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Posts posted by Ottosmagic13

  1. Both Neuvirth and Anderson look shaky this game


    Neuvirth giving up poor rebounds and that post hit moments ago; Anderson with the flubbed pass and sluggish play in general


    EDIT: the announcers keep praising him/the team for seeing shots but if he's got such a clear look he should be absorbing or deflecting to corners not putting 10-15 foot rebounds back into the slot

  2. Dont know if this is just certain beers, or there's a specific beer topic I have to stick to but...


    Heineken fresh from Dam is absolutely beautiful.


    Most beers are delicious when fresh from the origin... I have a weakness for Straub from St. Mary's, going to school a few hours away made it a delicious weekend trip.

  3. I hate the trapezoid I think it is the one of the most ridiculous arbitrary rules in the book. If you want goalies to think twice about playing the puck make them fair game for forwards if they are behind the goal line...



    The rule relating to "Tripping" will be revised to specifically provide that a two minute minor penalty will be assessed when a defending player "dives" and trips an attacking player with his body/arm/shoulder, regardless of whether the defending player is able to make initial contact with the puck.


    Ugh, why? If it was a clean poke check, that is puck contact before any contact with opposing player, then it was a good play. What's next, if you check a player and dispossess him as a result -- 2 minutes for interference?

  4. This is my last (F'N Fantastic) Friday before I start my new teaching position. Normally I dread the end of summer but this time I'm looking forward to it so much I don't even mind. Teachers on the 2nd, kids on the 3rd.


    Co-teaching a combination of 7th & 8th grade science as the Special Education Consult and 9th grade SpEd English as the primary teacher. First time teaching science so I'm super pumped.

  5. My first week as an adjunct prof at RIT is over! Class one was an exercise in my worst fears. Sweated through my clothes, was met with deathly silence and blank stares, kids were way behind where I thought they would be as a starting point, stammered, shook, talked too quickly, generally felt like crawling into a hole and dying. My students began asking age related questions... Some of them are barely a year younger than myself. Came home and drank a Scotch Ale and shuddered, questioned my life choices and tried not to cry a lot.


    Class two, complete opposite. Worked one on one with everyone, was able to relax and get some laughs at terrible jokes, and generally opened it up into the kind of class I remember enjoying as a student. I'm feeling SO much better about it now.

    I've never taught a class per say, but I have given lectures at high schools regarding career day, engineering, etc. My first time was nerve racking. It just gets easier.


    Glad that everything worked out! Best of luck the remainder of the semester!! :thumbsup:


    I remember my first day of teaching, my first class was a co-taught Integrated (Special Education Classified and General Education students in the same class) 9th grade English class and it was hectic to say the least. Some of the kids in the class had never been in a non-self-contained classroom and all the students had just come to the High School (8th grade being middle schoolers). It was a experimental classroom for the district, and man, no amount of education coursework or pre-year course prep could have gotten my nerves (and resulting sweats) under control. Being the first time (unlike student teaching) that someone else that was counting on my experience and knowledge was a huge system shock. The gen Ed. ELA teacher that I was working with was an excellent teacher but had zero knowledge of Special Education and everything that goes into it.


    I probably would have died except I had a planning period after that first class and I got to breath and unwind before my next class: a much smaller (4 students) Academic Intervention Service (AIS) ELA skills/material reinforcement class. Luckily I got through the first couple of weeks and it ended up being a great experience.


    I'm starting at a new school next week co-teaching a combination of 7th & 8th grade science and 9th grade English as the Special Education consult and I'm pretty stoked. I'm sure as soon as the morning of the 3rd comes I'll be sweating and nervous but it couldn't compare to that first class. So many firsts wrapped up in that one class (for me and the district to boot).


    Hope the semester keeps getting better for you Josie!

  6. 1. Zemgus - Together with Ennis he made games exciting last year in the middle of a crappy season. I think if he makes that jump his effort and attitude will lead the team and open the door for a hard working, talented, cup winning team in a year or two.


    2. Goalies - Manly because from the time I can remember, buffalo has been a haven for goal-tending greats. The first games I went to I went in part to watch Hasek and the Miller era kept up the standard. Watching the US Team tended (if in part) by a Sabres goalie was exciting. I'd like to see Neuvirth in particular grow into his own (sorry Enroth i'll wait for Ulmark too).


