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I am Defecting

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Posts posted by I am Defecting

  1. Yuri: seek help.


    All's well in my head, 716. It is actually my fingers at fault for doing the typing. They have a mind of their own sometimes. They consider this a safe place, where they can act out their little fantasies in concert. Get the 10 of them together, and it's like the monkeys are ruining the asylum.


    It's actually my own fault for not keeping them on shorter leashes. I'll have a stern word with them, and let them know that their silly outbursts will no longer be tolerated. :( Time to reign it in, boys, or it's back to the circus with you! :angry:


    There! I think that settled them.


    So, I figure the Sabres are out of playoff contention this year, but can still make a respectable showing. Next year, I think they might be looking at a 7 or 8 seed. I'm hoping Nolan stays on with a new GM.

  2. Sig worthy :worthy:


    Thanks dudacek! I wasn't sure if the donkey metaphor had any legs. Pronto, Burro! Onwards! Hyah! Hyah!


    When is the parade?


    Burro ensured me we'd make it in three years, but that was two years ago. At this rate, I'm not sure that I can trust him to get me there in seven. Get up, now, Burro! Get! Get!


    I've got a cell phone, with a solar charger, so I've been trying to schedule the necessary meetings, and make the necessary arrangements, en-route. Needless to say, Donkey has not been entirely cooperative. His latest misbehavior is sit down on his haunches, forcing me to dismount, refusing to move forward. And he just keeps repeating the odd mantra: "There's no emperor, Yuri, no emperor, Yuri, nope, nope, no emperor, Yuri." My burro's gone mental!


    It's the Empire State, donkey!!, George freaking Washington coined that, and he had a proper horse!! If you don't want this hatchet buried in your backside, you better Get! Get!! Hyah! Hyah!!


    "I'm a people's burro, Yuri, ask anyone I've worked with, burro of the people, people's burro..." "There's no emperor, Yuri, no emperor.."





  3. It's been an absolute pleasure reading through your posts from today, Ghost. It's been one of those days, where I couldn't post, but was thinking about the place, and I shouldn't single you out, because there were many awesome posts and it would be boring without so many different personalities on here.


    To clarify, Mr. Amerk, the hatchet's not being buried until all of my demands are met. I still wield the hatchet, of course, for I must give the impression that I'm entitled to some sort of negotiation with Mr. Pegula, otherwise, I wouldn't have any leverage when I ask him to reimburse me for motivating him. The hatchet is the stick, and the carrot is the Stanley Cup. Terry is the donkey, and I am riding him towards Delaware Avenue for the Parade.

  4. Back on course, though, I think that there were a number of legitimate concerns about the direction that the franchise was going. The owner seemed out of touch or distracted, but I'm hoping that today marks the actual opening of the Pegula Era, though I still have my stated concerns, which could be easily ameliorated. I'm just saying, that it's within my sights to forgive the owner for perceived faults if things go in the right direction.

  5. There are some very respectable posters on this board who have grievances against the current owner. I was wondering what it would take for said posters to "bury the hatchet," so to speak, and treat this day like a new dawn.


    For me, this gesture would necessitate Mr. Pegula putting full faith in Mr. Lafontaine to manage the hockey department for 3 years, in effect, becoming a yes-man to Lafontaine for a while, while he learns the ropes.


    It would also include a spoken denunciation of the term 'hockey heaven.' That sort of moniker comes after the fact. Call it Hockey Haven, or something less blasphemous, till we get our third, at least.


    It would also include a reportable and complete withdrawal from all natural gas related activities, so that he can focus entirely on this new epoch in his life, as family man and owner of the Buffalo Sabres. This is New York State, after all, and the politics of fracking are a complete distraction from the ultimate goal, of winning a Stanley Cup.


    That's about all I can think of. How about you?

  6. On second thought, thank you Terry for firing Darcy and Rolston. It's not an easy job to fire someone, but you did it, and deserve credit for hiring replacements. If I was willing to give the owner emperor status then, I should give credit where credit might be due. We'll see...


    Stay out of energy politics, please. Thank you.

  7. I can't help but look at Nolan and recall my teenage years when he was coach. The hardest working team in hockey stuff isn't a myth. Those teams were super-scrappy. It was always a minor miracle when they scored a goal, and Hasek was always making miraculous saves. Hasek didn't improve when he left, though, neither did any of the other players. Nolan, even more-so than Ruff, got the most out of marginal players, and I believe he has the ability to untap the true potential in players.


    If you're wondering why he didn't get a job after leaving the Sabres, that was just the Indian Outlaw style back then...


  8. There's nothing new to say. Sorry I'm late to the party.


    Thank you Lafontaine for accepting the job. Thank you Patty for bringing back Nolan. The fanbase is happy to have you back.


    Considering the circumstances, Pegula did as well as any fan could do, and that isn't half bad. Lafontaine brings us a lot more knowledge, and Nolan brings us a lot more emotion, both things the franchise needed.


    I absolutely love both hirees as men, and though my initial reaction was that the choices were a bit dumb, from the rational point of view, sports are different, and I sort of expect this to be positive, and definitely interesting.

  9. Great news! The Sabres are currently on pace to break the 74-75 Capitals longstanding record of lowest winning percentage in an NHL season - .131.


    The current Sabres record is good for a winning percentage of .125.


