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Posts posted by mjd1001

  1. I'd look for the Sabres to sign a few guys who might command 3-4 million per year to 3.5 to 4.5 million per year deals. They will look for mid-level guys like that who have some talent, but character over talent, and who they can get on 3-4 year deals at the most. I'm not sure it is going to happen, but throwing 3-4 years at 4 million per yer at Ott might be something to think of.


    Maybe try to get 2-3 of those type guys.


    Then fill out the roster with lower ranking vets, not quite scrap heap guys but maybe just above (no more than 2 million per year, no more than 2 years) who are good character guys with a little less talent.


    That will get you to the floor with still a lot of room to make future moves and re-sign younger guys over the next couple of years if/when needed.

  2. 1. You have the once in a generation guys (like Lemeiux, Crosby, Lindros, and it appears McDavid.)


    2. Below them you have the almost-as-good-but-not-quite generational guys (like McKinnon, Tavares, P.Turgeon, Ovechkin, etc)


    3. Below them you have most other first overall picks.


    4. And finally, you have a draft every now and then where the first overall pick would normally slot-in around 3rd-5th in most other drafts.


    I guess I'm wondering what category of a player/prospect the Sabres are getting this year?

  3. Now the question I have is this....with this year's draft supposedly being one that isn't all that good, where to the top guys rank compared to other drafts. For example, if Renihardt and Bennet were in the 2013 draft, were would they slot in? 3rd? 5th? 10th?


    Of all the articles I read, and all the interviews I have heard on the topic, that is the one opinion I have not heard from an 'expert' yet.

  4. I urge all the fans at the game to start raining garbage down on the players and especially Pegula.


    I wouldn't go that far. it seems to me that most fans want the Sabres to go with this rebuild, and are going to be happy with the high pick this year and probably next. That DOESN'T happen unless you get a team like the Sabres have now.


    If the team wasn't bad enough, you would not get those picks.

  5. ONE HUNDRED PERCENT ABSOLUTELY AGREE. He's the next Crosby - look at what he's done for Pittsburgh. You have to have at least one player of that caliber to have a legitimate shot at the Cup.


    I'm not here to bash Crosby (he is a great player) but either he isn't as great as everyone thinks, or the NHL has changed in the cap Era where you need a more balanced team. The Penguins are good every year, but you don't need Crosby for that. When he has been hurt, they have played almost as well (winning percentage). Even with him, and Malkin (a league MVP type player), and a few other top 5 picks, they still only have one Cup....needed 7 games for that...and needed a few calls to go their way in the conference finals game 7 that year to even get there.


    If the Sabres get McDavid, that is good, but getting him in todays NHL doesn't guarantee Cups....and not getting him doesn't mean you won't get cups. This team may be as good in the future, with just as much success....if they don't get him...but get 2 top 5 picks this year and one top 5 next year that isn't him. With that said, I REALLY want the team to get a top 2 pick next year.

  6. Obviously, the best place to draft is as high as you can be, but I did a little 10 minute exercise looking at all drafts in since the year 2000 and how many players have become "all stars". I didn't include the 2013 draft simply because those players haven't had a chance of becoming an all star yet. My numbers are pretty close, I used 30 draft picks per round (I'm sure there was a year or two in there where they may have been an additional pick or one less pick, but I didn't go that far into it. Anyway, this is what I came up with.


    (Also, draft picks and who became an all star courtesy of the wikipedia page of the NHL drafts for each year)


    Top 5 pick: 38.5% of them have been an all-star at least one time. (slightly better than 1 out of 3 chance)


    Pick 5-10: 13.8% (about a 1 in 7 chance)


    Rest of first round: 6.2% (about a 1 in 16 chance)


    Second round: 2.8% (about a 1 in 36 chance)


    Third round: 1.0% (1 in 100 chance)


    Rest of draft: 0.6% (about 1 in 170 chance)


    Take from it what you will. Some 'all stars' are not players you might think highly of (Cam Ward was a one time all star I think) and there are other players never good enough to be an all star, but can be very valuable for a long time. I just thought the numbers above were interesting.

  7. okay, I have to say that I am at Defcon 2 with this organization right now. We haven't reached full nuke but something is off. I still really like Murray and I am glad Patrick and Nolan are still with the team. That being said something isn't or wasn't right. Maybe PLF was a bit of an EGO guy and maybe it was just he wanted to leave. Hell could be anything at this point but my spidey senses are tingling... the next three days are very important to me.


    It will take a lot more to get me to that level with the organization. I hope Nolan stays, not because I think he is great but because I like him. He might be great, he might not be...I don't know, but I like him.


    The rest of the stuff? As long as this doesn't go on and on for the next 2 years...every 3 months....I'm OK. with it. The team is losing, but I LIKE watching young players. I think it is kinda fun watching a team of young guys and veteran "misfits" who aren't expected to win...seeing their reaction when do do win. Yes, I'll actually ENJOY rooting for this vast underdog on players even if they only win 20-30 games the next couple of years. As long as they show signs of progress year after year. The front office part is fun to talk about, but I can't thin it is that much part of the bigger picture.