    3. Deslauriers - I want to the new core that we are developing become something. I want the 7-12 forwards made up of guys that surprised us in their output and would be playing in higher spots on other teams. I would love a pool of players out of Rochester that can light a fire under the NHL guys, knowing that there is a up and coming youngster that is able and willing to take your spot will drive home that hard work and consistant talent attitude that I believe is going to be the key of the *new* sabres

  7. We used to have road beers in college. Mind you we weren't driving or anything like that but instead walking to the bars or an off campus house from our fraternity house.


    One kind soul even put out a "bottle bin" because they thought they would capitalize on the 100's of students walking to the bars each night and reduce the litter. 100 people with two bottles each adds up. Granted they had to illegally return them in OH or NY seeing as PA doesn't have redemption.


    In a few more years Myers is really have to grow into his own or he'll be the most mediocre player that people had high hopes for in Sabres history.

  8. Players with goals last season: 27

    Players with less GP than Leino (that scored a goal): 15

    Source: http://sabres.nhl.com/club/stats.htm

    Players that cost more: 3!?!

    Source: http://www.capgeek.com/sabres/archive/

    What we got in return for players that cost more:

    Tyler Myers - Still a Sabre

    Pomminstein - Matt Hackett and forward Johan Larsson, as well as a 2013 first-round pick and 2014 second-round pick (we also gave a 4th)

    Miller - Michal Neuvirth and defenseman Rostislav Klesla (Halak's return), forward Chris Stewart, prospect William Carrier, a 2015 first-round pick and a conditional 2016 third-round pick

    Leino - BUYOUT


    My vote Leino


    edit: Pomminstein, HA!

  9. Trying to find a 7-12 ELA or SpEd job in the greater Rochester area. I just learned that the position I interviewed for had +600 applicants. No seriously what the hell is that...


    Looks like I might be going back to school to get a third certification. Hopefully I have enough credits to qualify for the Gen. Science cert exam or i'll be adding night classes.

  10. GP/G/A/Pts/PIM/aTOI





    The top line is Zemgus's first NHL season when he was 20 and on the worst team in the NHL

    The second line is Pavel Datsyuk's first NHL season when he was 24 and on the best team in the NHL


    He probably will not become a 90-point HoF defensive centerman, but he very well could become a 60-point Selke guy. Pretty solid guy for what essentially cost us Goose and a mid-round 2nd. This is the player I am most excited to see grow this season.


    I had never seen the stats laid out like that, I don't expect a Pavel Datsyuk like career out of Zemgus but it brings my hopes up that he can be a solid part of the team and bring his attitude and drive to the younger guys for years once he's done developing. I'd totally take a 60 point player.


    No leino, No leino, No whammy STOP :P

  11. Just an update on the single beers at Trader Joes, all of them are very good, excepting the chocolate. My wife likes the chocolate, but I put my foot down when it comes to flavored beers.


    I think some flavored beers are quite good provided that they have been brewed right and the flavor isn't overpowering. Some blackberry witbiers are delicious, for example; the problem is when they approach "malt beverage" levels of flavored beers. The BIG beer companies that simply flavor their light lager is not the right way but adding an ingredient at the end of the boil to add a lingering quality of the flavoring can turn out delicious.

  12. $12 million total across the two years (per twatter).


    Does that first syllable sound like hat or ought?


    can we get an autocorrect on this?


    I believe it is Leafs due to it being a proper noun; lets just be happy they didn't pick the moose because I don't even want to have the moose, meese, mooses discussion

  13. Just got the first taste of my Citrus Weizen that I brewed early June. Got the recipe off a brewers forum and its my second or third time brewing without a recipe kit and defiantly the first with any sort of fruit additive (in this case a load of zest at the end of the boil).


    I want to rig up a Lagering system but the wife might kill me if I spend any more money on my hobbies before getting tenure somewhere.

  14. Things that are awesome #174356


    Watching a thread derail


    Things that are awesome #174357


    Having my Citrus Weizen come out excellent. Got the recipe off a brewers forum and ordered the stuff, only second or third time not going from a recipe kit :-)

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