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Posts posted by K8prisoner

  1. you guys are too laid back to incite bored terrorism,, a bow and a humble apology.. since that is all i see eevn on "trusted" periodicals these days.. but doom and gloom cannot deter or distract  the hearty souls from an honest board.. 



     anyway... i'm really not good at making stuff up.. if this was a wave im the lame fat guy sucking on his coke and a hot dog still rooted in my chair... 

  2. X. Benedict is not a playful twist on eggs benedict - it is his real name. Xavier Florentine Benedictionili is a door to door panty hose salesmen in Italy. He closes his sales in the living room by demonstrating the product himself while dancing sensual Argentine tangos to Billy Squier with his clients.

    actually my wife and i were sitting in a bar near the airport after being delayed on Air Tran flight  by getting bumped for free tickets...

         some guy was at the table next to us and seemed to be real drunk slowly bringing our and the rooms attention to him,,, talking really loud and kinda pretty girl  and another man were trying to distract him and calm him down.. the more they tried to get him to leave the more he clearly wasnt going and started shouting and trying to embarass the other two at his  table... a fourth party came walking with purpose and angry determination toward the escalating scene next to us. She seemed to be the wife of the drunk guy... he did the usual, saying why dont you blow my friend again or something dumb that drunk guys  who are insecure , start down the path of accusing even the waiter of f@@cking his wife,,, in dusgust like she has lived this seen  before, she actually throws the keys directly at his head, where he , astonished, starts to overreact to the keys nearly putting his eye out.. screaming and yelling as the other two that seemed like they didnt want to be seen together and also seemed way to embarrassed as they discussed with their eyes how to get out of a situation that was clearly not at all what they expected when they went out. Especially, as a few people started filming the scene with their moronic iphones as we sat amazed, at the stupidity of humanity as a whole with this being a prime example,, when the phones appeared like the morons at concerts these days....  

         Once she ( the drunk guys wife ) had slammed ther bar door and everyone of the 15 peoiple that was in the bar were completely focused on the spectacle at hand.. He turned his attention to the guy and girl that wished they had left before  the wife,,,   "sooo, you and yr sabrespace b@ych, want to leave and go do what my wife is gonna do,,, i just gave her a guilt free excuse to S@#K that loser kids dick that cant even play hockey,,, et  etc,,,     then he mumbles... but still somehow loud... if your  onl;y knew you said you were king of all the boards, that you control the discussion and now you even steal the girlfriend of one your lame poster pals.. something , something,,... ohhh if they only knew arnold the eggman,,, they should call you the walrus,  and send you home in a coffin fur the manipulation you play for a piece of azs etc.. yeah eggsy, iof they only knew... and the rest went back to the usual... the guy called 911 on his wife, shouting, she was in on it with all the bankers and the cia (while giving the real address with a sick self satisfied way)..gan to repeat and we became less amused and we like everyone else just left and figured we could go back to the bar inside the gates at the airport,,, its funny though, now that i see the sabrespace stuff after lurking here for years, this seemed the place to relay this story... I'm sure he was just drunk but it always stuck with me ,, like the documentary that played fire on the mountain with scenes of the reichstag to the hindenburg to heavy water, with the hint that they really dropped the bombs on japan and not us and won the war , already owning the fed for thirty years  w the jeckyl island caper at some nichols' kids bahmitzva... im not sure why that popped un my addled brain but it felt just as real as that....   

  3. I read your opening posts and what happened after that I thought there where a few that where a bit rough on you. You personally may not have needed some defending, but it was a good thing to see for the forum as a community. Maybe for you it was more a case of not understanding forum tools, such as the underlining in this post (there is a U in the left corner of the tool bar and you seem to have  accidentally found it, or you're really messing with us).


    But a bit more constructive criticism was due in my opinion to help you use the forum tools, or you may think I'm just an azz for pointing out your mistake.


    Either way you seem to be able to handle it.

    underlining mine fuerer... i will see your point and obey or i will place myself in the ovens myself....   although if they had cooked the real zionists that set up the cooking class for future sympathy and protection from public scrutiny and accountability  but  i truly  digress away from my feeling about underlining and people yelling at me to make a point i wont hear on purpose even if the mysteries of life lay inside that boilded underlined monstrosity of well intended thought. 

  4. Randall Flagg, on 02 Jun 2015 - 7:24 PM, said:snapback.png

    One of the things that always intimidated me and still does is the fact that a lot of the regular posters are just really really smart, which is great because I have learned so much about the game since coming here, but means I x-out of a lot of pages before submitting a comment because I think it's probably stupid and laughable and providing nothing, which might be a feeling that a lot of those lurkers get.