  8. So I'll ask again


    How do you feel about the Miller/Ott/PLF trade for draft picks?


    The Sabres put the dys in dysfunctional. Even the Bills are laughing tonight.


    Everyone on here just assumed Ryan was gone. Well apparently not everyone in the headshed felt that way.


    I still love the trade. I don't think Miller was going to re-sign no matter what, so its a pretty good haul for something you weren't likely to have much longer anyway (IMO, at least)

  9. The further fallout will be interesting and may tell us a lot. If Patrick stays or goes...an announcement about Nolan soon, even any further trades, at least will lead us to speculate on things. I gotto go watch some hockey for a while and get my mind of the Sabres. Dammit Time Warner, can we get Hockey Night in Canada in High Def already????

  10. I thought they were in the process of removing the interim tag and giving Nolan an extension.


    I heard Murray's entire interview on 590 from Toronto yesterday. When they asked him about Nolan, he said something to the effect of an extension was in the works, negotiations are ongoing. He said it just isn't up to him if Nolan stays, that Nolan has his say in the ammount of contract $ negotiated. When they asked him about Nolan being a good coach for young players, Murray right away defended Nolan and said it isn't just his job, it is the entire organizations job and that Nolan would do a good job as a coach with young players.


    Not the exact quotes, but I came away form the Interview that there was going to be something pending with an Extension for Nolan, just not until the details were finalized.

  11. Patty came in, did what was asked of him and is going back to his less stressful nhl job.

    Clearly Patty is not suited for these executive roles cuz he's jumped ship twice now.

    The team has a gm that has some stones and will do what's best for the team.

    Lafontaine, great guy, hockey player. Terrible nhl team exec.

    Much ado about nothing IMO.


    I agree with you on all of this, but I still would hope Ted Nolan would stay. I'm not sure if he is the best coach, but I'm also not sure he isn't, and I like the guy. In a perfect world, I want the Sabres to get younger and get top picks AND have a coach I like.

  12. Kypreos saying LaFontaine is out. Seriously, someone tell us what the heck is going on.


    I know people may not want to report 'speculation' but just watched the local news, NOTHING mentioned, not even a word that there is a 'developing story'. As someone else mentioned, I turned on WGR a few minutes ago and it was a national show talking about the NFL. I know twitter has its place, but how about something on traditional media?


    Sabres just announced Lafontaine resigns, back to his old job with NHL.


    Thist must have been in the works for a few days.

  13. I really wouldn't want Tavares (Ok, I would want him, but not at the expense of a full rebuild) I'd rather take my chances with a few more years and seeing guys be original Sabres....no Tavares, No other high priced free agents.


    It may not work well (see Edmonton) but to me it'll be more fun starting from 'scratch' and seeing the kids grow.

  14. If fighting goes away, I'm OK with it. I find a goal filled game more enjoyable than a fight filled game....and after watching a goal filled game, I never walk away saying "that would have been evern BETTER with some fights." As far as how you get rid of it? Well, the NFL does pretty well by making penalties VERY harsh if there are fights. If you get rid of fighting totally, the league (and players) will eventually find a way to even things out. Don't get me wrong, when there is a fight I watch it and don't turn away or change the channel, just that I'd be totally ok with Hockey without them.


    I'm more worried about watching an NHL where goals per game continue to drop than I am about the number of fights dropping.

  15. Once again, I'm not for Callahan. If you think/want the Sabres to be serious contenders starting in 2-3 years (who knows, it may be longer), that will put him on the downside of his career (especially with his injury history). I'd rather spend the money on locking up the players on your roster that you want around for sure (all under 26 years old though) and, depending on how the system works, overpaying for extensions on players you trade for or give offers sheets to for anyone under 26 year old only.


    I guess my theme is, if you have to spend to get to the floor, ONLY on players 26 or younger.

  16. So many topics here I have read and not responed to yet, so here goes:


    I'm all for trading miller, Kinda behind trading anyone else on this roster over 25 years of age.


    Give me the total rebuild and I mean TOTAL. If my team is not the favorite to win the cup, then I am just as happy with a bad team but that has a lot to look forward to.


    To me, exceeding expectations is fun. I honestly have more fun seeing a team that is 'supposed' to get 65 points acheive and reach 75 points...than I would seeing a team that is 'supposed to get 100 points' actually get 95. Winning the cup is the ultimate goal, but I tend to enjoy the supposed ride there just as much. I have never been in favor of signing any big name free agents unless you are already just one or two steps away from the cup.


    I also WANT to see Ryan Miller with a very good team around him. If he was traded to St. Louis, or Washington, or any other team that is likely to be in the playoffs this year, will I root for him? I sure would.


    I really don't want Callahan now, unless he was an absurd bargain. I like him, but I don't think he fits on this team. He fits/belongs better on a team that is a definite playoff team....the Sabres of maybe 2015-2016 maybe.


    With the Sabres playing they way they are this year, I WANT to see him traded so I can still watch the Sabres (like I do just about every game) and have a reason to watch and follow and root for another team (whoever he gets traded to.) The day he is traded this hockey season becomes a lot more interesting to me, and I become 5 times more invested in watching the playoffs.

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