictions on players involved.  That's the very definition of trolling.


    Also, who said that about Armia?  He couldn't make the team.  Pysyk was kept in Roch last year because of the tank.  Not Armia.

    Sorry would have been on earlier but busy watching the Bruins kick the Jets tonight.....ugh I hate that team....


    Don't get your panties in a knot (bolded)....I said after a year. If you thi nk that is gloating, you haven't seen anything yet.

    Have you heard any analysts talking about the trade today....they were saying the same as me only they were siding with the Jets WAY more........but what do I know....Staf is the leading goal scorer on our team and is outscoring Kane, out pointing Kane and has a higher ppg than Kane AND nobody is investigating him for anything but ya, the Sabres won this one easily.

  13. OFcourse it is a culture change.....listen to Staf's and Myers' comments after they played a few games here.

    Thorny, Kane is the most talented and if he were to hit his ceiling, everyone would be wondering why the Jets traded him. He has hit a plateau and nothing suggests he will get any better. Same as Myers.

    I know that whenever I stick up for myself or my team on here someone eventually calls me a troll. The freakin thread is about the trade so how did I troll?

    I guess with the Sabres being your team you look at the trade differently than a Jets fan but a blind man would tell you which players he would take in that trade.

    As far as who makes the playoffs first? I'd bet on who gets more points next season as we play in a much harder division.

    Say all you want about Armia but the scoop on here was he wasn't playing on the Sabres because of the tank. Like I have said, if all he makes is the third line, he will have equaled Kane's position for most of his NHL career.

    Go back and read the threads when the trade was made. Compare it to any Jets site after the trade. Sorry to see Bogo go and see ya Kaner and who is Kasdorf? Go read them now...........they are calling it a landslide.....but I am trolling.....Later

  14. One could make the argument that you need to look deeper than the raw stats. The Sabres have improved with their new additions, and the Jets have greatly regressed. Those guys eating big minutes on a terrible team isn't something to be bragging about.


    Stafford has marginally out produced Kane, but what you see is what you get from Stafford, he isn't going to get any better, and Kane is still young, and has the potential to improve. Stafford is likely going to keep regressing. Stafford also isn't an impact player by any stretch of the imagination, whereas even when Kane isn't producing, he's driving possession and taking the physicality to the other team. Kane is a much better player than Drew Stafford. Right now.


    Your anecdotal evidence on Armia is largely irrelevant. He has done absolutely nothing to warrant 2nd line minutes now, or show promise of that for the future. If Armia is a future second liner for the Jets, the Jets are in big trouble.


    If getting the better of a trade "hands down" means your team taking a nosedive in the standings with the traded-for players playing big roles, I don't want the better of a trade. Hands down.

    Because ROR and Eichel and Reinhart has nothing to do with the Sabres' play this year?

    Because the Jets are playing 4 rookies this year and their #1 goalie is out has nothing to do with their play this year?

    But hey, you've gone from last to tied for 2nd last so brag away. You were tanking for McDavid and got Eichel.

    Staf had 19 points LAST year with the Jets and Kane has 21 with the Sabres and is playing on their 3rd line for 6m a year and Staf has "marginally" out produced Kane? okay....

    Let's say Armia plays the 3rd line for the sake of argument.....isn't that where Kane is playing. Isn't that where he played a LOT of the time with the Jets? Kane has no vision and a low hockey IQ. Open your eyes.

    Haven't heard much defense of Bogo???? Lotsa talk about trading him though.

    Admit it, after a year, it looks like the Jets got the better deal.

  15. I don't read the free press, too tight to pay the money...

    Armia will play on the 2nd line in time...if not next year, the next for sure.


    As far as Lemieux, Roslovic and Armia playing on a consistent basis, Armia already is. Lemieux will make the team but he will not start out any higher than a 4th line winger....he may not ever play on a higher line consistently. I don't like Lemieux's character and would prefer he be traded but that doesn't cloud my opinion of him.

    I can't comment on Roslovic as I have never seen him play but he gets good reviews.


    Kaner is making 6m per and Bogo is making 5.25m per. Staf has outproduced Kane and Myers is playing better than Bogo....also, Bogo and Kaner have missed a substantial amount of time to injuries. Bogo is a -25 in 58 games!!!!!!!! Myers and Staf have missed a few games each and play big minutes on the Jets. Armia is starting to see ti me on the third line and will play on the 2nd in time to come. He's a big body that can skate with good defensive acumen and soft hands. I see why he was a 1st round pick. No matter how you slice it, after a year the Jets look to have got the better of the trade...hands down.

  16. A year after the trade...let's take a look at it to see how things have settled.

    Kane, Bogosian and Kasdorf for Myers, Stafford, Lemieux and a 1st round that was Roslovic at 25th overall.


    Roslovic is playing for Miami University in Ohio and is their leading scorer with 21 points in 27 games. Shoots right and has a lot of offensive upside.

    Lemieux has been traded part way through the year from Barrie to Windsor and has 45 points in 32 games. He was suspended for an illegal hit earlier in the season and plays with an edge. Will probably play for the Jets before the 2016-2017 season is over.

    Armia has played over 20 games with the Jets now and is playing defensively sound hockey. This has given the coach to play him in more situations. Rarely caught out of position. Destined to play on the 2nd line if he keeps it up.

    Myers has played 78 games and has scored 34 points. He played a big part in the Jets making the playoffs last year. He is mainly paired with Enstrom and sees time on special teams as well. He has a 5.5m caphit and he is signed for 3 more seasons after this one. His actual salary is 5m this year and 4m, 3.5m, 3m for the last three seasons. Plays in all situations but should be much more aggressive, especially for his size.

    Stafford re-signed for 4.35m per year for two years and has played 75 games while scoring 47 points. A big winger that can score and has also seen time on special teams and was also a big part of the Jets making the playoffs last year. He has played all over the lineup this year andhas played well wherever he was put.



    Unless the play of Kane and Bogo increase dramatically, the analysts will look at this trade and say it favors Winnipeg. After one year I would have to say that the trade seems to favor the Jets. Mainly because of the play of the players they traded away. Staf has a higher ppg than Kane and Myers is a better D man than Bogo. Chances are Kasdorf doesn't making starting goalie on the farm and Armia, Lemieux and Roslovic all make the big team. Way to go Chevy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  17. As I mentioned in the GDT, Kane fought the same guy 3 times last night -- it's the first time the same 2 guys have fought 3 times in 1 game since 2002.


    Kane has really hit his stride over the last couple of weeks.  He's been #1 or #2 in ice time among forwards, plays in all situations and has been forechecking like a maniac.  He's meshed well with Larsson and Gionta to form a great possession line that keeps it in the offensive zone and creates a lot of chances.


    There is no doubt in my mind that he remains the best player in the trade.  Myers could still overtake him, but he'll need to take a major step up to do so.

    Not gonna happen. If anyone turns out more talented than Kaner it will be Armia or possibly Roslovic but I doubt that.

  18. No, Wheeler is the undisputed 1RW. Staf has been all over this season but he has recently been on a line with Perreault and Little...and Lowry and Ladd. He was also used as the1LW with Little and Wheeler for a couple of games not long ago. The coach has been switching things up because of injuries and the Jets playing like diarrhea. Win a few, lose a few, win a few, lose a few............lose a bunch and get a good draft pick already.


    Maurice said Armia's last game was his best in a Jets' uniform. He's got great hands. Armia played 4th line with Copp and Thorburn a couple of games ago and 3rd line(?) with Lowry and Ladd tonight and last game. He played 13 minutes tonight and they were arguably the best line tonight.

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