    One thing that can be intimidating to noobs is that some of the posters that are really smart will make sure everybody knows it. Even if they aren't that smart. So it's not always about the intellectual level you speak of, it's also the condescending remarks that follow making a casual fan want to leave. 


    One thing I have noticed is most people here have an incredibly dry sense of humor. I love it, others might not catch it as quickly. 


    Oh,  and the post merging.........  No other forum I'm on has post merging when there is no issues with post ######. Noobs that show up might think they're still stuck in 2003. 

    dont mistake confidence and supposed facts for intelligence.. just the fact that you are self aware enough to doubt the validity of your pov makes you as enlightened as anyone that posts here or anywhere else... most percieved intelligence can be used as a subtil form of bullying much like the temptation that pretty girtls have to use their looks the furthur their self interest... etc etc ad nauseum..

  5. Threads seem to grow faster than I can keep up with. I'll start reading through some posts and sometimes I'll want to chime in on something, but then I realize it was posted a week ago and there's already 10 more pages of posts. Replying would be completely off topic by that point and it would just get ignored.


    I'll just stick to yelling GOAL! in game day threads.



    I'm generally just more interested in everyone else's opinions, I don't feel I have much to add. This isn't the only place I lurk.


    i relate most to this..... as i am entertained enough listening to the debate until occasionally i see  a valid pov being overlooked. by a homer attitude or pride which is the role of an outsider.. .. but rarely... i agree with most or i wouldnt lurk and arely post..

  6. You were neither of whom I was talking about and we welcome your enthusiasm.

    i know..  it fit a separate point so... her we are and being so inconsequential... there we go... but thanks



    then again i might add..



     obviously,, just like i wont take you expression about my enthusiasm as a condescending back handed dismissal akin to the southern expression of " bless your little heart', of which i might have thrown out a chuckle,  amused by how serious some people take themselves with a murrayism such as " lighten up francis" ... but of course you were only being polite and didnt see how it all fit and the above exchange would be unnecessary..  in essence, the irony leads right back to the theme of our current thread. in which all of this etiquette resides...

  7. 1) What if the guy is anemic? Is the dog ok?

    2) I like "Refined Asian"

    3) A Patriot never dies..

    . i dont believe % of iron matters but they will be printed at cern papers if it does in a very esoteric way ..

    Stream of semi-consciousness aside, I think we do a good job of welcoming folk. People that get it, get it. Those that don't, move on.


    I think it's funny that this was brought up not only by a guy who complains an awful lot about people complaining, to a guy that used to only drop by every six months to take shots at another poster, but at a time when we've actually seen a bunch of new members joining.


    I like hockey. It's fun. Doesn't get any deeper than that, even when it does.



    seriously? you were all very kind and welcoming to me but there is no controversy or discussion on that point...

    goodnight john boy

  8. Nobody gets it right 100% of the time. 100% tell the truth some of the time. Some tell the truth 99.9% of the time.


    We just have to watch the wiggle. It's not fun.

    i bet you get the truth from the "news" about key facts that affect your life about 15% of the time..   and that exactly how much time they give reporting about sports... its the only unscripted thing in all of our lives. on tv at least.

    1) What if the guy is anemic? Is the dog ok?

    2) I like "Refined Asian"

    3) A Patriot never dies.....

    yes the dog is always ok... yes, but they sholuld as well as anyone wearing sweater w a b on it. .. if we only got together and truly compared notes... waIT... i just got shot by a freedom of assembly dart... ill be sleeping now... its a good antidote but ... immm sleepy... and i suddenly feel quite patriotic, i just swallowed my own puke.. c ya yomorrow if this werks...

  9. Is the first part of this statement your opinion, or fact?


    can i be appointed to distinguish betwen fact lies and insanity.. I feel i have a very firm grip on this particular subject and my newly initiated wife that is really not to happy about her peak behind the curtain... Its ok if you dont hire me, but ....ill just  keep that out there if you like... I could look through every comment , like say google and just reorder it if it doesnt fit the discussion or the 'known and obvious facts".... my pleasure, really.... nooo trouble at all

  10. im a little nervous that you guys  will expose me as having a little mind despite the conicval appearance that is only sel.involved with only self gratifying remarks that will finally put a mirror up to my face , so that i can see what everybody else already knows. I am a a false poster even though i  have yearned to be  the 109th napolean . This time I will take control of all the mystery...... nevermind...., literally paid to wallow among the  fruit of my own m ######. I fear that i will finally be held by the scruff of my neck to be slammed repeatedly in my own ###### , urine and the collected feces of the 4 people that unfortunately were up at 4am in china burst inside my room,  to partake in the first man to be outed for my grandiose lack of kindness.