    It's going to take an incredible 12 game losing streak to catch up to the 71' Buffalo Bills jawdropping feat of 1 win per 14 games played, but I think they have it in them. Come on Sabres! .071 is the benchmark. We've seen worse!


    Zero home wins in 9 played is quite an achievement in and of itself. Just 5 more home losses and they'll have themselves tied for another incredible record: most consecutive home losses in NHL history (14).


    They just need to trade Ryan "Record Wrecker" Miller NOW to be certain of the accomplishment. Go Sabres! You can do it! Get 'er done Darcy!

  10. The real question is, what would it take for this team to be the worst team in Buffalo Sports History? The current benchmark is the 1971 Buffalo Bills. They finished last in defense and last in offense. Their 1-13 record was good for a winning percentage of .071.


    The current Sabres record is good for a winning percentage of .13. They've got a lot of work to do in order to make Buffalo Sports history. Over an 82 game season, they'd have to accumulate less than 6 wins. I think they can do it without Miller on this team. :flirt:

  11. Darcy couldn't be fired, because there's nobody willing to replace him. Ruff couldn't be fired, because there was nobody willing and capable to replace him. Now, if "Nobody" comes out of the woodwork, saying he's a willing and able replacement for GM or Coach, I'll be proven wrong. If Rolston proves to be anything other than a "Nobody," I'm proven wrong. Darcy and Rolston are "made men," under TPegs though, so it's complicated. The best thing that Darcy can hope to do is to tank the season and get fired. Same for Rolston. I hope the best for them, personally.

  12. Walt's initial justification for cooking meth and selling it was to provide for his family. Teaching, and working at the car wash weren't paying enough, or providing him any fulfillment, and may have even made him sick. In a better world, teaching would be enough for Walt, but there is a character flaw at work, be it ambition, or pride, or boredom that leads him into a life of crime. He can cook a mean batch of meth. He identifies himself as a good chemist. I don't think that he ever identified himself as a good teacher, or a good car washer. His self-worth is tied up in the fact that only Walt, Heisenburg, can make the blue stuff, because his chemistry is so good. Chemistry is Good. Good Chemistry is God for Walt. Good Chemistry is what makes Walt heroic, in the same way that good checking makes Kaleta heroic.

  13. Does anyone have an opinion on EPL on NBC, rather than Fox? I didn't feel the need to watch, because I just knew ManUnited would win easily, because that's what I expect from them every game. Rooney asked for better talent on the team, or players with more ambition. They go out and get Van Persie, who finishes top scorer in the Prem. Time to step it up, Rooney. There is a lot of competition for places on the bench. I've seen Owen, Larsson, and Van Nistelrooy sit there too. I would like to see Rooney play for Arsenal, rather than sit on the bench at Manchester United.

  14. We're in the Same Boat Brother

    By Huddie “LeadBelly” Ledbetter




    If you can't understand the dialect, message follows:



    We’re in the same boat brother,


    We’re in the same boat brother,


    And if you shake one end,


    You gonna rock the other


    It’s the same boat brother


    The Lord looked down from his holy place


    Said Lawd duh me, what a sea of space


    What a spot to launch the Human Race



    So he built him a Boat, for a mixed-up crew,


    With eyes of Black, and Brown, and Blue.


    So that’s how’s come, that You and I


    Got just one world, and just one sky.


    We’re in the same boat brother,


    We’re in the same boat brother,


    And if you shake one end,


    You gonna rock the other


    It’s the same boat brother



    So the Boat rolled on


    Through storm and grief,


    Hit many a rock and many a reef,


    What keep them going was a great belief.


    That the human race was a special freight


    So they had to learn to navigate.


    If they didn’t want to be in Jonah’s shoes,


    Better be mated on this here cruise.




    We’re in the same boat brother,


    We’re in the same boat brother,


    And if you shake one end,


    You gonna rock the other


    It’s the same boat brother




    So the boiler blew, somewhere in Spain,


    All the kettle was smashed and 40 cranes.


    Steam boat out from the Oregon Main.


    Oh, it took some time for the crew to learn


    What is bad for the bow ain’t good for the stern.


    If a fire took place in China today


    Pearl Harbor just gonna blaze away.




    We’re in the same boat brother,


    We’re in the same boat brother,


    And if you shake one end,


    You gonna rock the other


    It’s the same boat brother.

  15. I haven't had a chance to post since the Barcelona-Milan first leg at the San Siro. It was the most interesting game of the season, for me, so far. To sum it up, it was like Barcelona were playing checkers in attack. The refereeing was remarkable - the best I've ever seen, quite honestly. There was very little diving, after Busquets was carded early for play-acting. But by checkers, I mean that Barcelona had 5 players in central midfield at a time: Fabregas, Busquets, Xavi, Iniesta, and Messi. It was tiki-taka gone mad, but they had very little of the ball inside 30 yards of the Milan goal, and rarely passed the ball farther than 10 yards. Barca tried to force everything through the middle, and Milan were happy to wait patiently for the inevitable forced ball to Messi, which they cut out neatly, and hoofed the ball away leaving plenty of energy and time to prepare for another intricate, patient, but ultimately toothless Barca buildup. Anyways, 2-0, Milan.


    Also, Bale continues to pour it on, I see.

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