    but like so many in my tiny group that i see but never engage aside from eye contact and athe atm   ( until i borrow my friends laptop to purge a thing or two and hope he doesnt involve himself too much in this. WE both care for buffalo  and we both dont reside there. The title caught me as ripe for subversive admissions..


       in life, we are never outed free to hoodwink the innocent yet another day  and even though we both dont participate in the alphabet game  i imagine  this fake joke may have a lead baloon effect.. its not mine as heexclaimed with vertainty, just then he  looked down and saw a lit match was burning his toes as  he suddeenly knew the moment it was possible for st whatshisname.. to place it there.. pride always gets my dumb foolish ass again... ill keep typing as a cautionary tool for those retarded in their growth toward cosmic puberty ...   


    so that i may serve to insulate those that do such minor karnic interuption like lying to public thru a medium such as this and being paid for to steer a gullible hypnotised group mind that makes up tne consciouysness of rome part 2.  Peple that would not know  A FIRST HAND EXPERIENCE to distinguish from the flood of the telepone game of third person from a quantum dimension. Should I or the group of like minded inbdiduals that act as scenery to the backdrop of the few who actively participate in the the appearance of their own destiny.... cvough, cough... ... sorry my check from charlie christenaszwert (who is some local leiutenent secretary in the southeast us corporation) was just a month and a half late.   


           I am from a group call the servants of isaac. we  let anyone join as long as we do anything we tell them.. the last guy was supposed to take a sledge hammer to his dog because he was told thru a microwave messaging system that can analyze blood sweat or tears of any individual to get a low frequency sigmal trnslated the iron in or blood and the resonance chamber of each skuyll to creat a sinple repeated message during the hours that the sun isnt reflection anywhere . like the moon , and usurp an inner voice between 4  to a few minutes after sun up so that it is forgotten except from the subconcious... we are taught to resist all urges we have in order to join the club as the hand of 'tetrus' should stop anyone from doing any cruel act... we watch what happen in case the moral boundries of the applicant are different then the projection... we keep having to save everyones dog.


        Anyway, the most money that was paid per comment is 50 a piece for steering anyone away from dis liking tom brady and the pats  ( only example found on either of these boards) and 500 hundred fpr the final subversive contact as a freelance individual paid upon proof as a discussion ender   in goild and silver coins  and fake messaged on former silk road sites  but really  just face to face and laughing cash... pidgins ( thats a bit too much nuts).. The kreefts front company  ( i mention that becasue I never involved myself and switched to this site from my discussion as i never worked on sports sites, Krefts spe,  ( lets call it additive for kids adjusted  lifespans) always pays on time .  There are apparently five other brothers of mine. on two bills drive but none here... This is the one place i can go to forget about how twisted to fake world we inhabit is before i fly back to london  to scoop horse ###### off the streets in the city because it cerromonially pays well too... I appreciate highly intelligent and funny abuse and the excellent well informed discussion by all the interesting characters I encountered    here and occasionally at TBD asside from the trolls... LIke the going clear, maybe all those here and will out themselve since sports should be sacred as this may be only thing that happen where there is no fate or a predetermined outcome... Well hocket at least...


           by the way, I love getting abused here and my feeling toward buffaslo is completely true.. i have been addicted to buffalo sports longer than the refined asian, I find as no longer a viable solution or even a happy distraction..   go buffalo.....




        Anyway , yeah ... its a light bare bones, kind,  loving site that has always been quite nice to me.when i came to vent about seeing something strangely familiar at TBD ( a sports site no less). I found the above message left on my computer and i imagine  i must have not realized i wrote it.. Im too lazy to delete it... .my apologies. go sabres. 



     you dont abuse me much at all...you just completely ignore me, like the comments from the character 'window pane" from the zappa snl episode of freak mountain... , thats all...  its quite nice and polite.

  11. whats with all the optimism... lets have some fun with negativity...  like last year


    ahhh the good ole days..


    eichel wont play dump and chase, takes crosby's advice and returns to bu..


    ryan oreilly is traded to sabres for zads  and 2016 first rounder ending the dream of a third tank.. he slips on down the steps of his porch after a freak ice storm and is out with a broken femur, reigniting talk in colorado of a lottery pick selection as two russian twins suddenly become vituoso talents out of the blue ..


    kane has a meltdown and beats little ennis within an inch of his life ( after playing well it is determined he was possessed by an entity let loose from a neutrino experiment that had a score to settle with tylers when in egypt in the early 1900s)....  gets suspended indefinitely..


    samson skates hard and gets time with sabres  the third line as winger to grigs after kane debacle as sabres climb out of 30th



    team starts to turn the corner as young guys gel and start scoring as the team wins three in a row in november..




    pegula gets sued as government collapses and fracking becomes a politiical rallying point.. once media control is recognized  abolished, families come after terry but luckily he sold all interests to the twisted kraft family as they become first of many families lynched by the public as wage control and food additives trump the families of fracking disasters..  the patriots are sold to rogers in toronto and stay in the afc east... terry gives team to all season ticket holders in individual shares as all billionaires become scapegoats and hunted like french aristocracy..



    as the fervor dies down the team seems to click as cody hodgson  finds his touch with all star zemgus just days after fans drag him from his car after not scoring for the first 39 games and duct tape him to the mckinley monument..


    team is now 15 points out of 8th...


    then suddenly the players and many public figures  retire for this season and people forget about hockey as travel throughout ..... it goes blank here



    the rest is foggy as my animatronic eggar cayce doll is out of batteries.. you guys are probably right on with your predictions... i probably should have paid for the real edgar version instead of settling for the half thrones knock off...  we still have 120 or so more days to be right or completely insane creating written self fulfilling prophesies that may just cancel each other out..   or not..




    i do love the enthusiasm after last year... but the range of prediction was tempting to roll out the dire eggar.

  12. hey new sabres family... thanks for the sanity of barbed but fair discussion with no trolls... you guys were great.. In the spirit of blows against the empire, there is a thread i started at tbd to suggest ways to have the teams back by shaming the patriots for cheating since 200 and making them hate playing in buffalo etc.. in turn you get to out all the weird trolls that inhabit the cave on tbd because they wont like proof of the pats cheating along with a plan to chase them from buffalo with torches and pitchforks etc.., so Kraft whines for division realignment,  its called  "Hey Bills fans.........", thanks.


        shake it up now suragee...

  13. I'm in the sign Lucic to a reasonable contract camp.  If nothing else it's basic math: addition (Buffalo) and subtraction (Boston).  Buffalo will be a bit tougher and Boston will be a bit softer.  If he wants outrageous money, then pass.



    oh ye young and enthusiastical n shart , logically this seems correct... but spiritually its a nightmare... this prick is responsible foe exposing the weak heart and character of a once great organization as the talented but lacking in any concept of a honest reality picks, of darcy the weak and shifty,  were exposed because lucic, the vile,  was not killed by a group that cared and put out of his misery after taking his frustration out on a little guy... lets not remind the faithful of the fact lucic is a cheap talentless bully everyday by actually paying a bully to be more than the ahl star that he is...  id rather invite him  here and tie him up and throw him in the dungeon at the old aud and let schoenfeld beat him up daily as his city mattress workout than what the poster suggests... this thread is as bad as wanting limp marcia brady to be our quarterback on the sister site and then cheating since that is the only way he was successful... Don't reward horrible character!!

  14. While it may seem unlikely, there is a possibility of him playing another year, especially now that BU lost the title game.  When asked about it last night, Eichel, while clearly not tipping his hand, articulated the advantages to staying in school and furthering his development.   


    Question, does this have any impact on drafting him, assuming the 80% probability comes to pass and the Sabres draft second?


    it would probably stagnate his development but the panic that happened after the oconnor thing certainly showed his age.

  15. Looks to me like the Islanders pick will be 22nd overall (ugghhhh). For the Sabres to get a better pick one or more of Washington, Minnesota, Detroit, Ottawa, Winnipeg, Pittsburgh or Calgary will have to make it to the Confernece Finals.


    If 4 teams below them make it to the Conference finals the Sabres will get the 18th pick. 


    Im placing my bets on the pick being traded this summer.

    i hope not if its deeper than 2003

  16. I don't know what else to call it. There seem to be guys that have an inordinate number of bizarre soft goals or incredible brain cramps with stretches (sometimes long stretches) of great play in between.  Miller had a bit of this in him, not to the degree that O'Conner displayed tonight but frequently enough that we started talking about Ryan Miller shutouts when he'd give up a badish 3rd period goal to blow the SO. It just plants that seed of doubt in your mind that's hard to shake once it's there.

    first period ryan miller... you might be onto the new corsi

    first period ryan miller... you might be onto the new corsi, the ckoke/insanity quotient


    im an idiot posting like oconnor and quoted myself ...  ryan did do it in the third as you said, as well.. i was lazy and didnt finish reading the entire post, although if miller was weird that way.. oconnor is weird without the upside..

    surely you can't be serious ? ;)

    well, exxxxcuuuuuuse meeeeee... it feels like a spy vs spy episode but im game and i did try to be imaginitive without football metaphors or spellcheck and look where we are..

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